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Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Photo Album Plus] You can only run one maintenance procedure at a timeTable IX-E6 doesn’t fix the problem unfortunately.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Photo Album Plus] You can only run one maintenance procedure at a timeRegarding the description field. I understand what you suggest: in fact is it one of my projects because the Camera Info I have under each photo in the slideshow is French only.
I don’t think the problem is the same with the description that shows up under the thumbnails. The photos and the IPTC/EXIF data are imported from Adobe Lightroom and different IPTC fields are used for the French and English description:
2#005: French description – Adobe Lightroom IPTC Title field
2#120: English description – Adobe Lightroom IPTC Caption fieldIf I remember well, a few years back you have shown me how to modify the WPPA code to allow this. The modification has probably disappeared with the installation of a new version. Unfortunately, I can’t find the old email that relates to this… Can you point me in the right direction ?
JForum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Photo Album Plus] You can only run one maintenance procedure at a timeThanks for the reply Jacob and don’t worry about the delay.
I tried using the shortcode [wppa type=”landing”][/wppa] in a few of the WPPA pages and it doesn’t seem to solve the problem. Those modified pages still show up in the search results. I did erase the history and cache of the Chrome browser.
I also use WPPA on my family photos web site and I don’t have that problem. It is not yet converted to the new shortcodes and it uses WPPA 6.3.17. The shortcode used is simply %%wppa%%. It doesn’t use q-translate since it is French only. Could q-translate be the problem ? I have not converted to q-translate-X.
I use the W3 Total Cache with the default settings. Problem ?
Should I optimize and clean up the database ? It has never been done. It seems easy to do using the WP-Optimize plugin.
JForum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Photo Album Plus] You can only run one maintenance procedure at a timeThanks for the tip. The script conversion was simply a cut and paste matter since my scripts are only %%WPPA%%. Consequently, the converter was not needed.
However, I have a problem with the WPPA Photo Search widget. The search result shows the photos that were found as it should but it also shows all the pages that contain [wppa][/wppa] – those pages don’t contain a Wood Duck photo nor the Wood Duck name. I have one page for each photo album and they all contain this code:
<p><!--:fr--> <p> [wppa][/wppa] </p> <p><!--:--><!--:en--> <p> [wppa][/wppa]<br /> </p> <p><!--:--></p>
Try it here, doing a search on Wood Duck:
https://julesgobeil.com/photo/?lang=enAlso, it shows the FRENCH IPTC field under the photo instead of the ENGLISH one. Is there a way to correct this ?
Thanks for helping me
JForum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Photo Album Plus] You can only run one maintenance procedure at a timeWell… IMHO, you give a lot back. I think I can talk for the community of the WPPA users and say “THANK YOU VERY MUCH”.
Fixing the indexes solved the problem of the Search Photo Widget that had stopped working, as I expected. The update also worked fine; I only have to correct the %%WPPA%% scripts… and I have a lot of them but I am in no hurry – for me also, it is a hobby :-).
Best regards
JulesForum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Photo Album Plus] You can only run one maintenance procedure at a timeYou are amazing ! How can you find the time ? Designing. programming and maintaining the best and most comprehensive photo app on WordPress and finding the time to give 12 hours support…
It is Table VIII-A-6 Lost and Found that was working. For whatever reason, the process was stuck and it has been in that condition for a very long time; I don’t even remember starting it… Anyway, I started it again and it completed correctly. I was then able to remake the indexes in A-8 and A-9.
Many, many thanks and have a great day.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Photo Album Plus] [Plugin: WP Photo Album Plus] Problems with translatedWoops, my error. The language is fr_FR.
define (‘WPLANG’, ‘fr_FR’);
The files wppa-fr_FR.mo and wppa_theme-fr_FR.mo file are in both the Atahualpa theme folder and in /wp-photo-album-plus/langs. As you suggest, I will remove them from the Theme folder.
There is indeed a problem with the wppa_theme-fr_FR.mo file and I found what it is. The .MO file is corrupted ! I recompiled the .PO file using POEdit and it solved the problem.
I’m emailing you both .mo files: the corrupted and the corrected one.
JulesIt works great, thanks a lot.
To make it work, I had to add !important
#wppa-avg-1-5 { padding-right: 15px !important; } #wppa-rate-1-1 { padding-left: 15px !important; }
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Photo Album Plus] [Plugin: WP Photo Album Plus] Thumbnails darknessopajaap, please contact me so that I can send you an email. I have quite a few things for you.
https://julesgobeil.com/site_web_3/sw3_en/contact.phpForum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Photo Album Plus] [Plugin: WP Photo Album Plus] Thumbnails darknessThanks opajaap. Your comment is much appreciated. I’ll send you a private message.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Photo Album Plus] [Plugin: WP Photo Album Plus] Thumbnails darknessThis is the new link to the gallery
https://julesgobeil.com/wpfr/?page_id=835&wppa-album=8&wppa-cover=0&wppa-occur=1Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Photo Album Plus] [Plugin: WP Photo Album Plus] Thumbnails darknessThanks for your answer.
Changing this setting does indeed improve picture quality. Like you say, it also takes more space. Since I will have more than 1500 photos when finished, it is food for thaught.
However, doing this does not really improve the quality of the thumbnails that are still dull. In fact, they are not darker, like I said in my first post, they lack color and presence.
To correct this, I have taken the thumbnails in this folder:
and I have applied a Photoshop Action to all of them. It decreases Hue (-9), increases Saturation (+40) and increases Lightness a little (+2). They look much better this way and are quite close to the full size pictures.Thanks for your help
I’ll see if I can add it using Padilicious:
https://padilicious.com/code/touchevents/I’ll let you know if it works.
Lightbox is now turned off.