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  • Plugin Author Jason Judge


    It is a settings page, so you will find it under the Settings menu on the administration dashboard. The page is called “Google Webfonts for Woo Framework”.

    Here is the URL for the page. Just put your own domain in:

    Paste the key into the “Google Developer API Key” field and then save the form. If the key is correct and enabled for webfonts, then you will see a new list of fonts on that page under the “New fonts available and used” section.

    TBH I have no idea why Google requires an API key to get this list. I can understand they may want to limit the usage of that API to keep the load on their servers down, but they could always provide a cached list of all fonts on another URL. I was thinking of doing that myself – putting a list of the fonts onto github or something, but don’t want to introduce a potential weak point in the process. However, maybe as a fall-back it could be useful.

    — Jason

    Plugin Author Jason Judge


    Are you happy to set this to resolved? It’s a problem with the server configuration, with known solutions, and nothing that can be worked around in PHP, WordPress or this plugin.

    Plugin Author Jason Judge


    Of course, you did already tell me it was a MAMP server – got my head in the clouds. It looks like a well-known problem, and people who know more than me about such things have described some simple steps to fix it:

    Also happens with Ruby, but the solution may give some additional clues:

    Also Moodle, which points to this fix:

    The bottom line, is that Google is using an SSL certificate for its SSL connection. That certificate is part of a chain of certificates that feed back to the ultimate authority on all certificates in the chains it is the head of. What is missing from your installation of Curl, is one of the intermediate certificates; it should be installed on your server. The list is constantly updated, and so many servers are out-of-date. Most web servers get frequent enough updates to keep up however. It is all about how up-to-date the software is on your machine, but you can also manually install those intermediate certificates that you need. That last link shows how to do that (you will need a command-line window to issue a few short commands, and it should be done).

    Best of luck ??

    Plugin Author Jason Judge


    Searching Google, it seems to be an issue with the way SSL certificates are handled by your web server. Do you happen to be running under Windows?

    Similar errors:

    This looks promising:

    That leads to this set of instructions and suggestions:

    It is all technical, and concerns the web server you are running on. I’m not sure there is a way around this in PHP. If this is not practical to fix, you may need to wait for a future version of this plugin where I will be putting in an up-to-date list of Google fonts so the list of fonts is relatively current even before you enter an API key.

    Sorry it does not look like a simple solution, but hopefully 1.1.0 is at least not breaking your WP installation.

    — Jason

    Plugin Author Jason Judge


    Thanks, that was useful. It was failing on fetching the fonts from Google. I don’t know why it would fail, but I wasn’t handling the error very well.

    The new version 1.1.0 will catch that error now and display it at the top of the admin pages. It it not going to directly solve your problem (not being able to use the new fonts) but it will at least give us the means to diagnose the problem.

    Plugin Author Jason Judge


    Was there any line number with that error message? When does the error happen – the moment you install it, or when you go to the settings page? Or perhaps only after you have entered the API key?

    It’s one I haven’t seen before, and is not reproducible on my 3.5.1.

    Thread Starter Jason Judge


    Just a note: the sku is stored in out tracks as the “sku” meta field. WooCommerce defines the sku as “_sku” (with an underscore) within its own products post type. That underscore is just to indicate that it is a core WooCommerce meta field and not a custom one. It makes no real difference to how the above works, but thought I should mention it in case you are scratching your head about the underscore.

    Why we need to catch the updates in two different actions is something I cannot remember. All I know is that if we don’t, then when importing the tracks from CSV, sometimes the linking would work and sometimes it wouldn’t. With both hooks it all works great.

    It’s all real code, but I’ve stripped out comments and class names just to simplify the technique to its basic implementation.

    Thread Starter Jason Judge


    I’ll try to explain, but this will not contain all the detail – hopefully it will give you a good start to work from

    First we have two hooks to catch the uploading of tracks to the WP site. Here is the first:

    function my_updated_post_meta($meta_id, $post_id, $meta_key, $meta_value)
        if ($meta_key != 'sku') return;
        if (wp_is_post_revision($post_id)) return;
        if (get_post_type($post_id) != 'track') return;
        if (trim($meta_value) == '') return;
        link_product_track($post_id, trim($meta_value));

    So that hook checks that we are setting the sku in the track being created, checks we are not catching an auto-save, checks we are posting to the post type “track” and that the sku is set. If all of these things are true, then we have the track post id and we have the sku, so pass these to list_product_track(). What that function does is find the product (the album) with that SKU, then links the track to that product using the posts-to-posts API.

    Here is the second hook that catches other instances of the track being created from a CSV file:

    function my_save_post($post_id) {
            global $post;
            if (!empty($post)) $post_id = $post->ID;
            if (!function_exists('p2p_type')) return;
            if (defined('DOING_AUTOSAVE') && DOING_AUTOSAVE) return;
            if (wp_is_post_revision($post_id)) return;
            if (get_post_type($post_id) != 'track') return;
            $sku = trim(get_post_meta($post_id, 'sku', true));
            if ($sku == '') return;
            link_product_track($post_id, $sku);

    In this case me make sure posts-to-posts is enabled, are not doing an autosave, the post type is “track”, and the track has an SKU. Again, if all this is true we call link_product_track to link this track post to the product post with this SKU.

    Here are the action declarations:

    add_action('save_post', 'my_save_post', 999);
    add_action('updated_post_meta', 'my_updated_post_meta', 10, 4);
    add_action('added_post_meta', 'my_updated_post_meta', 10, 4);

    The function to create the link is here:

    function link_product_track($track_post_id, $sku)
            // Find the album in the products with the same SKU.
            $products = get_posts(array(
                'post_type' => 'product',
                'numberposts' => 10, // There should only ever be one.
                'meta_query' => array(
                        'key' => '_sku',
                        'value' => $sku,
                'post_status' => 'publish',
                'suppress_filters' => true, // Just to keep the overhead down
            if (empty($products)) return;
            foreach($products as $product) {
                    ->connect($product->ID, $track_post_id, array('date' => current_time('mysql')));

    This code can go into the theme’s functions.php, or a plugin, and I would recommend putting it all into a class. But do go through it carefully so you understand how it works and what we are trying to do. In my case, the WooCommerce products (“products” being a post type) have an “sku” metadata field. Each product gets a unique SKU. We then load up multiple tracks from a CSV file into the “tracks” post type. One of the meta fields on that post type is also “sku”. When they load, we want to join the tracks to the products by their sku.

    Hope that helps!

    — Jason

    That’s my experience with WP 3.5.1 – if you export and import EVERYTHING then all media is physically moved across. If you opt for anything less than everything, then the media does not get imported, but links to that media does.

    Like I said in an earlier post, this is what we seem to be stuck with. Use it to migrate or copy a site right at the start, then remove what you don’t want.

    However, do keep an eye on this. because it may just be a transient problem, to be fixed later.

    Thread Starter Jason Judge


    I see – got it. In case it is useful to anyone else:

    I was finding that there was no option to add a URL when editing a slide, and there was no option to add a linking URL in the WP media library (not sure if that is normal or just something my theme is suppressing).

    However, when *adding* an image to a slide, there is a box there to add a caption and a URL. So you you want to set or change a URL for an image slide, you need to add the image again and put in the URL while doing that. The image can be added from the media library, so it does not need to be uploaded again as a new image.

    — Jason

    Thread Starter Jason Judge


    It is a child theme of the WooThemes Canvas theme, with very little customisation. If you don’t have this theme, I can send you a copy to try out. There may be other WooThemes themes that have the same problem, depending on how similar the common parts of those themes are.

    [email protected]

    It will import the images and other media, so long as you select the option to import *everything*. This is really only suitable for populating a new site from fresh.

    Yes, you edit the theme’s functions.php, but ideally it is not a thirty-party theme that you will be upgrading from time-to-time. Instead, you can create your own child theme and you can do what you like with functions.php in there, without it being overwritten when the third-party theme is upgraded.

    However, make sure your child theme does not have the same name as any theme on the site, otherwise a careless update in the WordPress admin pages can overwrite your child theme from something from

    Note also when brian420 says “your functions.php” he really does mean your functions.php and not the one you will find in any third-party theme, otherwise even that will be lost when the theme is updated.

    You will need to create a child theme of your own (which is very simple, and can inherit everything from its third-party parent theme) and modify that.

    Of course, you could be using your own custom theme already, but I strongly suspect you are not, as there is a lot of fluff that goes into a WooCommerce theme to make things work smoothly.

    Popovski – you may be better starting a new thread. It sound like you are looking for a text-formatted product listing.

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