Forum Replies Created
Hi @joneiseman , do you have any idea how to fix the above mentioned issue? The events list using your snippet starts in the past and not on the current date.
Thanks for the snippet!
[events_list_searchform full="1" has_search="1" scope="3-months" sorting="0" show_advanced="1" search_geo="0" show_search="1" long_events="1"]
does not work, it throws this console.log messages:externals.js:10 Error: Invalid date provided: a
at Object.parseDate (externals.js:10:8100)
at externals.js:10:34329
at Array.map (<anonymous>)
at pe (externals.js:10:34303)
at w.setDate (externals.js:10:33734)
at HTMLDivElement.<anonymous> (datepicker.js:206:23)
at Function.each (jquery.min.js?ver=3.7.1:2:3129)
at ce.fn.init.each (jquery.min.js?ver=3.7.1:2:1594)
at em_setup_datepicker (datepicker.js:179:18)
at em_setup_ui_elements (index.js:656:3)
externals.js:10 Error: Invalid date provided: l
at Object.parseDate (externals.js:10:8100)
at externals.js:10:34329
at Array.map (<anonymous>)
at pe (externals.js:10:34303)
at w.setDate (externals.js:10:33734)
at HTMLDivElement.<anonymous> (datepicker.js:206:23)
at Function.each (jquery.min.js?ver=3.7.1:2:3129)
at ce.fn.init.each (jquery.min.js?ver=3.7.1:2:1594)
at em_setup_datepicker (datepicker.js:179:18)
at em_setup_ui_elements (index.js:656:3)The list is empty at the beginning, when I click the search button, however, it works and populates the list.
Also, how can I make the advanced search input hidden per default with
?This is, as you already mentioned, definitely not ideal.
Any chance to get this properly fixed in the near future?
Looks like the upload did not work, here is a link: https://i.imgur.com/rE7Q3AN.png
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Easy Appointments] Bought extension, no email, no way to contactClosing: I was able to contact the developer and received the mail.
Latest version 4.17.1 is also breaking my site with the following error:
Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Class 'WP_Upgrader_Skin' not found in /usr/www/users/<username>/<domain>/wp-content/plugins/mailpoet/lib/Config/SilentUpgraderSkin.php:14 Stack trace: #0 /usr/www/users/<username>/<domain>/wp-content/plugins/better-wp-security/vendor-prod/composer/ClassLoader.php(571): include() #1 /usr/www/users/<username>/<domain>/wp-content/plugins/better-wp-security/vendor-prod/composer/ClassLoader.php(428): Composer\Autoload\includeFile('/usr/www/users/...') #2 [internal function]: Composer\Autoload\ClassLoader->loadClass('MailPoet\\Config...') #3 [internal function]: spl_autoload_call('MailPoet\\Config...') #4 /usr/www/users/<username>/<domain>/wp-includes/functions.php(649): unserialize('a:39:{i:1685598...') #5 /usr/www/users/<username>/<domain>/wp-includes/option.php(253): maybe_unserialize('a:39:{i:1685598...') #6 /usr/www/users/<username>/<domain>/wp-includes/cron.php(1181): get_option('cron') #7 /usr/www/users/<username>/<domain> in /usr/www/users/<username>/<domain>/wp-content/plugins/mailpoet/lib/Config/SilentUpgraderSkin.php on line 14
Can you check if it is the same issue for you?
A rollback to 4.17.0 did not help for me. I have the plugin deactivated for now.- This reply was modified 1 year, 10 months ago by justsomeone.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Mailster] Unable to setup email account in mailing listHi Holger,
thanks for the super quick reply!
Ok I had multiple issues.
The /novalidate-cert parameter worked fine!
However I still hade some strange authentication issues even with the parameter.
Turned out, that you somehow forbid / do not support some special characters for passwords. But instead of an error message or some hint the password is still accepted and incorrectly send to the server for validation.
Would be nice if there would be some message on the frontend when the password includes characters which are not supported from your side.
RobertHi @ajzaradich ,
thanks for the info! I have indeed
Lazy Load Images
enabled (safe links not).I’ll disable it and check if it resolves the issue.
Here’s my exported settings file:
{ "breeze_basic_settings": { "breeze-active": "1", "breeze-cross-origin": "0", "breeze-disable-admin": { "administrator": 0, "editor": 0, "author": 0, "contributor": 0, "subscriber": 0, "wpseo_manager": 0, "wpseo_editor": 0 }, "breeze-gzip-compression": "1", "breeze-browser-cache": "1", "breeze-lazy-load": "1", "breeze-lazy-load-native": "1", "breeze-lazy-load-iframes": "0", "breeze-desktop-cache": "1", "breeze-mobile-cache": "1", "breeze-display-clean": "1", "breeze-ttl": 1440 }, "breeze_advanced_settings": { "breeze-exclude-urls": [], "cached-query-strings": [], "breeze-wp-emoji": "0" }, "breeze_heartbeat_settings": { "breeze-control-heartbeat": "0", "breeze-heartbeat-front": "", "breeze-heartbeat-postedit": "", "breeze-heartbeat-backend": "" }, "breeze_cdn_integration": { "cdn-active": "0", "cdn-url": "", "cdn-content": [ "wp-includes", "wp-content" ], "cdn-exclude-content": [ ".php" ], "cdn-relative-path": "1" }, "breeze_varnish_cache": { "auto-purge-varnish": "1", "breeze-varnish-server-ip": "", "breeze-ttl": 1440 }, "breeze_first_install": "no", "breeze_preload_settings": { "breeze-preload-fonts": [], "breeze-preload-links": "0", "breeze-prefetch-urls": [] }, "breeze_file_settings": { "breeze-exclude-urls": [], "cached-query-strings": [], "breeze-wp-emoji": "0", "breeze-delay-js-scripts": [ "gtag", "document.write", "html5.js", "show_ads.js", "google_ad", "blogcatalog.com\/w", "tweetmeme.com\/i", "mybloglog.com\/", "histats.com\/js", "ads.smowtion.com\/ad.js", "statcounter.com\/counter\/counter.js", "widgets.amung.us", "ws.amazon.com\/widgets", "media.fastclick.net", "\/ads\/", "comment-form-quicktags\/quicktags.php", "edToolbar", "intensedebate.com", "scripts.chitika.net\/", "_gaq.push", "jotform.com\/", "admin-bar.min.js", "GoogleAnalyticsObject", "plupload.full.min.js", "syntaxhighlighter", "adsbygoogle", "gist.github.com", "_stq", "nonce", "post_id", "data-noptimize", "googletagmanager" ] }, "breeze_ecommerce_detect": false, "breeze_advanced_settings_120": "yes" }
Hi @wpmudev-support2 , @wpmudev-support8
the issue still exists in the latest 1.18.2 version.
I don’t want to apply a workaround. Could you please fix the issue?
RobertI digged a little bit into the code.
This is how the hidden field looks like in the rendered html on the frontend:
<input type="hidden" id="hidden-1" name="hidden-1" value="https://www.some-example-page.com/contact-form">
The error is thrown in front.multi.min.js:13214
//same tab redirection window.location.href = self.decodeHtmlEntity(data.data.url);
Where data.data.url looks like:
url: "https://https%3A%2F%2Fwww.some-sample-page.de%2contact-form%2"
So it seems that somewhere an additional
is added which leads to a malformed URL.- This reply was modified 2 years, 8 months ago by justsomeone.
- This reply was modified 2 years, 8 months ago by justsomeone.
- This reply was modified 2 years, 8 months ago by justsomeone.
thanks for looking into it.
Quoting @wpmudev-support6
I’m afraid the default Title field can’t be mapped to a custom field. Is there any specific reason that native Title isn’t ideal for you? Please advise!
Yes there is. Because using the Post Data is a all in one package for title, content and the other predefined fields and does not grant fine granularity like using dedicated text/input fields. E.g. I can not set a custom error message for each field (Post title required, Post content required, etc.), instead only a global error message. Also I have the use case to only put a date into the post content which is also not possible as the post content field is a plain rich text field.
Having the option to use a single field and pass it into every field of an post manually (e.g. text-1 -> post_title, textarea-1 -> post_content, textarea-2 -> post_excerpt). Provides much more options and possibilities for individual forms and use cases.
RobertPS: Yes sharing WP access is not good. This is a temporary sandbox installation which anyone can create with one click
Hi @wpmudev-support6 ,
I was so free to create a sample, almost blank WordPress installation and reproduced the issue.
Reproduce the issue by entering a “Post Title” and press “Send Message”. The form will show errors but the post will be created.
Access: https://poised-dotterel.w5.wpsandbox.pro?upass=d66SCe74cHGr
Maybe this is related to the “Load form using AJAX” option?Best
RobertHi Kris,
thank you so much for this very detailed explanation!! This was exactly was I was looking for and I was somehow not able to figure this out by myself (or even find the proper documentation), so thank you!
Two questions:
– I would like to create the post title from a different field and not use the default “Title” field in the “Post Data” Forminator field. Is this possible? I tried it with custom field “title” and “post_title” but it never gets the post title correct.
– In the meantime, I just used the default “title” field from the “Post Data” Forminator field to have an input which will be used for the post title. Now I have three other fields and all four fields are required. However when I only fill the post title field and submit, the form shows an error but the post will still be created. Is this intended? I’d like to have only a post created when all fields are filled.Hi @pixelshrink ,
haven’t had much issues getting the snippet to work. On my latest project I didn’t even create a custom plugin and just used “Code Snippets” plugin and pasted the code there. You just need to make sure that all variable names are fitting to your custom types.
Here’s my setup:
1. Custom post type “angebote” & custom taxonomy “angebotstyp”: screenshot
2. Add taxonomy relationship field to custom post type “angebote”: screenshot
3. Create code snippet or custom plugin: screenshot (make sure to adopt all field names accordingly)Let me know if this works ??
If not, please share some details so that I can provide further help.