Hi Tim,
Thanks for your reply. I have 2 main issues that weren’t present before I updated the plugin.
1. Order: I want to know how to maintain a specific order of my photos. So if I upload and order them, even caption them as #1, #2, #3…etc, I want them to show up like that. The former Envira Lite version did this. Now the pictures appear in a different order every time I refresh the page.
2: Tiles: Before, my images displayed in a wonderful tile format that left no gaps between the pictures. Now there are gaps between some of them.
URL 1: https://thesimorgh.eu/photo-contest/
URL2: https://thesimorgh.eu/photo-contest-2/ (where I set column gutter width to 1px, but the gaps are still wider than 1px.)
I don’t see why an update would mess with existing gallery settings. I’d be happy if you could help, thank you!