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Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Yoast SEO] Dash In SERP ResultWhich post? I googled your site and home page title is showing as “Exploring Upstate | A Blog About Discovering Upstate NY” in SERP, no dash.
It seems it was just in “Preview” that the non-quotes shortcodes weren’t working. If you publish the post, they work. I’ll keep screwing with it and hopefully find the conflict.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Health Check & Troubleshooting] Stuck in Health Check — Troubleshooting ModeYep, correct! LiteSpeed wasn’t clearing properly… I just manually cleared the cache and all is well. ?? Thank you
- This reply was modified 6 years, 1 month ago by jsnowbusiness.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Backup, Restore and Migrate your sites with XCloner] SFTP settingsNope, no errors on page or in log. This is what displays on-page at the top:
SFTP storage settings saved. SFTP connection error: Could not login with username: -------, host: --.---.---.--
and this in log:
[2019-01-19 17:48:35] xcloner_remote_storage.INFO: Checking validity of the remote storage SFTP filesystem [] [] [2019-01-19 17:48:35] xcloner_remote_storage.INFO: Creating the SFTP remote storage connection [""] [] [2019-01-19 17:48:36] php_system.INFO: E_NOTICE: array ( 'type' => 8, 'message' => 'Constant WP_MEMORY_LIMIT already defined', 'file' => '/home3/evonyhoo/public_html/GFP/wp-config.php', 'line' => 93, ) [] [] [2019-01-19 17:48:52] php_system.INFO: E_NOTICE: array ( 'type' => 8, 'message' => 'Constant WP_MEMORY_LIMIT already defined', 'file' => '/home3/evonyhoo/public_html/GFP/wp-config.php', 'line' => 93, ) [] [] [2019-01-19 17:50:28] xcloner_file_system.INFO: Cleaning the backup storage on matching rules [] [] [2019-01-19 17:50:28] php_system.INFO: E_NOTICE: array ( 'type' => 8, 'message' => 'Constant WP_MEMORY_LIMIT already defined', 'file' => '/home3/evonyhoo/public_html/GFP/wp-config.php', 'line' => 93, ) [] []
Thanks again for your help. I had been using CYAN Backup’s backup and remote sftp storage for a few years but the plugin author hasn’t updated portions of the code that only work on PHP 5.6 or lower. I’ve had to find an alternative instead and XCloner is everything I could ever want if I could just get it to work.
I’ll try again on another site and see if maybe there is something up with the current site/plugins/theme that I’m trying to get XCloner to work on.
- This reply was modified 6 years, 2 months ago by jsnowbusiness.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Backup, Restore and Migrate your sites with XCloner] SFTP settingsThanks for your help, I really appreciate it. However, I actually already had /GFPXC in the storage folder setting.
I tried your suggestion, as well as different folders, and nothing changed. Still the same entries in the log.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Backup, Restore and Migrate your sites with XCloner] SFTP settingsNo Error, when I try checking validity in remote storage settings the log outputs this:
[2019-01-18 21:11:33] xcloner_remote_storage.INFO: Checking validity of the remote storage SFTP filesystem [] [] [2019-01-18 21:11:33] xcloner_remote_storage.INFO: Creating the SFTP remote storage connection [""] []
and when I go to Manage Backups and click the button/link to manually upload a backup to remote sftp I get the same thing:
[2019-01-18 21:15:05] xcloner_remote_storage.INFO: Creating the SFTP remote storage connection [""] []
And that’s it… aside from a bunch of these lines which i figure are unrelated to the sftp issue:
[2019-01-18 21:09:44] xcloner_file_system.INFO: Cleaning the backup storage on matching rules [] [] [2019-01-18 21:09:44] php_system.INFO: E_NOTICE: array ( 'type' => 8, 'message' => 'Constant WP_MEMORY_LIMIT already defined', 'file' => '../wp-config.php', 'line' => 93, ) [] [] [2019-01-18 21:09:53] php_system.INFO: E_NOTICE: array ( 'type' => 8, 'message' => 'Constant WP_MEMORY_LIMIT already defined', 'file' => '../wp-config.php', 'line' => 93, ) [] []
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Backup, Restore and Migrate your sites with XCloner] SFTP settingsWas this ever solved?? I’m having same issue and have been watching for an end result..
SFTP connection error: Could not login with username: -----, host: --.---.---.--
I setup an SFTP server on my home machine using BitVise. My website is on shared hosting at Stablehost and I’ve enabled ssh2 PHP Extension like @mkraakman suggested, but I’m not sure if I need to do anything besides enabling it?? Also, I assume port 22 is being forwarded since my Bitvise log shows my Stablehost IP connecting and then terminating..
<event seq="1058" time="2019-01-18 13:33:29.853786 -0600" app="BvSshServer 6.07" name="I_SESSION_KEY_EXCHANGE_ALGORITHMS" desc="Key exchange algorithms."> <session id="1720" remoteAddress="--.---.---.--:42146"/> <parameters kexAlg="diffie-hellman-group1-sha1" cipherAlgIn="aes128-ctr" cipherAlgOut="aes128-ctr" macAlgIn="hmac-sha2-256" macAlgOut="hmac-sha2-256" comprAlgIn="none" comprAlgOut="none"/> </event> <event seq="1059" time="2019-01-18 13:33:29.997324 -0600" app="BvSshServer 6.07" name="I_SESSION_DISCONNECTED_NORMALLY" desc="Session disconnected normally."> <session id="1720" remoteAddress="--.---.---.--:42146"/> <parameters disconnectReason="SshError"/> <error type="Flow" component="BssManager/transport" class="RemoteSshDisconn" code="ByApplication" description=""/> </event>
Any ideas or suggestions? Thanks
- This reply was modified 6 years, 2 months ago by jsnowbusiness.
- This reply was modified 6 years, 2 months ago by jsnowbusiness.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [YITH WooCommerce Compare] Only Compare When 2+Yeah, that is a pretty basic feature to only have available in the premium plugin..
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Custom Product Tabs for WooCommerce] Importing products with custom tabsJust figured I’d leave my tip here after screwing with this for a few days..
I was doing the same thing as poster – wanting to import products with custom (or saved) tabs from a csv and I couldn’t get it to work. First, like OP, I manually made a product, exported it… and then I duplicated the row and edited the new rows to make new products… and then when I would import back into woocommerce the custom tabs wouldn’t show up even with the “import as meta” option. However, If I took the original export of the product I made manually and tried importing it and would import just fine by itself…
So, I looked at the
column in my csv for the first duplicated product I made which was this:a:1:{i:0;a:3:{s:5:"title";s:12:"User Reviews";s:2:"id";s:12:"user-reviews";s:7:"content";s:251:"<h2>ATCProxys User Reviews:</h2> <h3>[RICH_REVIEWS_SNIPPET category="ATCProxys.com"]</h3> [RICH_REVIEWS_SHOW category="ATCProxys.com" num="8"]<br /> (If you have used ATCProxys please leave a review below!) [RICH_REVIEWS_FORM category="ATCProxys.com"]";}}
and then I noticed that the
part is a character count of actual content in the tab, and once it was changed to"content";s:255:"
the product would import properly! I’ve just imported 800+ products with Custom Tabs after fixing the character counts for the “content” part of the serial/meta data. Thankfully the Custom Tabs only changed every few dozen products and not for each. If every single product has a different custom tab then it would have been very tedious for sure.- This reply was modified 6 years, 6 months ago by jsnowbusiness.
Is it dying? Tried to view demo and site is gone… would love to see development on this continue with features like choosing which columns/attributes show in the table.. I’d donate to help get those features!
No ideas or suggestions from anyone?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [NextScripts: Social Networks Auto-Poster] Message Format Hashtag Help/BugNothing?
Site that works:
mcrypt support enabled
mcrypt_filter support enabled
Version 2.5.8
Api No 20021217
Supported ciphers cast-128 gost rijndael-128 twofish arcfour cast-256 loki97 rijndael-192 saferplus wake blowfish-compat des rijndael-256 serpent xtea blowfish enigma rc2 tripledes
Supported modes cbc cfb ctr ecb ncfb nofb ofb streamSite that doesn’t:
mcrypt support enabled
mcrypt_filter support enabled
Version 2.5.8
Api No 20021217
Supported ciphers cast-128 gost rijndael-128 twofish arcfour cast-256 loki97 rijndael-192 saferplus wake blowfish-compat des rijndael-256 serpent xtea blowfish enigma rc2 tripledes
Supported modes cbc cfb ctr ecb ncfb nofb ofb streamLooks the same to me..
- This reply was modified 7 years, 6 months ago by jsnowbusiness.
Okay, I will have to figure out exactly how to do that, then do it, then I’ll get back to you here with more details lol.
Tried switching to php 7.0 instead of 5.6, but that didn’t change anything.