11 years, 2 months ago
Thanks, Dallas. When might that next release come out? I think if these things were fixed, your plug-in would be lovely. As it is, it’s not usable. ??
Wishing you all the best, Julia
11 years, 4 months ago
Thanks, sLa NGjl…and thanks for your plug-in work! Hope all is running smoothly for you now. ??
It’s ??
Thanks everyone…I now see that another revision has come out (7777). I’m nervous. If anyone has updated to it and not had a problem, will you post here, please? ??
If anyone is using the new version, will you please let us know if all works well? Thanks!
ysar, you are brilliant!!! I had around 400 posts that published early. It’s been quite the morning here. You saved me a ton of time.
So my question: is it really safe to use the new version?? Thanks!