Jeff Sherk
Forum Replies Created
Yes please.
Do you plan on updating your repository? Plugin update will automatically become available if you do that.
That will work!
I could suggest a few options, something like this:
Option to show/hide the qty (“1”).
Option to add an “x” in front of the qty (“x 1″).
Option to add additional space in front (” 1″ or ” x 1″).$individual_qty_hide = false; $individual_qty_add_x = true; $individual_qty_add_space = true; if ($individual_qty_hide) { $individual_qty_text = ""; } else { $individual_qty_text = "1"; if ($individual_qty_add_x) { $individual_qty_text = "x ".$individual_qty_text; } if ($individual_qty_add_space) { $individual_qty_text = " ".$individual_qty_text; } } $return_value .= sprintf( $individual_qty_text.' <input type="hidden" name="cart[%s][qty]" value="1" />', $cart_key );
I have a testsite setup, and you can add this product to see the issue. testsite is using TWENTY TWENTY theme.
And my original report was using DIVI theme.
I am using this plugin with WordPress v5.5.2 and WooCommerce v4.6.1 and it seems to be working fine.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Auto Login New User After Registration] Auto login and redirect doesn’t workHi
Well that is a pretty generic problem of “it just does not work” so unfortunately I have no suggestions.
Most common reason it would not work, would be a conflict with another plugin.
The recommended procedure is to de-activate all other plugins and see if it works. If it works, then you have to turn the plugins back on one by one until you find the one that stops it from working.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Update Theme and Plugins from Zip File] ErrorWhat version of WordPress do have?
If its v5.5+ then my plugin does not do anything and can be de-activated and deleted as this functionality was added to WordPress core.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Auto Login New User After Registration] Custom RegistrationThe plugin was designed to work on the default wp registration page.
If you are customizing this page, then it may or may not still work, depending on what was changed.
All you can do is try it and see.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Auto Login New User After Registration] Not working with BuddypressUnfortunately at this time, I have no plans to make it compatible with Buddypress.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Auto Login New User After Registration] Registration form layoutHi
Great questions!
My honest answer is that I have no idea!
The layout/look of the registration page is (I think) controlled by the theme, not by my plugin. My plugin simply says “add more fields to the page”, but the theme will decide how they look and how to place them on the page.
One possible solution is to figure out how to add custom CSS that can overide the themes CSS and manipulate the fields in the way you want.
Another possible solution is that you need to figure out how to setup a custom theme layout for the registration page that is used when a mobile device is viewing the page.
Sorry that I can not offer any more assistance than that. If you can figure out a solution for this, it would be great if you can post it back here.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Auto Login New User After Registration] password check for learndashUnfortunately this plugin is only designed to work from the default WordPress Registration form at /wp-login.php?action=register and does not appear to be compatible with Learndash.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Update Theme and Plugins from Zip File] Plug in doesn’t workDid you ACTIVATE this plugin?
If the plugin is activated, and you still get this error, then there must be another plugin that is causing a conflict, and you will not be able to use it.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Auto Login New User After Registration] Not working for multisiteUnfortunately, at this time, I have not tested the plugin for multisite use, and I do not have any plans to implement this feature at this time.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Auto Login New User After Registration] It doesn’t work in SpanishUnfortunately my plugin is only designed for English.
I do not have any plans at this time to add multi-language support.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Update Theme and Plugins from Zip File] Couple of questnsHi
1) Correct, you do not need to press “activate plugin” after upload, assuming the plugin was already activated before upload.
2) Ok thanks for comment.
3) Correct, there is no way to upload multiple zip files at once.