*** @add tabs based on user
add_filter(‘um_user_profile_tabs’, ‘um_job_dashboard_user_add_tab’, 100 );
function um_job_dashboard_user_add_tab( $tabs ) {
unset( $tabs[‘job_manager’][‘subnav’][‘post_a_job’] ); // now unset the tab
if ( get_current_user_id() == um_profile_id() && current_user_can(‘UMCustomer’) ) {
$tabs[‘job_manager’][‘subnav’][‘post_a_job’] = __(‘Post a Job’,’ultimate-member-job-manager’); // again set
return $tabs;
Thanks very much for your answer. It didnt work for me, the plugin still appears for all roles.
I tried with both the UM role and the WP role.
But I dont mean to be demanding, you have done enough already.
Thanks again,
Hi again, I implemented the code, but I didnt explain well, I apologize. What I am trying to do is have this plugin as a whole appear only for a certain role.
Thanks for that lightening fast answer! Its very appreciated.
No problem to ad it to functions.php.
However may I ask where I specify the role(s) for which it is visible?