Forum Replies Created
I solved it by temporarily downgrading the PHP version from 8.2 to 8.0, then configured the Wordfence with no issues.
Can you provide more details how did you solve it? Having the same issue here.
Forum: Reviews
In reply to: [Estonian Shipping Methods for WooCommerce] Support is jokeT?nan ka sind oma panuse eest minu ettev?tmistesse. Kas poleks loogiline see plugin maha v?tta, kui k?ib üle j?u?
Tere @ristoniinemets
J?relikult on probleem selles, et ta on liiga aegunud, millest oleks v?inud alustada. Seevastu on autoril olnud palju muud r??kida. Seda infot n?eb alles peale plugina paigaldamist, et ta on viimati testitud WooCommerce versiooniga 3.7.1, kui antud juhul on tegu versiooniga 3.9.3. WPML on viimane. Olen proovinud teist kujundusmalli ja asjassepuutumatud pluginad v?lja lülitanud, kuid tulemusteta.
Sa ei peaks kurtma, et sul pole aega, kui siin me n?eme, et aega leidub k?rvalistele teemadele p?ris palju. Inimesed tulevad siia siiski enamasti mingi tehnilise küsimusega, mitte kellelegi meeldima. Sobimatu on teisi noomida, kui sul endal pole peale solvumise, ülbitsemise ja enesehaletsuse midagi n?idata. Ega tulda siia ka küsimustikku t?itma, WPML ametlikust dokumentatsioonist saad ise sirvida, mis tingimustele peab vastama.
K?iki asjaolusid arvesse v?ttes on teema ammendunud. Lahenduseks on teine toode. Head aega.
@ristoniinemets , vaatasin seda pluginat nüüd l?hemalt ja n?gin, et seal pole WPMLi jaoks isegi midagi tehtud. Seega v?ljad ei ole t?lgitavad. Natuke arusaamatu, miks on vaja valetada, see raiskab ju inimeste aega. Kui sa pole selle plugina tegelik autor v?i kui sul on kupli all midagi valesti, siis las ikka keegi teine vastutab. P?ris v?le olid küll seda teemat lahendatuks m?rkima. ?kki soovid veel midagi suhtumisest jutlustada?
T?nan vastuse eest. Siiski pole ma leidnud v?imalust antud v?lja t?lkida. Tekstidomeen “wc-estonian-shipping-methods” annab 73 vastet, mis paistavad olema samad, mis keelefailis. Otsides ülej??nud k?ikide hulgast “smartpost”, annab ainult 2 vastet, mis leiduvad seadetes tarnevaliku pealkirjadena (Smartpost Estonia ja Smarpost Finland).
Igaks juhuks t?psustan üle, et antud juhul pean silmas tekstiv?lja, mis on seadetes esimene, sildiga “Title”. ?kki saaksite anda siis m?ne vihje, kust ma sinna kirjutatud v??rtuse WPMLi alt leiaksin. Nii WooCommerce kui m?ne teise plugina sarnased v??rtused olen saanud t?lkida “WPML / String Translation” alt.
Vabandan siis arusaamatuste p?rast, algses postituses polnud seal l?pu osas k?ik p?ris t?siselt m?eldud.
Yes, I understand. Actually they are not even bugs, but sort of typos. Can you still reply here what is the time unit for adjusted bounce rate? It is the question 1 in the original report.
Can you reveal the time unit of adjusted bounce rate? Is it seconds? The current version of the plugin is 1.6.4. At least 2 updates have been released after my report, but the issues listed above are still not fixed. Expecting them to be relatively easy fixes.
For now we can only assume the cause. Of course it is possible the Pro Filmstrip gallery code needs to be adjusted, still the fact that Basic Thumbnail gallery works doesn’t prove much anything. I’ll contact the developer of NextGEN Gallery and let you know about the results.
Thanks for helping.
1. For now the toolbar is secondary issue for us, not the primary. But generally you should take in account that people may lost the media and other unsupported objects inserted via the toolbar. Afterwards, when the Yoast SEO plugin is disabled and editing the category description, then all illegal objects such as images and tables will be removed during the save.
2. This only indicates the toolbar isn’t functioning properly, so it isn’t fully functional TinyMCE. As you already know, it is possible to add galleries via shortcode. Any data inserted via shortcode seems be allowed by default. So it isn’t a problem for us.
3. The main problem for us right now is that the NextGEN Pro Filmstrip gallery doesn’t load in front-end. Yesterday I tested the free Basic Thumbnail gallery loads properly, but this doesn’t help us as we need the filmstrip layout.
4. You can check it here https://test.italianbrands.se/category/majestic/
Right now the Yoast SEO is enabled, therefore the actual gallery isn’t displayed. The HTML seems be loaded. I disabled the code optimization.Near the right edge after the link “Gallery Majestic >>” you can find the small trigger where the modal gallery can be opened. So the thing works only partially. The inline filmstrip gallery, that must be displayed automatically, can be found behind the link “Gallery Majestic >>” or directly here https://test.italianbrands.se/galleri-majestic/ So you can see it works properly in posts and pages even with Yoast SEO enabled.
At the moment we can’t update the WordPress core of this site to the latest version because of possible plugin incompatibilities. Officially they are not tested with it. But in some reason I’m not very optimistic about the latest WP on solving this issue. As you don’t collaborate with the developers of NextGEN Gallery, then the hope on solving this issue is even smaller, but we still hope. Currently it is WordPress 5.0.6 installed. When I get time I can test the latest WP and other themes. The plugins are latest. Disabling all other plugins doesn’t help.
Please can you confirm you received the screenshots?
You marked the report as resolved while actually nothing was resolved. Note that the report contains 2 issues.
Sorry, I somehow missed the notification email. Hope you can see the screenshots here:
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Category description field sanitizing/filtering rulesThanks for this information, Joy. By the way, the Yoast SEO plugin also adds the toolbar to category description field, when the SEO Meta Box is enabled for categories, but it is because of a bug since the version 7.
I just discovered, when disabling in Yoast SEO settings the Yoast SEO Meta Box for categories, then the toolbar will not be added to the description field. Still the conflict with NextGEN gallery remains. Note that the gallery can be added via shortcode, but it is not clear yet if it is okay with WordPress core to display the gallery in that field.