@RonRennick – Any workaround that you would recommend? As you can see from my post above, it would be a reasonable big and risky job to change the primary domain name otherwise.
@lernerconsulting We have a number of sites on the multisite instance and this tool works well for each of those. We want to change the name of the primary domain however, and the easiest way to do that is by a mapping. Otherwise, we’ll need to go through the db of each instance (there are almost 40) and change linkages. Obviously more risky and time consuming. Know what I mean?
I think I may have found the problem…there were 13000 ws_menu_editor records in the site_meta table…I deactivated the plugin, deleted all the records and reactivated it and it seems ok now.
Seems to be only in the case where it is activated in a multisite instance. I deactivated it in the network admin and activated in one site and it worked fine.