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  • Yes Definitely – wordpress makes all that easy because you don’t really edit it on your pc – you edit your pages directly in wordpress online.

    Like Kmessinger says you can each have an account within wordpress so you can both be logged in and working at the same time. Though I wouldn’t recommend working on the same page at the same time.

    It’s all web based so as long as you each have access to the internet, it doesn’t matter if your on a mac or pc. You use your preferred browser to login to the wordpress site and you can both be editing.

    I’m just curious – What do you want your website to do for you?

    Excellent site – You’ve done well!

    Suggestions –
    I noticed that your Leadership Category has no articles. When creating a new site it’s often the case that you don’t have all the content you need to actually launch it.

    One thing you can do is visit to get content about leadership and find a few articles to help get your site started. It’s perfectly acceptable to copy an article from the site as long as you include the resource box at the end giving the author credit for writing it and a link back to their site.

    This is a great way to get content when you create new sites. As you add new posts it just pushes the old ones down lower and lower till you’ve filled up the page with your own original content.

    You’ve done well!

    That’s a good suggestion. 0 10 20 30 40 50 – keeps you from having to renumber anything if you later insert a new page.

    Grats! I hate it when plugins do stuff like that!

    If you just want to change the order of your main menu links, i would seriously doubt you need to be adjusting your code.

    Try opening up one of your pages (like you’re going to update it normally) and see if there’s a little box to the right that reads “page attributes” then look for a little box that says “Order”.

    The page with the lowest order number is on the left. To change the order, just assign the number you want from 0 to 10 and the lowest numbers should show left in the menu.

    See if that works.

    It looks to me like the footer links are transparent or in a color that just doesn’t jive well with your theme.

    You might try looking through your Theme’s options – they may already include a way to specifically update the footer link’s font and colors.

    It sounds like you did a permanent 301 redirect from your old to your new domain.

    Meaning when people type your old blog address it routes them to your new domain you purchased at GoDaddy.

    Is there a way you can undo the settings you said you changed?

    Sorry – I don’t know because I always host my own domains and never use wordpress to host them for me.

    No – Your webmaster is completely wrong. Otherwise you could run out of letters to make new page.

    You can have multiple pages names that start with the same letter.

    Don’t Forget – people almost never actually type out a full page name anyway. They usually just click the link you send them in an email, or they click the link on a webpage… OR they go to your website and click till they find the page they wanted.

    This is a complete non-issue.

    On another more important note, if you don’t use “pretty” links it’s harder for search engines to find your pages. Google and other Search Engines factor in your page URL as part of deciding whether or not to rank your page.

    For example let’s say an individual google for “buy puppy food”.
    If two websites had exactly the same content, same articles, same pictures, same text, everything
    If your page was called “” and your competitors was “”.

    Google will rank you better than them. The words in your url are not just “pretty” they are essential to helping you rank in Google.

    [Sig removed. Please don’t advertise – Moderators]

    Thread Starter Joseph Shaw


    That was exactly how I fixed it. I waited an hour and then I was able to delete the file and upload my backup file for the wp-config.php.

    Thanks David – I can’t stand to see my site go down. Last time that happened it killed my rankings in Google for weeks.

    Usually this kind of thing happens after making some kind of change. Have you changed anything recently?

    404 Page not found – makes me want to think you should really go back and check those Permalinks again. something as simmple as a dash in the wrong place could cause that.

    Try deactivating ALL your plugins, and reactivating them one at a time. to see if you still get the issue when activated one at a time.

    Have you made any permission changes to your files or folders? Unix permissions often account for a lot of frustrations.

    Try this thread.

    Caution: before editing any of these files be sure to make a copy.

    Thread Starter Joseph Shaw


    I do have a caching plugin and come to think of it I got the first error when trying to open the plugin to review the settings.

    I even said to the hosting company that it’s like the files are all locked.

    I bet my caching program was trying to do something when they were doing their nightly backups or something and it locked the files. I also was able to rename one of my folders while troubleshooting.

    About an hour later I was able to update the problem file and everything was resolved.


    Thread Starter Joseph Shaw


    Hey premiumwp – those are all fairly customized installations of Fresh News. I was looking for something closer to seeing what people were able to do without hiring a developer.

    My site is pretty vanilla and it looks great. I didn’t hire a developer to do anything.

    That’s why I’ve been so impressed with this theme.

    Still – I’d love to hear from other real people out there using this theme to see what they’ve done with it. Thanks for pointing out that option, I never even saw it till you mentioned it.

    Thread Starter Joseph Shaw


    Thanks for the tip premiumwp! I’ll check it out.

    Thread Starter Joseph Shaw


    Sorry I went to bed – it was 1AM here when we were talking.

    Hey – This is Joe from the WordPress Forum.

    Yes – using Godaddy is good. The autoinstall is nice and makes it easy.
    When you get your Theme at you will be able to download it as a zip file.

    You don’t even need to unzip it.

    1. To install a theme in your WordPress dashboard just go to “Appearance” and click “Themes”
    2. From the Theme Page click the “Install Theme” tab.
    3. From the “Install Theme” tab you just click “upload” and browse to find your zip file.
    4. You’ll see some messages as it uploads, extacts, etc… when it’s done you’ll see an option that says “ACTIVATE”. Be sure to activate your new theme.
    5. Your theme is now installed… Now you’ll see a new “FreshNews” option in your dashboard. Be sure to go there and choose your “theme color scheme”, upload a custom logo etc… all on that page.

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