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  • jZed


    Thanks for the reply. The video is completely uninformative in regards to any of the things I mentioned above. The following two paragraphs would tell users the options and requirements for using the plugin and would have saved me a morning’s work. With so much software available, it really helps people decide to use yours if you let them know up front what will be required to get it running.

    On the Razuna WordPress plugin page:

    This plugin requires either a Razuna account or a Razuna stand-alone server. An account will bring you the power of cloud-based digital asset management for a low fee. The stand-alone server is free and open source, can be downloaded at [link] and can be easily installed on most systems that support the Sun Java JDK.

    On the Razuna WordPress Settings page:

    These settings refer to a pre-existing Razuna server or account. Please visit [link] for details.



    The links above to the support forums are broken. Try here instead:

    The Settings page for Razuna is pretty much meaningless to a user. You never explain whether this is supposed to link to some outside repository or to a WordPress uploads directory or how the plugin relates to WordPress. What is the Hostname? How should it relate to WordPress directories? What is Host ID? Should I just make one up? What is a DAM path? How does it relate to WordPress directories?

    When I click “Test Configuration” nothing happens except the little “working” icon starts to spin and keeps spinning forever.

    When I click “Save Changes” the changes are saved but nothing else happens. I still have no way to manage my files or see any sort of Razuna forms or see any changes to the Media Library.

    Is this plugin completely broken, or is just so undocumented that there’s no way to figure out how to get it to work?

    You say you “did not notice the questions here in the WordPress forum”. Hint: there is a checkbox at the bottom of Worpress forums to notify you by email when someone posts something in the WordPress Razuna forum, if you bothered to do that, you would be able to support your product the same way every other WordPress plugin is supported.

    Poor plugin documentation + Not following plugin forum + Plugin doesn’t work = Epic fail. Razuna looks like a great project, why don’t you put some minimum effort into the WordPress plugin for it?

    Thread Starter jZed


    My apologies, please forget that last patch and use the two patches below instead. Yesterday’s patch circumvented WP’s media_button_context action so didn’t show extra media buttons (such as people-lists’s own add-a-people-list button) and also didn’t check if user had upload perms. This one solves those by using WP’s do_action(‘media_buttons’)and current_user_can(). It kludges things by printing that in the footer as a hidden div and then inserting it in the right place in the form with jQuery – I couldn’t think of any other way to insert content into the user-edit page itself.

    So there are now two short patches for the php and for the js:

    diff agaist people-lists.php 1.3.2

    > add_action('admin_footer-user-edit.php', 'people_lists_media_buttons', 40 );
    > add_action('admin_footer-profile.php', 'people_lists_media_buttons', 40 );
    > function people_lists_media_buttons() {
    >         if ( !current_user_can( 'upload_files' ) ) return;
    >         echo '<span id="media-buttons" class="hide-if-no-js" '
    >            . 'style="display:none">';
    >         do_action( 'media_buttons' );
    >         echo '</span>';
    > }

    diff against people-lists-tinymce.js 1.3.2

    <       $("#description").before("<a href='#' class='plain'>HTML</a> <a href='#' class='visual active'>Visual</a>");
    >       $("#description").before("<div id='editor-tabs'><a href='#' class='plain'>HTML</a> <a href='#' class='visual active'>Visual</a></div>");
    >         var mbuttons = jQuery("#media-buttons").html();
    >         jQuery("#media-buttons").remove();
    >         jQuery("#editor-tabs").before( mbuttons );
    >         jQuery("#media-buttons").css('display','block');
    >         window.send_to_editor = function(html) {
    >                 tinyMCE.activeEditor.selection.setContent( html );
    >                 tb_remove();
    >         }

    Thread Starter jZed


    Here’s the diff against version 1.3.2 of people-lists-tinymce.js. Enjoy!

    <       $("#description").before("<a href='#' class='plain'>HTML</a> <a href='#' class='visual active'>Visual</a>");
    >       $("#description").before("<span id='editor-tabs'><a href='#' class='plain'>HTML</a> <a href='#' class='visual active'>Visual</a></span>");
    >         jQuery("#editor-tabs").before( " \
    >                 <div id='media-buttons'> Upload/Insert Media :               \
    >                         <img id  = 'image_button'                            \
    >                              src = '/wp-admin/images/media-button-image.gif' \
    >                              alt = 'upload an image'                         \
    >                            title = 'upload an image'                         \
    >                         />                                                   \
    >                         <img id  = 'video_button'                            \
    >                              src = '/wp-admin/images/media-button-video.gif' \
    >                              alt = 'upload a video'                          \
    >                            title = 'upload a video'                          \
    >                         />                                                   \
    >                         <img id  = 'audio_button'                            \
    >                              src = '/wp-admin/images/media-button-music.gif' \
    >                              alt = 'upload an audio file'                    \
    >                            title = 'upload an audio file'                    \
    >                         />                                                   \
    >                         <img id  = 'other_button'                            \
    >                              src = '/wp-admin/images/media-button-other.gif' \
    >                              alt = 'upload other media'                      \
    >                            title = 'upload other media'                      \
    >                         />                                                   \
    >                 </div>"
    >         );
    >         jQuery('#image_button').click(function() {
    >                 tb_show('', 'media-upload.php?type=image&TB_iframe=true');
    >                 return false;
    >         });
    >         jQuery('#video_button').click(function() {
    >                 tb_show('', 'media-upload.php?type=video&TB_iframe=true');
    >                 return false;
    >         });
    >         jQuery('#audio_button').click(function() {
    >                 tb_show('', 'media-upload.php?type=audio&TB_iframe=true');
    >                 return false;
    >         });
    >         jQuery('#other_button').click(function() {
    >                 tb_show('', 'media-upload.php?TB_iframe=true');
    >                 return false;
    >         });
    >         window.send_to_editor = function(html) {
    >                 tinyMCE.activeEditor.selection.setContent( html );
    >                 tb_remove();
    >         }
    Thread Starter jZed


    You’re welcome :-). It’s the open source way :-). So I have an even better thing you might want to add to the plugin – the ability to use the full thickbox media-uploader to insert images, video, and sound into the profile just as you can if you create a new page from url, computer or media library or nextgen gallery if in use. I have the code working, including respecting the general wp settings of who is allowed to upload media. What’s the best way to get it to you? I can paste it here, though it might be better to take this onto private email or give me access to the cvs or whatever.

    Or, I suppose if you’re not interested I could just make a stand-alone plugin, but if you’re into it, I’d rather add it to yours than increase the already too large number of plugins.

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