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  • Using fonts, stylesheets, and Javascript libraries hosted by CDNs is quite common and Google offers its services for free, despite any tracking that they may perform.

    The tracking, however, would be limited to the IP address of the request and the browser headers, and there is little that could be done with those. By using any of the other Google services, they would set a cookie to figure out if you’ve visited their website before but it is unlikely that they would set a cookie if you are requesting a font, stylesheet, or Javascript library from your markup.

    If Google does get hacked, the massive amounts of information would mean that the hacker would have to sift through tons and tons of data to do much with IP addresses and browser headers from delivering fonts, stylesheets, and Javascript libraries. I’d be more concerned about my email, possibly my search history, and the documents I have on Google Docs.


    Take a look at Softaculous. It is perhaps close to what you are looking for.

    Developer who gives stuff away for free, won’t really put in more than ‘x’ amount of effort before they finally give up. Volunteers reviewing the plugins can collect statistics on memory usage by means of another plugin (assuming there are hooks available for it) or reviewing tool.

    I would be wary of using memory usage statistics as a measure of system requirements because processing a 2×2 pixel image would be negligible compared to a use case involving a 2048×2048 pixel image.

    Do make sure you are using caching for your WordPress setup. If the problem still persists, you may need to get some hand-coded optimization to the theme – this optimization would be specific to your site so hire a consultant and get it done.

    What you are seeing is normal. You should be using some form of caching to ensure that you are not overloading the server. WordPress is CPU intensive and not meant to be run without a cache.

    I’m not too sure if the P tags being inserted are by WordPress for the contact forms… if it is, there’s bound to be a filter like the_content and the_excerpt to take away the wpautop filter.

    The reason why we have wpautop is that HTML ignores line breaks so we’d either have to use BRs, which aren’t all that nice from a styling perspective from web designers that like to play with CSS, or P tags.

    P tags are a trade-off and there are very few people who find them an annoyance.

    You could be right about having it as a setting – the setting can be added by a plugin.

    There’s a plugin to disable the automatic P-tag insertion too, but I usually find it included in the themes that require it. Perhaps using nltobr would be more to your liking?

    It would be nice to have a private messaging system on the WordPress forums – that would make it easier to get in touch with specific members without spamming the forum ??


    I haven’t used bbPress apart from just installing it to try it out for a couple of minutes, but I’m not quite sure why you can’t manage users, threads, and forums. Were you able to figure out why it’s broken? Does it also occur on a clean install?

    vBulletin is a commercial product, but I did evaluate phpBB as an alternative. The lack of a plugin architecture in phpBB kept me from wanting to build plugins for it but the bbPress plugin architecture, which essentially is the same as that of WordPress, is something I’m familiar with and like.

    Many plugins don’t cleanup their mess. Added DB columns, stray files, and ATKOST (all that kind of stuff there)

    You can edit your currently active wordpress theme and remove the link that appeared there. Also, make sure you set the appropriate read-only permissions.

    Forum: Requests and Feedback
    In reply to: WP overrated?

    You should use the Quick Post interface on to give things a spin. is a very extensible platform that you can use for development or build a quick-n-dirty website. There’s a reason why 55% of CMS systems on the web run WordPress, and I discovered it after trying out stuff that was difficult to setup and configure. Installing plugins in WordPress is a breeze! So is developing widgets.

    Gallery plugins do this quite well.

    Having said that, I would like to mention that using the Media Uploader API included with WordPress is far from a simple process. Simplifying it would help more plugin users to incorporate the interface provided by the core rather than creating their own interfaces.

    I’m not in Coimbatore, but I’m relatively close – I’m in Hyderabad ??

    Plugin Contributor k_nitin_r


    The KNR Author List plugin uses the standard WordPress tables for obtaining author information so it would take a bit of effort to get the KNR Author List plugin to work with Co-Author-Plus and to have it tested. The enhancement would benefit a very small number of the users of the plugin but it is something I would consider for the next version of the plugin if I do get a significant number of requests for it. I might even be able to collaborate with the author of the Co-Authors-Plus plugin to provide an interface I can hook up to.

    If you are, however, looking for commercial support, either of the plugin authors can devote the time to build a solution for you (plugin authors have bills to pay too!).

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