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  • Thread Starter JW555


    tI disagree

    The code IS bad because it does not work as stated in my original post so it is not fit for purpose.

    The code IS bad because it does not offer an option within the plugin to disable the feature and this requires a hack of code which is bad practice just to get a plugin to work because it has all kinds of issues with change control and disaster recovery.

    It can and IS nagwaare, it nags the user for every screen that loads even after the user has clicked on the DISMISS. It is annoying to the extreme and reason in iteelf to DUMP CONTACT7.

    Your assertion that nagware is shareware is nonsense, just because shareware can nag does not mean all nagging comes from shareware.

    It is the action of nagging that defines it as nagware.

    IOS updates are nagware, I have one on my iphone nagging me every day to update but I also have warnings online that the update will turn my iphone into a brick.

    Still at least it is once a day not every time I do anything on my iphone which is what this stupid plugin is doing.

    Yes I am Frustrated, because I liked this plugin and now they have done this bad development and are not even responding to the query themselves.

    If they do not monitor these support threads then again a bad sign.

    Thread Starter JW555


    As I said “I am not going to do a workaround for BAD CODE

    Just need to tell Author and they either fix it or lose customers “

    If I was to hack the code as suggested I then need a change control document, this hack has to be documented, it has to be remembered for disaster recovery purposes.

    No No No

    The issue is that bad code has been produced.

    A product that worked well for years has feature nobody needs or wants, there is no disable function and the product is acting like a troll in the back end.

    Time to find alternative and to recommend alternative product

    Thread Starter JW555


    How are they different from


    1. The issue is that the VALIDATOR is WRONG and badly written

    2. It is nagging even when dismissed (protcol if to STOP PESTERING USERS when they click dismiss.

    It is putting this nagware everywhere on every admin screen.

    I am not going to do a workaround for BAD CODE

    Just need to tell Author and they either fix it or lose customers

    Thread Starter JW555


    I posted here because I want to gut this sucker out of my site, anything that locks you out of the back end of WP has no place in the code.

    Thread Starter JW555


    No that is not it

    There is nothing to deactivate and delete.

    A plugin that uses zend required that we install Ioncude zend optimizer and that has installed code all over our site

    Our site now displays

    “Zend Optimizer not installed

    This file was encoded by the Zend Guard (404) . In order to run it, please install the Zend Optimizer (available without charge), version 3.0.0 or later.”

    This product has been discontinued and whatever the upgrade we decided NO THANK you. Anything that cripples our whole site has no place on our site.

    We can’t login to the back end, same error.

    I want to know how to rip this kwap out of WordPress

    Thread Starter JW555



    Thread Starter JW555


    Well thanks for the comprensive reply, the site was duplicated at the time when your plugin was vulnerable, it only recently started spamming and hacking, hence my ticket.

    The one thing that you failed to mention in your original reply was that there was a time last year when you had a vulnerable version.

    If you had just said “when was this because we had a security issue with the plugin last year that we promptly fixed” I might have just said “Right, good to know”.

    Trying to blame just about everyone else just confuses the matter.

    They execute this attacks with a machine that uses a list of free proxies.

    I have several sites protected and looking at the alerts I see that they load a proxy IP and then attack all the sites in their list.

    They are not doing it sensibly because they attack the same site with the same failed user name over and over.

    To speed things up you can set the repeat time to 5 minutes and the ban to 60 days so they run out of proxies on conventional attacks.

    I ban the IP’s permanently, I saw that they were using the same IP’s again and again, mostly because there are insecure networks what have these proxies in Russia, Ukraine, China and South America. I then consider blocking the whole IP network, after all why do I need to cater for some ISP in Argentina that does not secure it’s network, do I need such visitors, NO.

    If you get the paid version you can block out countries and it uses shared intelligence from the many sites they protect.

    This plugin ought to have the ability to set different emails for different alerts. So for now you can have the messages forward to an online account, then use the mail filter to autofile the messages into folders so you just see what matters.

    You can use the mail filter in Gmail to get messages of a certain type to be forwarded to your main email address.

    Thread Starter JW555


    I am glad to hear that your code is GPL, that link is to a bunch of folders so far all I can find is empty ones. Do you have a link for the source code as a whole? Do you use Github or Sourceforge?

    It was not used on a shared account and the user account was unique for this installation. I always isolate users and sites in this way.

    It is extremely unlikely as I had the site hidden from Google until it was ready to go live with the 3rd Admin.

    I have been using this ISP for 8 years, they have very high security, never had any security issues.

    A bit lame to blame heartbleed or Better WordPress Security, hackers target people who can get them a payback, no some pathetic dev site.

    “many paths into your system” Mant attempted paths but none that will work, as I said, there was a 20 minute window and yours was the only plugin active.

    Looking elsewhere I have seen some saying

    More malware alerts on Duplicator from Wordfence!
        This file may contain malicious executable code
        Filename: wp-content/plugins/duplicator/files/installer.rescue.php
        File type: Not a core, theme or plugin file.
        This file is a PHP executable file and contains a line 1074 characters long without spaces that may be encoded data along with functions that may be used to execute that code. If you know about this file you can choose to ignore it to exclude it from future scans.
    and a similar one re: length of a line of code!"

    This is another one

    On 6-30-11
    I used a plugin called Duplicator to move the website to
    As a result, I had to create a new database with password
    My concern is that when the site was duplicated, security may have been comprised. has a folder on the server called wp-snapshots
    This contains a zip file of the entire site
    on I removed the wp-snapshots folder as their were two files inside
    network folder
    and a zip file titled
    The index.php inside the network folder has script from that appears to send login information to two email addresses.

    I have now read the post below that says that Duplicator does not restore folder permissions, that seems pretty serious as it leaves the site vulnerable. To expect users to go through the hundreds of folders and change the permissions is nonsense. First they would not know what they should be so they could either prevent things from working or leave the site exposed.

    is this failure to replicate permission still the case with Duplicator?

    Glad to see that you at least fixed the error below, but rather than pointing the finger at others might you not have first asked whether I might have used this vulnerable version of the plugin?

    I think this Admin-ajax.php is just another example of the completely unprofessional implementation of new features by that CRIPPLE thousands of websites.

    Why not implement these as an option?

    In v3.9 we lost features from images and widgets with code stopped working.

    Most professional IT people know about change control, that you allow for training, you do not implement things that mess up people’s sites, instead you make them an OPTION in SETTINGS.

    We should not have to HACK code and now they upgrade point revisions automatically to fix the mistakes, so we mow have our sites going back to wordpress to update code without any authority from the site owner.

    When those updates screw up our sites we look bad

    Again we have tp hack code to disable this madness

    Manoranjan Padhy, the idea of this community site for the free program WordPress is that you post your solutions HERE and not use this site to get traffic.

    What is worse is that the solutions you post do not work and when people complain on your site you tell them to use option 2, if you know it does not work why waste their time telling them to do it in the first place.

    What you are posting there has been shared in parts here so I hope you do not mind me posting what you put there, back on here:

    Solution for the WordPress Heartbeat API

    Omit the HTML tags you may find in the code e.g

    1.)Completely disable Heartbeat API (DOES NOT WORK)
    1 <br />
    2 add_action( ‘init’, ‘stop_heartbeat’, 1 );<br />
    3 function stop_heartbeat() {<br />
    4 wp_deregister_script(‘heartbeat’);<br />

    2.) Disabling Heartbeat API except the post.php and post-new.php i.e autosave option of WordPress (SUGGESTED)
    1 <br />
    2 add_action( ‘init’, ‘stop_heartbeat’, 1 );<br />
    3 function stop_heartbeat() {<br />
    4 global $pagenow;<br />
    5 if ( $pagenow != ‘post.php’ && $pagenow != ‘post-new.php’ )<br />
    6 wp_deregister_script(‘heartbeat’);<br />
    7 }<br />

    3.) Disabling Heartbeat API on dashboard.
    1 <br />
    2 add_action( ‘init’, ‘stop_heartbeat’, 1 );<br />
    3 function stop_heartbeat() {<br />
    4 global $pagenow;<br />
    5 if ( $pagenow == ‘index.php’ )<br />
    6 wp_deregister_script(‘heartbeat’);<br />
    7 }<br />

    4.) Changing the pulse of Heartbeat API
    1 <br />
    2 function wptuts_heartbeat_settings( $settings ) {<br />
    3 $settings[‘interval’] = 60; //Anything between 15-60<br />
    4 return $settings;<br />
    5 }<br />
    6 add_filter( ‘heartbeat_settings’, ‘wptuts_heartbeat_settings’ );<br />

    I have seen pingdom reports that show admin-ajax.php taking up loads of speed to load the front end of the site by pingdom when I am in admin.

    I have had this problem myself and been moved but like any hosting company their goal is to get as many users as possible crammed onto a server.

    Dreamhost uses clusters for web servers but I gather not for SQL servers, the SQL servers are paired with clusters so you can’t improve the SQL performance without changing web server which has issues.

    The same applies to their VPS, you have to pay for a separate SQL Server.

    The clue to it not being the plugins etc is that the wordpress admin page is slow, although sometimes the admin-ajax.php script (implemented in 3.6) can cause speed issues.

    I believe the issue here is the networking infrastructure, they need to install multiple network cards and use dedicated multigigabit switches for the database traffic. I have done this with 3 NIC’s per server, 3 switches and dedicated cabling and it makes servers fly.

    I love Dreamhost but this is becoming a serious problem, even their panel is affected by this, when you have a more than a few sites and objects the panel runs like dog (20 seconds+ to populate the screen).

    What it means for me is that while I will tolerate it I can’t recommend Dreamhost to clients because it is my rep on the line.

    Thread Starter JW555


    Thanks for this Barnez

    It is REALLY annoying, I operate about 250 wordpress sites and now I have to go around them all because some bright spark at WordPress thinks they know better.

    I have seen this kind of think cripple other platforms. You get some update rushed out and it cripple sites, I want to update because time and time again I have seen updates cripple sites.

    It is like the lost functionality on the pictures in WordPress, you have to wonder which idiot thought “I know, let’s take a function that we have had for years and change it, we won’t tell anyone we will just do it”.

    This is what happens when you get people with no commercial acumen promoted beyond their ability or allowed to make decisions.

    Anyone with any common sense would have OPTIONS to have a simpler interface with low functionality and the same goes for this security fix. I want an option on the settings page and not to have to put in a hack in WP-CONFIG.

    Man I could smack some people sometimes!

    end of rant

    For now I suggest you install WP Super cache to at least speed up the front end, then in the settings menum under views tab, change Right Now Extended to NO.

    Also under General Tab set Track Admin Pages to NO

    This will at least allow you to use the plugin until they fix the performance issues.

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