Hi, my name is Kelly Anches and I’m from The Netherlands. I would much appreciate it if anyone on this blog would be willing to help me solve the following problems.
I have a wordpress blog running and it helped me indexed my site within a record amount of time. Now I want to integrate my site into my blog, so that my site is now a part of my blog. My site has no grahics whatsoever and it’s a turnoff from my blog to my site and vice versa (BTW: I have the wordpress software installed in a directory of its own).
I followed this thread but the information is too limited for me to continue from here. So my question is: can anyone eloborate on this information and get more into the details about how to do this. I’m willing to comprimize on my site to make this possible.
I would also have one static page as the permanent homepage of this blog.
Regards and thanx in advance
Kelly Anches
The Netherlands