Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 replies - 1 through 15 (of 17 total)
  • Thread Starter farway


    Excellent, I thought I’d checked every option, but missed this. Thanks!

    Thread Starter farway


    I changed the email password to app-specific in case that helped. It did, so debug produced this log below. Now I have two draft posts, tmptitle and tmpPost.

    enabling duplicate comments
    doing postie_session_start
    Starting mail fetch
    WordPress datetime: 2021-08-30 11:08:05
    wp_content_path: /home2/judlphmy/public_html/wp-content
    OS: Linux 4.19.150-76.ELK.el7.x86_64 #1 SMP Wed Oct 7 01:33:43 CDT 2020 x86_64
    PHP version: 7.4.22
    PHP error_log: error_log
    PHP log_errors: On
    PHP get_temp_dir: /tmp/
    PHP disable_functions: 
    PHP cURL version: 7.78.0
    PHP Multibyte String support: yes
    MySQL Version: 5.7.23
    MySQL client: mysqli
    Query: SHOW FULL COLUMNS FROM <code>IyZ_posts</code>
    IyZ_posts charset: utf8mb4
    WordPress Version: 5.8
    WordPress Singlesite
    WP_TEMP_DIR: (none)
    WP_HOME: (none)
    home_url(): https:// (mydomain)
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    site_url(): https:// (mydomain)
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    imagick version: 3.4.3
    gd version: 7.4.22
    image editor supported: WP_Image_Editor_Imagick
    WP_Image_Editor_Imagick supports: image/jpeg
    WP_Image_Editor_Imagick supports: image/png
    WP_Image_Editor_Imagick supports: image/gif
    image editor supported: WP_Image_Editor_GD
    WP_Image_Editor_GD supports: image/jpeg
    WP_Image_Editor_GD supports: image/png
    WP_Image_Editor_GD supports: image/gif
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    No registered filters for image_downsize
    No registered filters for wp_handle_upload
    No registered filters for wp_get_attachment_thumb_file
    No registered filters for wp_handle_upload_prefilter
    No registered filters for wp_handle_sideload_prefilter
    No registered filters for pre_move_uploaded_file
    image memory limit: 256M
    iconv: present
    Active plugins
         classic-editor/classic-editor.php => 1.6.2
         contact-form-7/wp-contact-form-7.php => 5.4.2
         flamingo/flamingo.php => 2.2.2
         postie/postie.php => 1.9.56
         stripe-payments/accept-stripe-payments.php => 2.0.47
         woocommerce-gateway-stripe/woocommerce-gateway-stripe.php => 5.4.0
         woocommerce/woocommerce.php => 5.6.0
         wordfence/wordfence.php => 7.5.5
    Postie is in /home2/judlphmy/public_html/wp-content/plugins/postie/
    Postie Version: 1.9.56
    No registered filters for postie_filter_email
    No registered filters for postie_filter_email2
    No registered filters for postie_filter_email3
    No registered filters for postie_author
    No registered filters for postie_post_before
    No registered filters for postie_post_after
    No registered filters for postie_file_added
    No registered filters for postie_gallery
    No registered filters for postie_comment_before
    No registered filters for postie_comment_after
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    Registered filters for postie_log_debug
    Registered filters for postie_log_error
    No registered filters for postie_session_start
    No registered filters for postie_session_end
    No registered filters for postie_preconnect
    No registered filters for postie_post_pre
    No registered filters for postie_email_reject_recipients
    No registered filters for postie_email_notify_recipients
    No registered filters for postie_email_reject_subject
    No registered filters for postie_email_notify_subject
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                [custom] => 
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                [postie_default] => <a href="{FILELINK}">{ICON} {FILENAME}</a>
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                [custom] => 
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        [legacy_commands] => 1
    fetch_mail: Connecting to (pop3-ssl)
    pConnection: mailbox: INBOX
    Connecting via Socket
    Socket: tls://
    Socket error: 0 -  (Resource id #1374)
    Socket: POP3
    socket read (1) :+OK POP3 v1.0 server ready < (ref.number)>
    Socket: attempting a secure connection
    socket write: STLS
    socket read (1) :-ERR Command not allowed at this time
    socket write: USER (email) @ (mydomain)
    socket read (1) :+OK
    socket write: (login) LOGIN/APOP/PASS
    socket read (1) :-ERR Authentication failed
    fetch_mail: POP3 - Could not connect to POP3 server on port 995. Array
        [0] => -ERR Authentication failed
    doing postie_session_end
    memory at end of email processing: 80696104
    Query: SELECT option_value FROM IyZ_options WHERE option_name = '_transient_timeout_et_builder_ajax_cache' LIMIT 1
    Query: SELECT option_value FROM IyZ_options WHERE option_name = '_transient_et_builder_ajax_cache' LIMIT 1
    Query: SELECT *, CASE 
    WHEN <code>type</code> = 3 THEN 0
    WHEN <code>type</code> = 4 THEN 1
    WHEN <code>type</code> = 7 THEN 2
    WHEN <code>type</code> = 6 THEN 3
    WHEN <code>type</code> = 5 THEN 4
    WHEN <code>type</code> = 9 THEN 5
    WHEN <code>type</code> = 8 THEN 6
    WHEN <code>type</code> = 2 THEN 7
    WHEN <code>type</code> = 1 THEN 8
    ELSE 9999
    END AS <code>typeSort</code>, CASE 
    WHEN <code>type</code> = 3 THEN <code>parameters</code>
    WHEN <code>type</code> = 4 THEN <code>parameters</code>
    WHEN <code>type</code> = 1 THEN <code>IP</code>
    WHEN <code>type</code> = 9 THEN <code>IP</code>
    WHEN <code>type</code> = 5 THEN <code>IP</code>
    WHEN <code>type</code> = 6 THEN <code>IP</code>
    WHEN <code>type</code> = 7 THEN <code>IP</code>
    WHEN <code>type</code> = 2 THEN <code>IP</code>
    WHEN <code>type</code> = 8 THEN <code>IP</code>
    ELSE 9999
    END AS <code>detailSort</code>
     FROM <code>IyZ_wfblocks7</code> WHERE <code>type</code> IN (4) AND (<code>expiration</code> = 0 OR <code>expiration</code> > UNIX_TIMESTAMP()) ORDER BY <code>typeSort</code> ASC, <code>id</code> DESC
    Query: SELECT *, CASE 
    WHEN <code>type</code> = 3 THEN 0
    WHEN <code>type</code> = 4 THEN 1
    WHEN <code>type</code> = 7 THEN 2
    WHEN <code>type</code> = 6 THEN 3
    WHEN <code>type</code> = 5 THEN 4
    WHEN <code>type</code> = 9 THEN 5
    WHEN <code>type</code> = 8 THEN 6
    WHEN <code>type</code> = 2 THEN 7
    WHEN <code>type</code> = 1 THEN 8
    ELSE 9999
    END AS <code>typeSort</code>, CASE 
    WHEN <code>type</code> = 3 THEN <code>parameters</code>
    WHEN <code>type</code> = 4 THEN <code>parameters</code>
    WHEN <code>type</code> = 1 THEN <code>IP</code>
    WHEN <code>type</code> = 9 THEN <code>IP</code>
    WHEN <code>type</code> = 5 THEN <code>IP</code>
    WHEN <code>type</code> = 6 THEN <code>IP</code>
    WHEN <code>type</code> = 7 THEN <code>IP</code>
    WHEN <code>type</code> = 2 THEN <code>IP</code>
    WHEN <code>type</code> = 8 THEN <code>IP</code>
    ELSE 9999
    END AS <code>detailSort</code>
     FROM <code>IyZ_wfblocks7</code> WHERE <code>type</code> IN (3) AND (<code>expiration</code> = 0 OR <code>expiration</code> > UNIX_TIMESTAMP()) ORDER BY <code>typeSort</code> ASC, <code>id</code> DESC
    Query: SELECT *, CASE 
    WHEN <code>type</code> = 3 THEN 0
    WHEN <code>type</code> = 4 THEN 1
    WHEN <code>type</code> = 7 THEN 2
    WHEN <code>type</code> = 6 THEN 3
    WHEN <code>type</code> = 5 THEN 4
    WHEN <code>type</code> = 9 THEN 5
    WHEN <code>type</code> = 8 THEN 6
    WHEN <code>type</code> = 2 THEN 7
    WHEN <code>type</code> = 1 THEN 8
    ELSE 9999
    END AS <code>typeSort</code>, CASE 
    WHEN <code>type</code> = 3 THEN <code>parameters</code>
    WHEN <code>type</code> = 4 THEN <code>parameters</code>
    WHEN <code>type</code> = 1 THEN <code>IP</code>
    WHEN <code>type</code> = 9 THEN <code>IP</code>
    WHEN <code>type</code> = 5 THEN <code>IP</code>
    WHEN <code>type</code> = 6 THEN <code>IP</code>
    WHEN <code>type</code> = 7 THEN <code>IP</code>
    WHEN <code>type</code> = 2 THEN <code>IP</code>
    WHEN <code>type</code> = 8 THEN <code>IP</code>
    ELSE 9999
    END AS <code>detailSort</code>
     FROM <code>IyZ_wfblocks7</code> WHERE <code>type</code> IN (1, 8, 9, 2, 5, 6) AND (<code>expiration</code> = 0 OR <code>expiration</code> > UNIX_TIMESTAMP()) ORDER BY <code>typeSort</code> ASC, <code>id</code> DESC
    Query: SELECT *, CASE 
    WHEN <code>type</code> = 3 THEN 0
    WHEN <code>type</code> = 4 THEN 1
    WHEN <code>type</code> = 7 THEN 2
    WHEN <code>type</code> = 6 THEN 3
    WHEN <code>type</code> = 5 THEN 4
    WHEN <code>type</code> = 9 THEN 5
    WHEN <code>type</code> = 8 THEN 6
    WHEN <code>type</code> = 2 THEN 7
    WHEN <code>type</code> = 1 THEN 8
    ELSE 9999
    END AS <code>typeSort</code>, CASE 
    WHEN <code>type</code> = 3 THEN <code>parameters</code>
    WHEN <code>type</code> = 4 THEN <code>parameters</code>
    WHEN <code>type</code> = 1 THEN <code>IP</code>
    WHEN <code>type</code> = 9 THEN <code>IP</code>
    WHEN <code>type</code> = 5 THEN <code>IP</code>
    WHEN <code>type</code> = 6 THEN <code>IP</code>
    WHEN <code>type</code> = 7 THEN <code>IP</code>
    WHEN <code>type</code> = 2 THEN <code>IP</code>
    WHEN <code>type</code> = 8 THEN <code>IP</code>
    ELSE 9999
    END AS <code>detailSort</code>
     FROM <code>IyZ_wfblocks7</code> WHERE <code>type</code> IN (7) AND (<code>expiration</code> = 0 OR <code>expiration</code> > UNIX_TIMESTAMP()) ORDER BY <code>typeSort</code> ASC, <code>id</code> DESC
    • This reply was modified 3 years, 6 months ago by farway. Reason: pull sensitive info out
    Thread Starter farway


    End of debug page appears to say login info isn’t working, but I’m logged in using same:

    getemails: Connecting to (imap-ssl)
    getemails: procol: imap-ssl
    pConnection: mailbox: INBOX
    Connecting via Socket
    Socket: tls://
    Socket error: 0 -  (Resource id #686)
    Socket: IMAP
    socket write: A0001 CAPABILITY
    socket read (3) :* OK Gimap ready for requests from m188mb231003385iof
    socket write: (login) LOGIN/APOP/PASS
    socket read (1) :A0002 NO [AUTHENTICATIONFAILED] Invalid credentials (Failure)
    getemails: IMAP - Could not connect to IMAP server on port 993. Array
        [0] => A0002 NO [AUTHENTICATIONFAILED] Invalid credentials (Failure)
    doing postie_session_end
    memory at end of email processing: 9268976
    Thread Starter farway


    Yes, IMAP is enabled as directed.

    Have tried everything on this page.

    • This reply was modified 5 years ago by farway.
    Thread Starter farway


    On right widget, the icons space nicely but the hover menus don’t. Some are blurry, spaced farther apart.

    Thread Starter farway


    Thanks laliz, you’re a genius!

    I checked the mod_rewrite in the server config files, appeared to be ok.

    The permalinks didn’t work, but changing them to something else (saving) then changing them back worked. The pages are all there now.

    As for the fresh install, that whole server is about to…

    Thread Starter farway


    Thx laliz, there wasn’t an .htacces at so I created one. Didn’t help. File permissions didn’t change–they’re all same as before.

    Yes, home and login works on but other public pages are 403 errors. No permissions changed there either. I tried turning off all plugins, didn’t help either.

    Thread Starter farway


    A friend suggested I see if there was a security plug-in, and if so disable it. I did, preview works now.

    Thread Starter farway


    Re: the fresh install, I can’t even get to the admin pages. The whole thing went 403 after the upgrade.

    Re: the site above:

    Thanks jmjf, this was helpful to read. However, the menus are still broken in WP 3.5, so it looks like I’ll be retheming my site to another responsive theme.

    Ok, tried a different browser and it does work on test mode. I did a charge of $15 to account #4242 4242 4242 4242 and I got a success message.

    However, the success message is in the original javascript box with no obvious way to close that box. Hitting escape worked, but now I’ll have to put a note in my page about that.

    Good news that it works.

    I just installed it (thanks Noel Tock!) for testing on a 3.5 site. Getting a persistent progress bar. Used [wp-stripe] on a page, clicked the link, got the progress box. That was a couple of minutes ago.

    What is it about 3.5 that’s breaking so many widgets and themes? Sheesh.

    YAY! thanks

    Arg. Do we have to roll back, or (I hope, I hope, I hope) is there a fix for this yet?

    Thread Starter farway


    Aha, nevermind, my firewall software was not disabled. Apparently I need to disable it while posting.

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