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  • kappesante


    jasper. if i steal woo, removing the copyright and distributing the same thing without all the wp/woo references, matt will be quite unhappy. gpl is a thing, stealing is another.



    not a fork. a steal.

    Thread Starter kappesante


    the only safe way is to override css. or just disable it, but after so much time i haven’t found an alternative. quite frustrating, it’s for only one single fricking client and i’ve lost too much time on that.

    Thread Starter kappesante


    the issue is solved avoiding deferring many js stuff, but honestly i dont like this solution.. my console is clean now, but a lot of js is not deferred. i give up because its not easy to determine which js is actually causing errors.

    i didnt defer lodash.min.js, moment-js-after, the infamous wp-i18n-js-after and then i just disabled the deferring. too much hassle.

    so, it might be perfmatters was not deferring the right stuff in the right way, or it’s just impossible to do it right.

    Thread Starter kappesante


    Thread Starter kappesante


    i’m overriding a lot of stuff. example:

    any blog post comes with a lot of errors like these

    [Error] ReferenceError: Can't find variable: _
    Codice globale (preferisce-messi-o-ronaldo:1018)
    [Error] ReferenceError: Can't find variable: wp
    Codice globale (preferisce-messi-o-ronaldo:1027)
    [Error] ReferenceError: Can't find variable: wp
    (funzione anonima) (preferisce-messi-o-ronaldo:1034)
    Codice globale (preferisce-messi-o-ronaldo:1035)
    [Error] ReferenceError: Can't find variable: wp
    Codice globale (preferisce-messi-o-ronaldo:1039)
    [Error] ReferenceError: Can't find variable: wp
    (funzione anonima) (preferisce-messi-o-ronaldo:1051)
    Codice globale (preferisce-messi-o-ronaldo:1052)
    [Error] ReferenceError: Can't find variable: wp
    (funzione anonima) (preferisce-messi-o-ronaldo:1067)
    Codice globale (preferisce-messi-o-ronaldo:1068)
    [Error] ReferenceError: Can't find variable: wp
    (funzione anonima) (preferisce-messi-o-ronaldo:1080)
    Codice globale (preferisce-messi-o-ronaldo:1082)
    [Error] ReferenceError: Can't find variable: wp
    (funzione anonima) (preferisce-messi-o-ronaldo:1090)
    Codice globale (preferisce-messi-o-ronaldo:1091)
    [Error] ReferenceError: Can't find variable: moment
    Codice globale (preferisce-messi-o-ronaldo:1096)
    [Error] ReferenceError: Can't find variable: wp
    Codice globale (preferisce-messi-o-ronaldo:1100)
    [Error] ReferenceError: Can't find variable: wp
    (funzione anonima) (preferisce-messi-o-ronaldo:1107)
    Codice globale (preferisce-messi-o-ronaldo:1108)
    [Error] ReferenceError: Can't find variable: wp
    (funzione anonima) (preferisce-messi-o-ronaldo:1116)
    Codice globale (preferisce-messi-o-ronaldo:1117)
    [Error] ReferenceError: Can't find variable: wp
    (funzione anonima) (preferisce-messi-o-ronaldo:1125)
    Codice globale (preferisce-messi-o-ronaldo:1126)
    [Error] ReferenceError: Can't find variable: wp
    (funzione anonima) (preferisce-messi-o-ronaldo:1135)
    Codice globale (preferisce-messi-o-ronaldo:1136)
    [Error] ReferenceError: Can't find variable: wp
    (funzione anonima) (preferisce-messi-o-ronaldo:1143)
    Codice globale (preferisce-messi-o-ronaldo:1146)
    [Error] ReferenceError: Can't find variable: wp
    (funzione anonima) (preferisce-messi-o-ronaldo:1155)
    Codice globale (preferisce-messi-o-ronaldo:1156)

    deactivating jetpack makes the errors disappear

    Thread Starter kappesante


    quick update meanwhile i keep testing: no security plugins installed. i’m using oxygen to design pages and templates. the codeblock works and i am able to customise everything. dunno if i really need to touch the plugin settings since this little thing is actually working for my needs, but i’m pretty curious about what i could find in the settings. i am also curious (since i am a web designer and not a developer and php is a strange new world i barely see in my life) if there are ways to implement breadcrumbs without plugins.

    <?php if ( function_exists( 'bcn_display' ) && ! is_front_page() ) { ?>
    <div class="breadcrumbs" typeof="BreadcrumbList" vocab="">
        YOU ARE HERE: <?php bcn_display(); ?>
    <?php } ?>


    had to uninstall this because of the slowness it brings. just noticed today too. 3 seconds became 9 seconds on a simple blog page. now i’m sad because i liked this plugin.



    same here

    had to use jetpack thing for now. also, it’s not working anymore on woocommerce product gallery.

    Thread Starter kappesante


    1 and 3 solved, thanks to alex.
    for the #2, maybe i’ve found a bug:

    sadly, it seems i miss something. the code works (sometimes) on widget, but not in the menus. please take a look:
    i’ve added one widget for every option. you can see that sometimes you got only one option, some other you got two options. the menu is still unaffected by css code.
    twenty seventeen theme, fresh install, no other plugins active: both options are in the menu.
    some other themes: switcher on menu totally disappear

    Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: Posts inside pages


    ok. made a category A. made subcategories A1 A2. made link to categosy mother A. in that page, only Ax are listed. but developers here have to improve the possibility to decide in wich page a post hve to be listed. all for me.

    Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: Posts inside pages


    ok. definitely doest work. now i try to be more careful:

    i got a category, called DESK, that have to be shown only in the desk page. i have created a desk template, coping the main one, adding the code according to your post, but in the dsk page i got only one post, called desk (permalink go to desk page) with nothing wrote. also, if i delete the query post code, nothing is listed..

    Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: Posts inside pages


    uhm. seems not working to me. i have to exclude 4 categories, and include just 2.. now i go on with my tryouts, but for now no post are displayed..

    Thread Starter kappesante


    ok.. nice. i found how to exclude a category. but i cant undestand how to exlude multiples. i got 6 categories, and u want to exclude 4 categories..

    Thread Starter kappesante


    i think i need some help……….. ??
    the idea is good, but too much strange words in that page ?? and i cant easy find the exclude command. but i’ll try. tks.

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