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After looking into this more thoroughly, it seems that I cannot find a solution for the p and br tags. On my development site which is a fresh install along with this plugin, even my default WordPress posts and pages editor are throwing out the tags.
So the only solution I can offer right now is to download an advanced editor like TinyMCE Advanced.
Ok, I haven’t been able to re-create this problem on my end, but I changed some things around on this next update (which will be released late today or tomorrow) that should hopefully fix your problem.
That would be cool and again I will see if updating the .pot fixes this.
With the line breaks, do you have another plugin installed that configures WordPress’ TinyMCE, like TinyMCE Advanced? I have noticed that the wpeditor() gets out of whack if something is modifying it.
In the next update, there will be an option to set the editor to true or false seeing as it works both ways based on the user.
But the styling on the job postings will be fixed anyway since I am changing it to use custom post types.
Are those the only two things that are reverting back to default?
And on the email in the form, it fills in the user’s email if they are logged in. So you are probably seeing that since you are logged in as the admin. Log out and you should see the field blank.
Ok. I will update the .pot when I complete this current update.
Thanks.Which areas did not translate?
I am in the middle of an update now, so I will look and see whats wrong.
Ok, if it is just keeping the bold, then the function I have wrapped around to sanitize the input needs to be changed. I am working on an update now which should clear up some bugs.
Of course!
Could you actually go through the steps above, but instead of having:
'wpautop' => false,
change it to:
'wpautop' => true,
I don’t know why this has been a problem, unless it is the editor itself.
Which version are you running of WordPress and the plugin?
Thanks for the feedback!
On the friendly URLs and template; it is currently not in, but I am looking into using custom post types. So this way you would just create a job just like a regular post or page. Then you would be able to change templates and all that other good stuff.
I hope to have this in place soon as my company needs it for our site as well. I don’t have a time table for it yet though, but hopefully sometime next week.
And the subtitle is a good idea as well.
Oh the “Send This Resume” was just an example, it’s not really there.
But what I think I can do is add an option like the “send email to user”, but for extras and have it so you can modify it to send what ever you are wanting to.
But I get what you are asking now, I should be able to add this.
Thanks and I’m glad you could find this plugin useful.
To answer you first request, this could be made possible right now by just saving the pdf then sending out. If this isn’t what you had in mind, would you want it to be automatic where all you would do is click a “Send This Resume” and it would email to those that you enter?
The other request is good and I will probably add this to the next update.
Hey guys,
Could you do a test for me?
In the includes folder of the plugin, find the file functions.php.
Find the function “setTinySetting”.
In that function find the line,
'wpautop' => true,
and change it to ,
'wpautop' => false,
Save, then see if the tinymce is adding the breaks now.