4 years, 11 months ago
is there a screenshot you could send me that i could send to Bluehost to try to explain to the them the issue I am having?
hmmm that is odd. its a freshly new installed subdomain and WordPress installation. i might try creating a new site and see if that fixes the issue
@agnieszkage i had to go to Appearance > Menus > Screen Options (top right), turn on CSS Classes. You will see you get an extra option underneath (down arrow) the links then.
I got rid of the extra rectangle in the text area with the following:
#text-5.widget.widget-welcome.widget_text.clearfix { border-width: 0px; border-style: hidden; }
I’ve added the following code to fix the footer section
.widget-content-wrapper { width: 215px; }
i’ve added the following code to fix the box height
#text-5.widget.widget-welcome.widget_text.clearfix { height: 84px; width: 540px; }
I have made the site public @ilovewpcom
5 years ago
@codepeople thank you so much absolutely perfect!
10 years, 3 months ago
Im having the EXACT same problem right now… i dont what to do to fix it!