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  • Thread Starter jurij_c


    Great! Thanks for your useful plugin

    Thread Starter jurij_c


    Кирил, дякую за ?нфо!

    Щодо 1) я всер?вно рекомендував би пронал?зувати це з точки зору UI/UX. Тепер?шн? р?шення вибору (в?дд?лення чи адрес) достатньо не оптимальне. Значно краще коли видно вс? вар?анти вибору, без зайвого кл?ку по пол?. ? ще краще, якщо можна уникнути взагал? додаткового поля.
    5) загалом це можна реал?зувати в к?лька етап?в. Початковий етап- який буде т?льки показувати статус дано? декларац?? (при тому можна кешувати запит на к?лька годин за допомогою вбудованого кешу вордпресу). Реал?зац?я повинна бути дуже простою.

    Thread Starter jurij_c


    Great! That’s working. Thank you!

    Thread Starter jurij_c


    Hello Benjamin!

    Yes mostly reports are from Safari (let’s say 95%), there are some errors also on few Chrome and FF

    I think I will test next week or earlier

    Thread Starter jurij_c


    Hello Stéphane!

    1) What I mean – would you like to implement or look into enabling search functionality on meta fields for woocommerce search (maybe as option)? I can send you some of particial solution to look at.

    2) it’s build in in savoy theme (you can google on themeforest and see on demo site search).

    3) Can you implement that? as far as I know polylang (with polylang woocomerce plugin) and wpml have that solved. TranslatePress doesn’t have it implemented.
    It is really important functionality specially for translation and user experience, that should be not too hard to do.

    as of right now I am testing on localhost

    Thread Starter jurij_c


    Thank you that would be good solution

    Thread Starter jurij_c


    I am testing different solutions for my needs. Right now your plugin doesn’t work for me. I don’t need any custom functionality.

    Anyway, from my point, it’s a bug in existing functionality. And real problem is that this bug can be easely missed and not reported – but will get wrong data and list of customers will be not full. It was not easy to find out the problem
    Will you work with that is up to you, I was just letting you know about the problem and I was thinking that it will be valuable for you

    Thread Starter jurij_c


    I wanted to add that because of that also sync is not working correctly, today I get notice: “You are having issues with your HubSpot for WooCommerce sync. Please read this doc on how to fix your integration.”

    So from my side I would suggest that it’s important to sync deals and contacts by other fields if mail is empty. It be good as fallback and be safe for different use cases of woocomerce.

    Greetings. Thanks for your plugin

    Thread Starter jurij_c


    Thanks! that is indeed $hubwoo!

    Unfortunatly it still doesn’t work, I suppose it’s because this action is defined in Hubwoo_Public.
    I have no idea how to disable this action

    Appreciate your help

    Thread Starter jurij_c


    Hello, thanks for letting me know!
    I am using your plugin and altered some of the functionality to suit best my needs, specially to have as less impact on page load times. So I will share with you, maybe some ideas will be good for you

    1) I have minified all frontend scripts and enqueue only one file. The order of scripts in than file is important in that case very much. It’s possible to rely on minify plugins, but it’s much better solution to have already minified file. You can include option to use minified file.
    2) Additionally I load that script by jquery ajax call($.getScript()) when it’s needed and when page is initially loaded. To determine when it’s needed I have used (which I use already for lazy loading pictures onsite) and bind it to .sgdg-gallery-container (so every gallery on page is observed). Initially I had idea to lazy load images from gallery, but it looks better to just lazy load script which then starts loading images. It was very important because it loaded a lot of files even if user didn’t reach gallery. The only downside is when there 2 and more galleries (script can be downloaded twice – you have to use $.ajaxSetup({cache: true}); to load jquery ajax call only once))
    3) Because I have dequeued scripts I had to hard code sgdgShortcodeLocalize configuration before loading minified script.
    4) in shortcode.js added to configuration widowLayoutStyle: ‘center’ which has 3 options. It can be for example = justified. It would be better to justify last image, looks much more better ( it was implemented by justified flickr plugin I have told you before.) I have used just center, because didn’t finish with justifying last image.
    5) Also in shortcode.js I have added targetRowHeightTolerance:0.15 . It makes not every raw equal, and I like this look better, I recommend to try it.

    And about some bugs I have noticed:
    1) when there are two galleries of pictures on one page: autoloading only works for 1 of them, not always the same (bug in shortcode.js).
    2) sgdgShortcodeLocalize is added twice when there 2 galleries.
    2) on frontend some of admin scripts and maybe styles(I don’t remember) are loaded.
    3) I wanted to disable adding hash (unique picture address) to browser address, but it’s possible only by removing code in js, would be great when it was an option.

    About links for pictures as permanent links: I haven’t worked on that, as for now it’s like it was

    I have noticed that you used caching for storing as transient sgdg_hash which is used then to get the gallery. So as continuation of idea from previous posts, maybe it would be great to cache whole response for minimal time when the links for images as 100% still reachable.

    If you need some more details let me know, I will gladly help.

    Thread Starter jurij_c


    Unfortunately as last time I was testing it on localhost. And didn’t investigated more after, so I would leave it as is. Greetings

    P.S. The issue was not with Magnific. But with “None” selected!

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 9 months ago by jurij_c.
    Thread Starter jurij_c


    I was generally talking about both. Server and browser as separate.
    Now we are talking about server.
    For example I use wp total cache on that project. I haven’t tested if it improves and caches, maybe those plugin concepts are different. I will check.

    what I’m talking about is to use caching for api and response + maybe the whole output. It would be universal and also if somehow api died for new request it would have cached response to use (and + if used permanent links worked as long as needed).

    1) I haven’t implemented it, as far as I know you can use for example wordpress
    There is example

    2) In plugin I have told you before(flickr) it uses different concept – it stores cache on disc. I didn’t dig into the code to see how it’s done.

    3) There is also but it is only for time of one request and can be cached for longer with plugins like wp total cache.


    Thread Starter jurij_c


    Hello Marek, again

    And Maybe the first step for it would be great to implement as an option caching of response api and all the markup for the minimal time links are alive for sure.

    Thread Starter jurij_c


    Hello, the markup is different.
    <a href="" title="" data-title="" data-photonic-deep="gallery[photonic-google-album-1]/ALs5n1n7SHVuFpXMhBcHZ5h-zfSrW6NVn4gOeDnGi0rZNT1mPkKswrzIny8Mey0E-SpNO-aXSKx3kuBJpeOHL0GFccc-DDz1wg/" >

    <a class='photonic-launch-gallery launch-gallery-magnific magnific mfp-image' rel='lightbox-photonic-google-stream-1' href="" title="" data-title="" data-photonic-deep="gallery[photonic-google-album-1]/ALs5n1n7SHVuFpXMhBcHZ5h-zfSrW6NVn4gOeDnGi0rZNT1mPkKswrzIny8Mey0E-SpNO-aXSKx3kuBJpeOHL0GFccc-DDz1wg/" >

    Thread Starter jurij_c


    Hi Marek!

    The reason for my suggestion is that you can’t cache this response with not permanent links, and page generation as I understood from what I saw is every time new. When it would be cached the response would be faster because you don’t have to process everything and then wait for api response, then download pictures. You can keep this response for hour or 2 or whatever is good for user and then refresh it and keep it again.

    When I refresh page, it downloads pictures again and again, every time you refresh.

    You don’t notice it when there are 3 pics, but when there are 1-2 albums on one page it’s noticeable delay up to 3-5 sec in page generation. And page generation, and as result server response is longer. It is important for google.


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