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  • Thread Starter Karastel


    oh, that sounds sad ??

    I have 4 languages, so I have to duplicate the price 4 times.

    thanks for your reply

    Thread Starter Karastel


    I received 2 letters from you. Answered both. In the answer received nothing.

    Thread Starter Karastel


    Did you receive my letters? I am afraid that your defense can not miss them, or I got into spam))

    Thread Starter Karastel


    I can’t see you site, because: “Forbidden – Users from your country are not permitted to browse this site.”
    So write to my email: k a r a s t e l ((at))

    Thread Starter Karastel


    You wrote “And attachment_category displays only for current language versions” – are you using the Development Version I uploaded on 22 April?

    Now — Yes. But before the upgrade, with the above-described method, the problem disappeared.

    I am not quite sure what you mean by “if I update parameters photographs (for example, change the title), the language categories synchronized (but only for this photo).”, but I have not yet made any changes for term synchronization.

    For example:
    There is a photograph attached to Russian categories “Транспорт / Воздушный“. But this photo is not attached to the corresponding English categories (because I attached a photo to the Russian categories before to create the appropriate English).
    Then I created the English categories “Transport / Air” and linked it with the Russian category “Транспорт / Воздушный”, using WPML plugin.
    Then I opened the photo & clicked “update”. The photo is automatically attached to English categories “Transport / Air.”

    Thread Starter Karastel


    My friend helped me with customization.
    I did not want to write in this thread so far, before all do not work the way I wanted.
    But once you have the new version, I’ll write what has been accomplished:

    • we went back to the conclusion of categories through a file taxonomy.php
    • I put you code with class walker in function.php:
     * Class MNA_Pad_Counts_Walker adds accurate, padded attachment counts to taxonomy terms.
     * Class Walker is defined in /wp-includes/class-wp-walker.php
     * Class Walker_Category is defined in /wp-includes/category-template.php
    class MNA_Pad_Counts_Walker extends Walker_Category {
         * MLA Terms
         * @var array
        public $mla_terms = array();
         * Constructor - set the MLA Terms.
         * @param string Taxonomy name/slug.
        function __construct( $taxonomy ) {
            $attr = array (
                'taxonomy' => $taxonomy,
                'pad_counts' => 'true',
            $terms = MLAShortcodes::mla_get_terms( $attr );
            unset( $terms['found_rows'] );
            foreach ( $terms as $term ) {
                $this->mla_terms[ $term->term_taxonomy_id ] = $term->count;
         * Start the element output.
         * @see Walker::start_el()
         * @param string Passed by reference. Used to append additional content.
         * @param object Taxonomy data object.
         * @param int    Depth of category in reference to parents. Default 0.
         * @param array  An array of arguments. @see wp_list_categories()
         * @param int    ID of the current category.
        function start_el( &$output, $taxonomy_object, $depth = 0, $args = array(), $id = 0 ) {
            if ( isset( $this->mla_terms[ $taxonomy_object->term_taxonomy_id ] ) ) {
                $taxonomy_object->count = $this->mla_terms[ $taxonomy_object->term_taxonomy_id ];
            parent::start_el( $output, $taxonomy_object, $depth, $args, $id );
    }// Class MNA_Pad_Counts_Walker
    • I put this function in function.php:
      function mla_ul_li_function() {
      wp_list_categories( array(
       'taxonomy'     		=> 'attachment_category',
       'hierarchical'  		=> 1,
       'hide_empty'    		=> 1,
       'pad_counts'    		=> 1,
       'show_count'    		=> 1,
       'title_li'      		=> '',
       'use_desc_for_title'	=> 1,
       'walker'        => new MNA_Pad_Counts_Walker( 'attachment_category'),
      ) );
      add_shortcode( 'mla_ul_li', 'mla_ul_li_function' );
    • In taxonomy.php I put this code:
    $is_media_archive = in_array( $wp_query->query_vars['taxonomy'], array( 'attachment_category', 'attachment_tag' ) );
    if ( $is_media_archive ) {
    	if ( isset( $_REQUEST['use_mla_gallery'] ) ) {
    		$use_mla_gallery = true;
    	} else {
    		$use_mla_gallery = false;
    		$args = array_merge( $wp_query->query_vars, array( 'post_type' => 'attachment', 'post_status' => 'inherit' ) );
    		query_posts( $args );
    • Also in taxonomy.php I put this code:
    echo do_shortcode('[mla_ul_li]');
    $mla_link_attributes = sprintf( 'data-imgid="%1$s" data-postid="%2$s"', $data_imgid, $data_postid );
    $mla_caption = "<a class=\"imgBook\" rel=\"bookmark\" title=\"".sprintf (__('Discussion and a permalink to the photo','galeria-fs'))."\" href=\"{+pagelink_url+}\"><div class=\"galleria-link-bookmark\"></div></a>{+excerpt+}";
    echo '<div class="page-link"><span class="b" style="float: left;">'. __( 'Pages:', 'mantra' ).'</span>'.do_shortcode( sprintf( '[mla_gallery %1$s="%2$s" posts_per_page="60" mla_output="paginate_links" mla_link_href="%3$s?"]', $wp_query->query_vars['taxonomy'], $wp_query->query_vars['term'], $wp_query->query_vars['page_url'] )).'</div>';
    echo do_shortcode( sprintf( '[mla_gallery %1$s="%2$s" mla_caption=\'%3$s\' mla_link_attributes=\'%4$s\' link="file" posts_per_page="60"]', $wp_query->query_vars['taxonomy'], $wp_query->query_vars['term'], $mla_caption, $mla_link_attributes) );

    This solution is allowed to create a structured list of categorys. And attachment_category displays only for current language versions.

    You can see how it’s working here.

    Now, if I update parameters photographs (for example, change the title), the language categories synchronized (but only for this photo). I do not know how it happened, I did not change anything else:-)

    Thread Starter Karastel


    I did as it is written in the topic:

    insert into the template this code:

     * Class MNA_Pad_Counts_Walker adds accurate, padded attachment counts to taxonomy terms.
     * Class Walker is defined in /wp-includes/class-wp-walker.php
     * Class Walker_Category is defined in /wp-includes/category-template.php
    class MNA_Pad_Counts_Walker extends Walker_Category {
         * MLA Terms
         * @var array
        public $mla_terms = array();
         * Constructor - set the MLA Terms.
         * @param string Taxonomy name/slug.
        function __construct( $taxonomy ) {
            $attr = array (
                'taxonomy' => $taxonomy,
                'pad_counts' => 'true',
            $terms = MLAShortcodes::mla_get_terms( $attr );
            unset( $terms['found_rows'] );
            foreach ( $terms as $term ) {
                $this->mla_terms[ $term->term_taxonomy_id ] = $term->count;
         * Start the element output.
         * @see Walker::start_el()
         * @param string Passed by reference. Used to append additional content.
         * @param object Taxonomy data object.
         * @param int    Depth of category in reference to parents. Default 0.
         * @param array  An array of arguments. @see wp_list_categories()
         * @param int    ID of the current category.
        function start_el( &$output, $taxonomy_object, $depth = 0, $args = array(), $id = 0 ) {
            if ( isset( $this->mla_terms[ $taxonomy_object->term_taxonomy_id ] ) ) {
                $taxonomy_object->count = $this->mla_terms[ $taxonomy_object->term_taxonomy_id ];
            parent::start_el( $output, $taxonomy_object, $depth, $args, $id );
    }// Class MNA_Pad_Counts_Walker

    insert in /wp-includes/category-template.php this code:

    foreach ($taxonomies as $taxonomy) {
        unset( $checklist_walker );
        $checklist_walker = new MNA_Pad_Counts_Walker( $taxonomy );
        $args = array(
            'taxonomy'      => $taxonomy,
            'hierarchical'  => 1,
            'hide_empty'    => 0,
            'pad_counts'    => 1,
            'show_count'    => 1,
            'title_li'      => '',
            'walker'        => $checklist_walker,
        echo '<li id="c' . $taxonomy . '" class="tax_list">' . get_taxonomy( $taxonomy )->label . '<ul>';
        wp_list_categories( $args );
        echo '</ul></li>';

    after this code:

    function wp_list_categories( $args = '' ) {
    	$defaults = array(
    		'show_option_all' => '', 'show_option_none' => __('No categories'),
    		'orderby' => 'name', 'order' => 'ASC',
    		'style' => 'list',
    		'show_count' => 0, 'hide_empty' => 1,
    		'use_desc_for_title' => 1, 'child_of' => 0,
    		'feed' => '', 'feed_type' => '',
    		'feed_image' => '', 'exclude' => '',
    		'exclude_tree' => '', 'current_category' => 0,
    		'hierarchical' => true, 'title_li' => __( 'Categories' ),
    		'echo' => 1, 'depth' => 0,
    		'taxonomy' => 'category'

    But there is no result.
    What did i do wrong?

    Thread Starter Karastel


    thank you, I’ll read a topic ??

    Thread Starter Karastel


    Thank you!

    Thread Starter Karastel


    Thread Starter Karastel


    I apologize for not being answered. Any problems and did not have time to engage in a personal project. ((

    I have not found a way to make Semantic URL.

    In the end, I left this variant:

    [mla_tag_cloud taxonomy=attachment_category number=0 mla_link_href="{+page_url+}?taxonomy_slug={+taxonomy+}&term_slug={+slug+}"]
    [mla_gallery tax_query="array(array('taxonomy'=>'{+request:taxonomy_slug+}','field'=>'slug','terms'=>'{+request:term_slug+}'))" mla_nolink_text="No pages to show." posts_per_page=99 mla_output="paginate_links,prev_next" mla_link_href="{+page_url+}?term_slug={+request:term_slug+}&taxonomy_slug={+request:taxonomy_slug+}"]
    [mla_gallery tax_query="array(array('taxonomy'=>'{+request:taxonomy_slug+}','field'=>'slug','terms'=>'{+request:term_slug+}'))" mla_nolink_text="Click a term to display the gallery." posts_per_page=99 link="file"]
    Thread Starter Karastel


    Now “scan and optimize” working!

    Also thank you for amazing plugin!

    Thread Starter Karastel


    Ok. Thank you.

    Thread Starter Karastel


    I use this theme
    I make some modifications to the theme. Therefore, for test I deleted my modification and downloaded the latest version of the theme. The problem remained.
    Something is wrong in the theme itself

    Thread Starter Karastel


    Problem in my theme.
    What should look for in the first place?

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