Jason Judge
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Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Job Manager] [Plugin: Job Manager] FR: give post types labels and namesI certainly hope so. It’s a lovely plugin. It is a shear pleasure walking through the code that oozes quality and good practice. There are few plugins for WP that I can say that about ??
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Job Manager] [Plugin: Job Manager] FR: give post types labels and namesThis is what the admin page of the “more types” plugin shows with the above function pasted in:
Before that every line just said Post…Post…Post… and I had no idea which one to edit in order to extend them.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Job Manager] [Plugin: Job Manager] FR: give post types labels and namesThere should already be a function called “jobman_page_taxonomy_setup” which starts and ends like this:
function jobman_page_taxonomy_setup() { ... }
This is in functions.php of the plugin. The code I pasted should replace that section completely. If you prefer to paste it at the end of the functions.php file, make sure to rename the original function name, e.g.:
function jobman_page_taxonomy_setup_ORIGINAL_DISABLED() { ... }
That ought to work (it does for me). Luckily the plugin does not need to be reinstalled or anything – just paste in the code and the custom post types show up with proper names when viewed from other modules such as “more types” or “wp custom post types”.
Note also that this is likely to be over-written each time the plugin is updated, so I’m hoping it will make it into the core plugin so we no longer have to keep pasting it.
— Jason
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Job Manager] [Plugin: Job Manager] FR: give post types labels and namesTo make it easy, here is my version of the function:
function jobman_page_taxonomy_setup() { // Create our new post types register_post_type( 'jobman_job', array( 'exclude_from_search' => false, 'labels' => array('name' => 'Jobman Job') ) ); register_post_type( 'jobman_joblist', array( 'exclude_from_search' => true, 'labels' => array('name' => 'Jobman Job List') ) ); register_post_type( 'jobman_app_form', array( 'exclude_from_search' => true, 'labels' => array('name' => 'Jobman App Form') ) ); register_post_type( 'jobman_app', array( 'exclude_from_search' => true, 'labels' => array('name' => 'Jobman App') ) ); register_post_type( 'jobman_register', array( 'exclude_from_search' => true, 'labels' => array('name' => 'Jobman Register') ) ); register_post_type( 'jobman_email', array( 'exclude_from_search' => true, 'labels' => array('name' => 'Jobman Email') ) ); register_post_type( 'jobman_interview', array( 'exclude_from_search' => true, 'labels' => array('name' => 'Jobman Interview') ) ); // Create our new taxonomy thing $options = get_option( 'jobman_options' ); $root = get_page( $options['main_page'] ); $url = get_page_uri( $root->ID ); if( substr( $url, 0, 1 ) != '/' ) $url = "/$url"; register_taxonomy( 'jobman_category', array( 'jobman_job', 'jobman_app' ), array( 'hierarchical' => false, 'label' => __( 'Category', 'series' ), 'query_var' => 'jcat', 'rewrite' => array( 'slug' => $url ), 'labels' => array('name' => 'Jobman Category') ) ); }
When managing data through other plugins such as “more types”, it just makes the admin screens there that much easier to follow.
Just to add, these values are set for me:
MUPLUGINDIR = wp-content/mu-plugins
PLUGINDIR = wp-content/plugins
WP_PLUGIN_URL = https://example.co.uk/content/pluginsNote that PLUGINDIR and MUPLUGINDIR are both deprecated, and so should no longer be used (and IMO are now incorrectly set in core WP wp-settings.php).
My workaround is to put the following in wp-config.php, and then I can use this plugin without modification:
define( 'PLUGINDIR', 'content/plugins' );
I don’t know yet whether this will break other plugins, since we are mixing local and virtual directories here.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Job Manager] [Plugin: Job Manager] Uploaded CV SecurityHmm, I’ll have to disagree on this being a low risk, because there are so many doors that can expose the media on WordPress in an uncontrolled way. It is something that people need to be aware of and treat appropriately.
Personal information can be put in CVs that absolutely should not be made public. There are privacy laws (in the EC) that come down heavily on companies not treating this seriously.
Now, it is great that this plugin is using built-in WordPress functionality (it is one thing that draws me to it as a quality piece of software). I wonder if there are other plugins that can handle privileges within the media section? Or maybe there is a way for Job Manager to specify an alternative upload location? I’ll have a dig around myself and see if anything catches my eye.
Yeah, WordPress is a CMS that makes a lot of things easy compared to some other CMSs, but its whole reason for being is for publishing stuff to the world, and so it does lack a certain amount of privilege framework. So it does make some things more difficult to protect and hide. It is not something that should be dismissed though. IMO it does need sorting, but I am at a loss to suggest how to sort it at this stage.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Job Manager] [Plugin: Job Manager] Uploaded CV SecurityJust to be clear on this, the job manager does provide its own URLs to the uploaded CVs, and they are protected, e.g.
Without privileges, the user gets a 404.
However, when clicking on the download link there, WP redirects to the media centre URL to download the actual document, e.g. on my network-enabled WP site:
It is this URL that is not protected. A bit of trial-and-error is likely to uncover some CVs (mycv.doc anyone?), and knowing WordPress, it is only time before some other module stucks all the direct CV URLs into a sitemap.
This is a really nice job board though, so this is something that is well worth fixing.
Ah no, it’s not important for me, right now (Sunday Evening here). I’m mentioning this because this seems a rather important plugin in its area of functionality. Someone *could* accidentally break all their sites – which could run into hundreds or thousands – just by installing another plugin that happened to have the function get_original_url().
My stuff is all working at the moment, so I don’t have an itch to scratch; but just making you aware of what may lie down the road.
In the future, I’m sure these functions will be wrapped up in a class for the plugin, and then they can be called whatever you like, but until WP catches up with a proper OO approach, we have to be a lot more careful when naming functions with global scope.
I have already had clashes between identically-named functions introduced by themes and plugins, and it is not fun to debug.
AH, I didn’t spot the change.
The comment about the functions include stuff like these:
domain_mapping_warningSince functions are global, they should really all have a common prefix to avoid clashes with other modules. It is just to avoid any surprises when people install and use various plugins.
Sorry – not sure if you have logged/changed this and I just can’t see it, or you are hinting that I should be directing any bugs there ??
A fix for the lack of tables:
The tables are created in the function dm_add_pages(), which does not get called in the WP3.1 network “superuser” administration pages. Instead the dm_network_pages() function is called to add the domain mapping menu items.
My fix is to add the following line of code to the dm_network_pages() function:
That then creates the tables as soon as the administrator displays the network admin pages, which is where they would have installed the plugin anyway.
However – this does create a wasteful database check every time the admin page is displayed. It would be better to perform the check once in the Settings->Domain Mapping page.
I would also add, looking through the code of this module, that the function names used are not consistently prefixed, and are just asking for name collisions with other modules.
In addition, the check for the sunrise script looks in this folder:
WP_CONTENT_DIR . ‘/sunrise.php’
If the sunrise script is not there, it tells you to put it in this folder:
That is misleading, as WP_CONTENT_DIR may be custom and so will not be “wp-content”.
My work around is to add a condition to line 135 of the more-types-object.php script:
$wp_roles->add_cap($role, $capability);
changed to:
if (is_object($wp_roles)) $wp_roles->add_cap($role, $capability);
Although this works now, it may be back at the next plugin upgrade, and I am not sure what capabilities are removed through that condition.