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  • I would also like to know this. I’m implementing a bunch of nginx driven WordPress sites and would like to use this plugin to it’s maximum efficiency, unless for some reason nginx doesn’t benefit from the underlying changes from the Falcon engine?

    In the video it’s stated that the Falcon engine uses changes made in the .htaccess file to speed up the site…but nginx has no .htaccess.

    Thread Starter JsonB123


    Forget it — found

    The only issue is that the original gets removed completely so I cannot use it to regenerate thumbnails from.

    I made a long post about how my “enable source maps” was checked and I was still getting an error…and then I reread haha. UNchecked.

    However, doing this means you cannot edit JavaScript on that page, correct?

    Are there any other implications to unchecking this box on Chrome?

    I hope this helps someone — a “code only” solution is to add this to your theme functions file. Replace the theme_location value with the menu you would like to place these links in by adding a filter to the wp_nav_menu_items like this:

    add_filter( 'wp_nav_menu_items', 'add_loginout_link', 10, 2 );
    function add_loginout_link( $items, $args ) {
    	if (is_user_logged_in() && $args->theme_location == 'primary') {
    			$items .= '<li><a href="'. wp_logout_url( get_permalink( woocommerce_get_page_id( 'myaccount' ) ) ) .'">Log Out</a></li>';
    	elseif (!is_user_logged_in() && $args->theme_location == 'primary') {
    			$items .= '<li><a href="' . get_permalink( woocommerce_get_page_id( 'myaccount' ) ) . '">Log In</a></li>';
    	return $items;

    Credit to Kloon

    I believe that the documented usage of the Wysiwyg field on ACF needs to be updated due to the change in the changelog:

    [Removed] Removed the_content filter from WYSIWYG field

    I have a question about your solution though since you’re just applying the content filter in your function anyway, what’s the real difference between using that line I had for your template above and your function? How is calling apply_filters on my front-end template calling the wpautop() and do_shortcode twice?

    I’m confused by your statement.

    Have you tried applying the filter manually in your template? E.G:

    echo apply_filters('the_content', get_field('your_wysiwyg'));

    Certainly; I will do it probably early tomorrow morning or later tonight. I’ll post back here when I’ve tested the Windows browsers (IE 7-9 and FF, Safari, Chrome and Opera).


    In the essence of maintaining the good practice of not editing core files or plugins for that matter, I’m trying to find a good way to override this specific JavaScript function in my theme’s files… though I’m not sure what to do to actually override it or if that is even possible? Any suggestions here?

    Thanks again!

    Alright, now I’m really confused because removing the if/else statement in that code chunk you posted above fixes the problem. E.g.:

    function delayedLoad() {
    	//if (tinymce.isIE || tinymce.isWebKit) {
    	//	tinyMCEPopup.onInit.add(init);
    	//else {

    So, what the heck was the point of singling IE or Webkit out? I haven’t tested on IE yet but now the WebKit browsers work absolutely FINE. On top of that, notice that the init function called in the test for webkit/IE doesn’t have the ending () in it. Just put those in and it works fine as well, since it’s really just calling the same function regardless of the test.

    So, what was the original purpose of this? Is it just code that was forgotten to be removed? Not sure, but it shouldn’t be in there if you want Webkit to work with this image map button : )

    So, in conclusion… I’m replacing that function with:

    function delayedLoad() {

    I completely understand! With all of the moving parts and other 3rd party tools it’s gotta be a headache getting everything working together perfectly…along with the obnoxious variations between browsers and even platforms/browsers.

    I’m glad my response could maybe help at least a little bit! I was doing a little digging on tinymce and webkit and noticed that it’s definitely an issue in general with tinymce and not your plugin specifically. Some stuff I’ve come across also points to how webkit loads javascript differently with the onload event and some other things I just glanced over…basically it just works differently on webkit (differently = worse in this case).

    Maybe if there was a way to put the image mapping interface into the “edit” button popup that appears when you click the image in the editor ( it shows next to the “delete” button). This has the “advanced” tab to resize it and give classes, etc to the image… but maybe an extra tab could be added for image mapping? Just a thought since this is how you resize for webkit since the dotted line never appears in the browser for live resizing…

    That’s probably an entirely different route than the tinymce editor plugin though.

    I do get this JavaScript error when the edit page loads:
    GET 404 (Not Found) in post.php:619

    And when I try to click the plus button in the imagemap popup (there is no image showing in the popup so I’m sure that’s why these errors are happening)
    Uncaught TypeError: Cannot call method ‘addNewArea’ of undefined in popup.html:108

    Trying to click the minus button
    Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property ‘currentid’ of undefined in popup.html:108

    Hope that helps sort out the issue…I’ll just try to get the admins for this site to use Firefox if necessary. It seems like there is just less functionality in general with even the standard WordPress tinymce in browsers. E.g: when highlighting an image in Firefox, Opera vs Chrome, Safari you get a dotted line around the image to resize it… you don’t get this in Chrome/Safari at all. This may just be a browser issue with all tinymce/webkit browsers and not your plugin specifically.

    I wanted to post here because I’m having the same issue…which could potentially be a problem for a client I’m building a site for, depending on what browser they choose to use of course. Anyway, here’s the rundown of what I’ve found. I’m on OS X by the way:

    Chrome (latest — 22.0.1229.94) the image doesn’t show in the popup interface
    Safari (latest — 6.0.1) same as Chrome
    ** These are both Webkit browsers…could that have something to do with the issue? **

    Firefox (latest — 16.0.2) works perfectly, as you’ve noted already

    Opera (latest — 12.02) works perfectly.

    I still need to test this on the Internet Explorer versions but it seems like it’s specifically webkit that is the issue here…strange.

    Why not tell everyone how you solved it? You might help someone : )

    Hi All,

    Just wanted to weigh in here because I figured out with the help of the questions here as well as that linked post by rolies106 that you need to be really careful when modifying the main query with WordPress. I needed to make only the blog posts show on a search (instead of all pages) so I put a filter on pre_get_posts like so:

    function searchfilter( $query ) {
    	if ( $query->is_search ) {
    		$query->set( 'post_type','post' );
    	return $query;
    add_filter( 'pre_get_posts', 'searchfilter' );

    Then I’m wondering why the Search function on Posts to Posts relations isn’t working and only showing blog posts because I did this way after I set all of that up. Then it hit me: simply add the check on the if conditional !is_admin(). I did this and it’s working great again because it’s not adding this filter to any admin sections. This would also mess up ANY search functionality on the admin without that check.

    Fixed code:

    function searchfilter( $query ) {
    	if ( $query->is_search && ! is_admin() ) {
    		$query->set( 'post_type','post' );
    	return $query;
    add_filter( 'pre_get_posts', 'searchfilter' );

    Thread Starter JsonB123


    No one? Am I posting to the wrong section?

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