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  • Thread Starter justinesmithies


    Hi Nick ,
    If you could help that would be great !
    Could you email me your plugin with a list of changes you made etc and i’ll set about putting them into the new plugin.
    The IPN issue i have fixed and i think i have got the decimal point issue as it seems to be the way the database was setup to start with.
    And i like the progress meter thats definately going in.
    So hopefully very soon you will not loose any features but you will gain more.

    Justine Smithies ( justine AT exousilainux DOT org )

    Thread Starter justinesmithies


    I have now made a page where you can get the latest Donate Plus version 1.90 from at

    Email me with issues and ideas at justine AT exousialinux DOT org

    Thread Starter justinesmithies


    Scrub that last line double doesn’t store values exactely which will be no good for say £1.59 etc .

    So change this from :

    amount bigint(200) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,

    To :

    amount decimal(10,2) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0.00',

    Hope it helps, i’ll try and test it soon.

    Hi Nick,
    I may have a fix for the decimal point issue if you wish to test it ?
    Read here :

    If it works for you let me know as i’m currently trying to go through all bugs and fix them. Also i have noted you would like it to show the donations with a seperate after Paypal % box and a after Paypal % total in the admin page.
    I think i can do this no problem and hopefully will have something for my next big release Version 2.00 as anything from version 1.90 onwards will just be bug fixes but 2.00 will be here very soon.

    Thread Starter justinesmithies


    I think i might have a fix for the decimal point issue .

    It looks to me that the issue lies with the database creation when the script is first installed.

    function DonatePlusInstall () {
       			global $wpdb, $dplus_db_version;
    			$table_name = $wpdb->prefix . "donations";
    			if($wpdb->get_var("SHOW TABLES LIKE '$table_name'") != $table_name) :
    				$sql = "CREATE TABLE $table_name  (
    					  ID bigint(20) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
    					  name tinytext NOT NULL,
    					  email VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL,
    					  url VARCHAR(200) NOT NULL,
    					  comment text NOT NULL,
    					  display int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
    					  amount bigint(200) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
    					  currency VARCHAR(200) NOT NULL,
    					  date datetime DEFAULT '000-00-00 00:00:00',
    					  user_id bigint(20) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
    					  status VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL,
    					  txn_id VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL,
    					  UNIQUE KEY ID (ID)

    If you look at the value amount you will see its type is set to bigint which i think does not allow for decimal points.
    I think we need to change this from :

    amount bigint(200) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,

    To :

    amount double(10,2) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0.00',

    To try it you would have to go to the donate plus admin and click on
    “Uninstall Donate Plus Tables and Options”

    Then modify the file and re-install the plugin.

    If anybody is game to try it let me know and i” post the links for a new version to download.

    Thread Starter justinesmithies


    Ooops a little bug on one of my previous posts.
    The one to align the show on wall selector in donate-plus.php

    The Line :

    var WallOps2 = '<?php echo '<p class="show_onwall" id="wallops"><label for="show_onwall">'.__('Show on Wall', 'dplus').':</label><br /><select name="item_number" style="position: relative; left: -10px;><option value="1:'.$user_ID.'">'.__('Donation Amount, User Details & Comments','dplus').'</option><option value="2:'.$user_ID.'">'.__('User Details & Comments Only','dplus').'</option></select></p>';?>';

    If you look i forgot a ” and this causes the selector to only show one choice. To fix change to :

    var WallOps2 = '<?php echo '<p class="show_onwall" id="wallops"><label for="show_onwall">'.__('Show on Wall', 'dplus').':</label><br /><select name="item_number" style="position: relative; left: -10px;"><option value="1:'.$user_ID.'">'.__('Donation Amount, User Details & Comments','dplus').'</option><option value="2:'.$user_ID.'">'.__('User Details & Comments Only','dplus').'</option></select></p>';?>';


    Thread Starter justinesmithies


    Another issue i noticed after this was the words “Donation Amount” were no longer above the input box so to fix i chaged this line in donate-plus.php from :

    $output = '<form id="donateplusform" action="'.$verifyurlz[$dplus['testing_mode']].'" method="post">';

    To :

    $output = '<form id="donateplusform" style="float: left;" action="'.$verifyurlz[$dplus['testing_mode']].'" method="post">';

    Thread Starter justinesmithies


    also to make the website url box longer find this line in donate-plus.php

    <p class="donor_url"><label for="donor_url">'.__('Website', 'dplus').':</label><br /><input type="text" name="on1" id="donor_url" value="' . $siteurl . '" /></p>

    And change to :

    <p class="donor_url"><label for="donor_url">'.__('Website', 'dplus').':</label><br /><input type="text" name="on1" size="30" id="donor_url" value="' . $siteurl . '" /></p>

    You can change the value size to anything you’d like.

    Thread Starter justinesmithies


    A little bug fix to the above. I noticed that the select box for the show info on wall still did not align correctly in all browsers.

    Find this line in donate-plus.php

    var WallOps2 = '<?php echo '<p class="show_onwall" id="wallops"><label for="show_onwall">'.__('Show on Wall', 'dplus').':</label><br /><select name="item_number"><option value="1:'.$user_ID.'">'.__('Donation Amount, User Details & Comments','dplus').'</option><option value="2:'.$user_ID.'">'.__('User Details & Comments Only','dplus').'</option></select></p>';?>';

    And change to :

    var WallOps2 = '<?php echo '<p class="show_onwall" id="wallops"><label for="show_onwall">'.__('Show on Wall', 'dplus').':</label><br /><select name="item_number" style="position: relative; left: -10px;><option value="1:'.$user_ID.'">'.__('Donation Amount, User Details & Comments','dplus').'</option><option value="2:'.$user_ID.'">'.__('User Details & Comments Only','dplus').'</option></select></p>';?>';

    That’ll fix the alignment issues.

    Thread Starter justinesmithies


    Oh well same as this post anyway

    I’m also ironing out the little bugs like leaving empty website urls stopping comments from showing and some css fixes to align all the boxes in the form etc.

    Here’s an easier and much cleaner fix to the blank url issue :

    Place this just above the line

    if( $dplus['enable_wall'] == 1 ):

    $siteurl = get_option('siteurl');

    in donate-plus.php
    Then on the line

    <p class="donor_url"><label for="donor_url">'.__('Website', 'dplus').':</label><br /><input type="text" name="on1" id="donor_url" /></p>

    Add this add the end so it looks like this

    <p class="donor_url"><label for="donor_url">'.__('Website', 'dplus').':</label><br /><input type="text" name="on1" id="donor_url" value="' . $siteurl . '" /></p>

    This will automatically fill in the website field with your sites url so they can’t leave it blank and its much prettier than a –

    Hope this helps ?

    Thread Starter justinesmithies


    Cancel that i got multiple columns using the plugin “columnizer” .

    Display Posts Shortcode is a truly amazing plugin though.


    Thread Starter justinesmithies


    This is what i did to get it to work :

    <?php echo do_shortcode('[threecolumns]'.do_shortcode('[catlist categorypage=yes orderby=title order=ASC post_type=incsub_wiki]').'[/threecolumns]'); ?>

    You can see the example at Columizer in Action

    Thanx anyway.

    Thread Starter justinesmithies


    solved that issue i can just add the post type of incsub_wiki to the post_type line.
    I only have one issue now and that is the category titles do not display.

    I have

    [catlist post_type=incsub_wiki orderby=category order=asc catlink=yes ]

    This is what i see in the page source

    <ul class="lcp_catlist">
    <li><a href="" title="Main page">Main page</a>   </li>
    <li><a href="" title="Exousia Linux">Exousia Linux</a>   </li>

    No category titles ?

    Any ideas?

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