15 years, 6 months ago
no, it will be done by code also
for that you have to write wp_list_categories(); in that exclude attribute is there.
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I think for that you have to create page as private
go in Plugin->Add New menu in adming panel and then search Register Plugin and install it and activate it then go in Setting menu. You can see Register Plus option over there.
br tag
yes in the same folder
only slideshow and lightbox effect is available in that plugin…
You can try it once..
check header.php file in your theme folder…
Might be there is some link for this or other option you have installed any plugins in this website…
wp-spry menu plugin is useful to exclude this link…
Give link to next and previous page while creating page in wordpress…
Use NextGen Gallary Plugin for this issue.
place here your existing code.
it will be done by CSS. In that CSS give color: #ffffff;(watever color you want to put) font-size:10px;(or whatever size you want to do)
Try this plugins
Hey ryans i know this one but i want to do it by user interface… so is there any plugin for that?
No for that You have to install plugins of Gravtar and you can upload your own avtar