Forum Replies Created
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Twenty Twenty-Four] The default layout for entriesHello, when I switch to Appearance > Editor > Templates, then I can create my own template or choose from the ones presented to me. And then you can choose it only when writing an article for a blog or even a page.
But I did not see a setting that allows you to select the default layout so that there is no need to constantly select it when publishing a particular entry.
If there is such a possibility, then show me! Unfortunately, I did not see this option.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Geo Controller] A common error on the Location Restriction tabHello, yes, after the update, in my opinion, the problem was solved!
You’re welcome ??
@vardinoyanis! Paste at the very bottom of the file function.php
@vardinoyanis! This method will work if you don’t have a child theme. If there is a child theme and it is activated, then this code must be inserted into it.
That’s right @vardinoyanis!
Hello @vardinoyanis,
Just paste this code snippet:add_filter( ‘astra_apply_flex_based_css’, ‘__return_false’ );
to your template file function.php. After that, update the cache, and check!
These are defects in the shameful template! Since I did a rollback to the previous version and everything is fine. And until the developers fix this situation, I will not update.
The only thing I noticed in the developer panel is that mobile layout styles don’t connect.
A desktop layout is constantly involved:
@media (max-width: 921px) .woocommerce.tablet-columns-3 ul.products { grid-template-columns: repeat(3, minmax(0, 1fr)); }
And in a good way , this one should be connected in the mobile version:
@media (max-width: 544px) .woocommerce ul.products, .woocommerce-page ul.products, ul.products, ul.products { grid-template-columns: repeat(1, minmax(0, 1fr)); }
I completely agree with you gentlemen! I don’t understand how you can release updates without testing everything for errors. For example, if you are finalizing the functionality for a particular plugin, then why not test it all at once!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [No External Links] Где прочитать подробное описание об SEO hideСпасибо! Буду ознакамливаться ??
Forum: Reviews
In reply to: [Blacklist & Whitelist Domains for Registration] It works!It is clear that it is easy to use. But I would like him to fulfill his purposes properly! If you know, scammers in most cases try to create domain names similar to well-known brands by substituting an additional letter, etc.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Blacklist & Whitelist Domains for Registration] Incorrect Blacklist ApproachForum: Plugins
In reply to: [Blacklist & Whitelist Domains for Registration] Incorrect Blacklist ApproachYou say that everything already exists in the plugin, but it’s not! Here are the domains that are whitelisted:
I changed only 1 letter in the domain name and the registration was successful! Used this fake address:
[email protected]
.As for the form used on the site, registration takes place through Woocommerce.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Blacklist & Whitelist Domains for Registration] Incorrect Blacklist ApproachTell me, and in the future you will integrate your plugin, for example, with this plugin: Hivepress – Or can you tell me how to do it?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Blacklist & Whitelist Domains for Registration] Incorrect Blacklist ApproachIt is clear that the white and black list. But as I said, there are 1000 spammers on the network. And they register tens of thousands of domain names for their insidious purposes. It is after each such suspicious registration that I need to blacklist the domain and remove this user from the system manually.
And why not make the blacklist autofillable, that is, if this domain is not on the white list, then it automatically gets blacklisted.
The white domains that I want to allow for registration on the site, in my opinion, are easier to specify than to constantly calculate and replenish black lists manually.
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Это понятно что белый и черный список. Но как я уже говорил в сети 1000 спамеров. И они регистрируют десятки тысяч доменных имен для своих коварных целей. Это после каждой такой подозрительной регистрации мне необходимо заносить домен в черный список и удалять данного пользоателя из системы вручную.
А почему бы не сделать черный список автонаполняемым, тоесть если данного домена нет в белом списке, то он автоматически попадает в черный список.
Белые домены которые я хочу допускать к регистрации на сайте, помоему проще указать, чем постоянно вычислять и пополнять черные списки вручную.