4 years ago
Same here, unable to export to csv, can someone please help us !
4 years, 9 months ago
Hello @junenacpil29
Still the same, which is a small pain, given that products are uploaded anyway in the background. So we just wait a few seconds and click the products tab to check. So no big deal but still something that should be fixed.
Where you logged with a Vendor approved user ?
Hi Mark, please make you are logged in as a vendor. If you use an Admin user it works just fine.
Here is a copy of the file:
Thanks !
When I log in using a Vendor profile I get to this page.
There is a PRODUCTS link on the left . Once there , I can see the IMPORT option I am talking about.
And when processing it freezes here
The CSV file I used is the same one generated with the export option, just changing product names, description, and deleted IDs
Hope this helps