Correct, neither are quite what I am going for but I do appreciate the time and effort.
To recap and provide better detail of the request…
There is a parent page titled “Lineups & Flyers” with several siblings underneath it. Clicking the “Lineups…” link via the sidebar widget produces the following:
Lineups & Flyers
* 2001.1
* 2002.1
* 2002.2
* 2002.3
* 2003.1
* 2003.2
* 2003.3
* 2004.1
* 2004.2
* 2004.3
* 2004.4
* 2005.1
* 2005.2
* 2005.3
* 2005.4
* 2005.5
* 2005.6
* 2006.1
* 2006.2
* 2006.3
* 2006.4
* 2006.5
* 2007.1
What I wish to happen is for a visitor to be able to click any of those pages and have “next” and “previous” links to navigate with, but only within this parent page of “Lineups…”