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  • Thread Starter CMSDeveloper


    Is resolved, thanks!

    Thread Starter CMSDeveloper


    Any change on fixing this bug?

    Thread Starter CMSDeveloper


    Thanks, what about the settings page broken css styling?


    rule 25:
    $path . ‘/src/’ . ‘Modules/Dashboard_widget.php’,

    Just disable this rule, adding “//”

    // $path . ‘/src/’ . ‘Modules/Dashboard_widget.php’,

    Thread Starter CMSDeveloper


    Any idea about this issue? Does WPSC need a update?!

    Thread Starter CMSDeveloper


    This is the back-trace log.
    Forget to say this errors show when deleting a page!

    [27-Mar-2019 18:17:21 UTC] Backtrace from warning 'Undefined property: WP_Post::$filter' at / 342: / 358 calling __get() | / 730 calling filter() | / 2638 calling get_post() | / 2741 calling wpsc_delete_post_archives() | / 286 calling wpsc_post_transition() | / 310 calling apply_filters() | / 465 calling do_action() | / 4446 calling do_action() | / 3852 calling wp_transition_post_status() | / 4028 calling wp_insert_post() | / 2988 calling wp_update_post() | / 249 calling wp_trash_post()
    [27-Mar-2019 18:17:21 UTC] PHP Notice:  Undefined property: WP_Post::$filter in / on line 342
    [27-Mar-2019 18:17:21 UTC] PHP Stack trace:
    [27-Mar-2019 18:17:21 UTC] PHP   1. {main}() /
    [27-Mar-2019 18:17:21 UTC] PHP   2. wp_trash_post() /
    [27-Mar-2019 18:17:21 UTC] PHP   3. wp_update_post() /
    [27-Mar-2019 18:17:21 UTC] PHP   4. wp_insert_post() /
    [27-Mar-2019 18:17:21 UTC] PHP   5. wp_transition_post_status() /
    [27-Mar-2019 18:17:21 UTC] PHP   6. do_action() /
    [27-Mar-2019 18:17:21 UTC] PHP   7. WP_Hook->do_action() /
    [27-Mar-2019 18:17:21 UTC] PHP   8. WP_Hook->apply_filters() /
    [27-Mar-2019 18:17:21 UTC] PHP   9. wpsc_post_transition() /
    [27-Mar-2019 18:17:21 UTC] PHP  10. wpsc_delete_post_archives() /
    [27-Mar-2019 18:17:21 UTC] PHP  11. get_post() /
    [27-Mar-2019 18:17:21 UTC] PHP  12. WP_Post->filter() /
    [27-Mar-2019 18:17:21 UTC] PHP  13. WP_Post->__get() /
    [27-Mar-2019 18:17:23 UTC] Backtrace from warning 'Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /' at / 1251: / 1251 calling header() | / 259 calling wp_redirect()
    [27-Mar-2019 18:17:23 UTC] PHP Warning:  Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at / in / on line 1251
    [27-Mar-2019 18:17:23 UTC] PHP Stack trace:
    [27-Mar-2019 18:17:23 UTC] PHP   1. {main}() /
    [27-Mar-2019 18:17:23 UTC] PHP   2. wp_redirect() /
    [27-Mar-2019 18:17:23 UTC] PHP   3. header() /
    [27-Mar-2019 18:17:23 UTC] Backtrace from warning 'Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /' at / 1254: / 1254 calling header() | / 259 calling wp_redirect()
    [27-Mar-2019 18:17:23 UTC] PHP Warning:  Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at / in / on line 1254
    [27-Mar-2019 18:17:23 UTC] PHP Stack trace:
    [27-Mar-2019 18:17:23 UTC] PHP   1. {main}() /
    [27-Mar-2019 18:17:23 UTC] PHP   2. wp_redirect() /
    [27-Mar-2019 18:17:23 UTC] PHP   3. header() /

    In the file autologin-links.php remove all rules under this rule:

    Looks like your theme gives this error.
    Drop them a support ticket:

    Yes, works just fine with ”autoptimize” in standard mode.


    Speed is just fine! Dom content is loaded under 2 seconds (74 requests).

    Did see your slider image is 1 Mb in size, that’s a bit large.
    You can gain some speed using “wp-super-cache” plugin.
    Works fine with just fine with”autoptimize” in standard mode.


    Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: Error 505


    Just disable the plugin what gives a problem.
    With a FTP (or Cpanel, etc) connection, (temporary!) rename the plugin folder to name.out


    Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: URL injected

    What is the problem with this?
    Your using a clock-widget in a i-frame, that show’s date/time.
    zeitverschiebung dot net
    No, problem seems to me? You can just remove the i-frame from WordPress!

    Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: error update site


    This is/can be set in de WP config.
    You wil need Admin or Super-Admin rights to chance this.
    What is your User Role for this site?


    This messages comes from “wp-statistics” plugin.
    You can help to translate.
    There is a translate page:
    translate / projects / wp-plugins / wp-statistics

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 5 months ago by CMSDeveloper.
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