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  • Jupiter_Dev


    The strangest thing is one site was recently moved to production from development. The development site does not have the issue, but the production site does. these two have the same server specs and php configuration. The second site with the issue was developed in place. There is no js error in the console, and the drag and drop feature works. “select Files” does nothing. I hope these details help to get this sorted out.



    Been having this problem for about a week on 2 sites. Different servers. Tired James Huff’s solution, but it didn’t work for me. Tried several themes, disabling all plugins, replacing /wp-includes/js, max memory limit set to 64MB.

    Thread Starter Jupiter_Dev


    The plugin installs and activates accross the network, and the tables iterate in the database, but the subdoamin links for the categories get forwared to the main bolg’s home page. Thanks a ton ahead of time for any help.

    Looking to update to current version 3.4 and extend functionality for WP Multisite by 6-29-12. I can, and will donate for contributions.Anyone interested? Thanks for all the great works so far. Really cool.

    Wow! Really? I have a reseller account with JustHost, and I was hacked a week ago. IP tracked to Morrocco, or was it china? I cant remember. But I hardend my install. Took me a week of tweaks, and experineting with security. I recovered from the hack quick, but it took me a bunch of work before I was satisfied that it wouldn’t happen again.
    My attack was an SQL injection that took out my admin, but the damage was minimal.
    Wherever you go:
    1)Make sure your permissions for you wp-config are set right.
    2) If possible move wp-config up and out of the webaccessable folder.
    3) Block IP’s try:

    I review my traffic frequently, and honestly 99% of all my traffic coming in from outside the United States consists of spammers, or other suspicious activities. So I block whole Ip ranges from select countries, and proxies.
    Also try Better Security or Bullet proof
    One of them lest you easily change the wp_ prefix in the database.

    Thread Starter Jupiter_Dev


    Thanks Charles, that’s a lot of good stuff. Yeah, I run Wamp with apache and php for testing, and dev. I’m a nubie really, I started using wp 3 years ago, I didn’t know anything about anything. no html, css, php, xml, nothing. Now I am starting to take my first baby steps into dev. Studying fo php certification. It’s all because of WP, and opensource. I am greatful to everyone involved with wordpress.

    How did you switch the domain? did you do it through cpanel/plesk type of solution? Or did you do this through the Wp options page, Mysql?
    if you move everything to the right directory, and set the url correctly then WP will be setup right.
    The only thing you are going to need to do after, is use find replace
    to point your images and pages to the right places.
    search “yourdomain/wordpress/”
    replace “yourdomain”

    Thread Starter Jupiter_Dev


    yup I just installed beta-tester an hour ago. thanks a bunch esmi! I’ll check out theme unit test. I threw a set of core plugins in that are kept up to date, I’ll muddle around.
    Thank you for your suggestions.

    how did you set the domain foward?
    do you stiil want the old site, or do you want to switch?
    The simple solution is:
    Undo The domain forward then:
    1) ftp your site & rmove old files from the sites root directory.
    2) move all files and folders from the wordpress sub up to your sites root
    3) enter mysql and edit table wp options Home and make sure it now points to the right url. And save.
    4) clear browser cache and close.
    5) go to https://www.yourdomain/wp-login.php and login.

    I hope this helps.

    Is there only one install on that hosting account? In the past I have had issues because of too many installs on a shared hosting account with them.
    ok, yeah, govpatel, is right. They probably over sold the box you are on. Also, you can disable wp plugins one by one, and test to see which if any can be affecting your install.

    Okay, i think what you can do is use a switch stattement, or set the filter as a variable, then use an if…else, but I am still learning myself. Also, here is a good WP Dev tutorial that deals with adding a filter:
    I hope it helps!

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