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  • Was able to find your installation and registered to test something – sorry if I scared you…

    It looks like you’ve customized both templates (template changes when you’re logged in). What happens when you switch to the default template, does it allow comments on the Pages?

    Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: how do i

    This is normal. Drag your search & categories widgets into the sidebar area and save. Refresh your homepage and it should be what you want.

    HTML <br> tag
    Definition and Usage

    The <br> tag inserts a single line break.

    The <br> tag is an empty tag (means that it has no end tag – the following is wrong: <br></br>).
    Differences Between HTML and XHTML

    In HTML the <br> tag has no end tag.

    In XHTML the <br> tag must be properly closed, like this: <br />. Link

    Other than that, I don’t know of a way to get WordPress to not auto-correct code. I personally use <br /> inside my tags and I’m fine. This really isn’t a wordpress bug.

    Now, the <p> tag does have a closed end on the other side of your content.

    The theme is probably a sponsored theme that places Adsense code in the theme index before the comments section throws out.

    Don’t know why you’d want a disclaimer on every page, but you can either do it in the footer or under every page inside (should be here…) your theme’s index.php

    If it’s a sponsored theme, you need to make sure you’re not causing licensing issues by removing any ads as well.

    Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: Insert


    I personally don’t know of any external plug’n’play scripts to help out with this option. Hopefully someone else will know more than I on this subject.

    Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: linking pages

    I thought about the blogroll, but i know you wanted a tab. The way you’re currently doing it, the Home tab takes you to a blank page, which you would need to insert a link to either your actual homepage or the blog homepage.

    If you edit the header.php file, it’ll just add a static tab across all pages for you.

    Run with it – I’d use it. Lord knows I can’t stand logging into my domain control panel to view Apache logs to see whats going on.

    Are you also adding logging for Post history?

    The sign on page will render but upon successful authentication, you get a stunning white page, right? See here.

    If you have the ALink plugin, it died yesterday causing all kinds of problems but there are still others that cause this issue.

    Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: how do i

    I can’t get to it from work and Google Cache is showing a whole other piece of software…

    Anyway, the quick thing to try is log into your wp-admin, click Presentation and see if you have a “Sidebar Widgets” link in the submenu. If not, your theme doesn’t support it, which means digging in the code. (Widgets are built into your blog automatically, it just needs a theme that supports it.)

    Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: Insert


    I hope you know how to write SQL queries and work with PHP variables. If you do, then you’re in luck – query the WP MySQL db you have setup and inside the wp-posts table will have your post info in it. After that, you’d have to build the link back to your post with PHP (help on building them here)

    When you create a Page, the menu on the side is the same as a Post. So, if you want to Allow/Deny Comments, click on the Discussion side menu when you’re editing your Page and either check/uncheck “Allow Comments”

    Normally, it’s on by default.

    Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: linking pages

    Well, the home button is defined by the WordPress Address in wp-admin/ Options.

    If you want to hard code a tab like “Website”, edit your theme’s header.php and find the <div id="pagetab"> section and add:

    <li class="page_item"><a href="" title="Website">Website</a></li>

    in amongst the code you’ll see.

    Their website still appears to be done from here. You can try it, worst case, you rename alinks again.

    Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: how do i

    sashca: Can you post the URL of your blog so that we can look at what your working with? Depending on the version/theme, there are different instructions.

    Now that I’m at home, I can see the graphics and such. I’ve also visited said page.

    It’s listed as a static page in your DB and when someone goes to it, it’s technically giving a 404 but redirecting to your home page.

    I’ve never had this type of problem with static pages. From what I’m reading, you need to unpublish the page (change status to draft), save then remove.

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