Forum Replies Created
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Limit Login Attempts] Login Limit Sort of worksThe LLA plugin is mainly used to thwart hackers from breaking into your website. Therefore, it is not useful to tell hackers how many attempts they have left. Also, it blocks users by IP address. So, if you try to use a different login credential from the same IP address, every attempt with any username will be locked out for the specified time period.
Forum: Reviews
In reply to: [Limit Login Attempts] This Plugin is Great. Surprisingly EffectiveA strong password is good. Hopefully, you are not using “Admin” username for your admin tasks. Make it something different and with a few special characters just like you would for your password. And then, do not post as Admin; create a different account for posting.
And while we’re on this topic (sort of), for sites that make you create security questions and answers, pick any security questions, and then make the answers random with alphanumeric and special characters. I do this on every site now. Q: What’s your favorite food? A: s9#mvL*%@K%
We are all using some sort of password manager by now, I hope, so using a “random” looking password like this is not something you’ll have to remember.I have multiple sites hosted at Flywheel (getflywheel.com) and they force this plugin as a must-use (muplugin). My oldest site there is 3 years and has never been hacked, even though I can see about a dozen lockouts per day.
Forum: Reviews
In reply to: [Limit Login Attempts] keeps me (admin) logoutMasoud,
Actually, Neotrope’s explanation is exactly on target.
The plugin does exactly what its description says it does.I also have a number of sites (11) that have been running this plugin for over a year and work as intended. While this plugin may not be loaded with a bunch of adjustments and settings and frills, it does one thing quite well, and that is, it prevents brute-force attacks by locking out users who attempt too many failed logins.
Also, I use a custom login page on several sites and they work fine with this plugin. I do not use a plugin for that; I constructed my own Login pages using standard WordPress function calls and it works just fine.
Masoud, I urge you to double-check your settings; perhaps there is some small setting you have overlooked that is causing you this grief. Or, sometimes fresh eyes can notice something you may have overlooked.
Good luck.
Xedin –
As I noted above that I will contact the Premium Support Channel to resolve this issue, I did not expect a reply. But, since you did reply, I think you may be confusing my post with Brent’s. Or, perhaps you simply did not understand mine.
I am obviously aware that renaming the folder will deactivate the plugin, which it the reason I renamed it – so I could get my site back up. Simple concept. If I now reactivate the core and Keyword plugins, the same PHP error occurs. So, your instructions that the plugins that were renamed must be reactivated is of little help as long as this issue (whatever it may be) still exists.
I think Brent and I have both explained the issue quite clearly.
I will now mark this topic as solved since I don’t think further discussion here is necessary.
JeffXedin –
I don’t understand what you mean by a premium addon being deactivated. I noticed an update available for the core plugin to 4.9.1 so I clicked Update. Everything including the Keyword addon was working fine until immediately after updating the core to 4.9.1. I didn’t touch anything in the Keyword addon. That is, until my site went blank. Then I looked at the server logs and found a bunch of new PHP errors (all the same error). I simply renamed both the core WP RSS Agg plugin and the Keyword addon folders, and my site was up again. That’s as much info as I have. But, I find it interesting to see that Brent said he reverted to the previous version and was up and running again. Whether any code was changed in 4.9.1 or not, there is obviously a problem somewhere between the core and the addon. Or, perhaps – as you mention – a problem with the installation process.
Unfortunately in my case, I was actually online with the client/owner of that site to teach him how to accomplish something in a post, and while I was waiting for him to “catch up” with me, I went ahead and updated WP RSS Agg. You can likely imagine the conversation that followed. Well, I did immediately joke with him and said, “Oh no, what did you do?” He didn’t think that was funny. (Some people have no sense of humor.)
So, I guess I will contact the Premium Support Channel.
JeffForum: Plugins
In reply to: [Limit Login Attempts] Limit Login Attempts generating PHP errorsAdventureRidingNZ:
It is helpful, when posting errors you see, to include at least the exact version of WP you are running. Other plugin versions – especially platform-type plugins like Genesis may also be helpful.The modify headers warning is due to either your theme or another plugin using a header setting prior to the LLA plugin code getting executed. The header can be set only once. This is not a warning caused by LLA code.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Limit Login Attempts] Still useful in 2016 ?There are a few incompatibilities with other plugins but, it still works for most people. I have it installed on 7 sites and all work as expected.
Also, before you post questions like this, you should have a quick look at recent posts. You would have found your answer in the 3 most recent ones within the last 3 weeks.
Oops! I forgot about that. However, as best I can recal, I do have a Pro version plugin that does show up in WordPress Updates page. Admin Menu Editor Pro, by Janis Elts, is an excellent plugin for doing just about anything you want with your WP Admin Dashboard, including different menus for each user level. I believe this plugin does show up with other updates. Although, I think I have to re-enter the license key each time. Anyway, Janis has done some nice things with this plugin; you may want to ask her about it. https://adminmenueditor.com/
Jeff Safire
Microdisk.comForum: Plugins
In reply to: [Responsive Menu - Create Mobile-Friendly Menu] Push wrapper widthHmm, I am using Pro version. If it isn’t too involved, could you give me the change(s) to make in the Pro files? I have modified quite a bit with my own button, divs, and css, and don’t have time to go through all that.
Otherwise, I’ll wait until you release it.
JeffForum: Plugins
In reply to: [Exports and Reports] 222-record report missing very last valueScott, I have this particular site hosted at Flywheel. As they are very strict with their servers, the phpinfo command is disabled.
If you tell me which variables/parameters you need to see, I can have them look them up for me. Yes, I know this sounds crazy but, I haven’t had a single problem with this hosting and their nginx servers on all-Flash arrays are very fast.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Exports and Reports] 222-record report missing very last valueI still see this problem on my 4 reports as well as your Example Posts Report – and I have only English characters. My site is running on Linux/nginx – quite different from vkotek’s setup with the same problem. I don’t think memory is an issue as I have other scripts outputting a lot more data.
vkotek: I am displaying all of these files (for this debugging) in a programmer’s editor (bbedit) so all characters are displayed and I can see exactly what is missing.
I have at least one report export file that is missing 4 characters at the end.
I confirmed via ftp that the file is actually all there and complete.
Is it possible to use one of the direct URLs shown on Exports and Reports Settings page as a temp workaround and give my “vice-admin” an ftp://… link?Jeff
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Exports and Reports] 222-record report missing very last valueHi Scott –
This is occuring on my 4 of 4 reports. I tried simplifying the SQL but it still lost the last term. It also has the same problem with your Examples Post Report. I have posted the results of that CSV file below.I wonder if this is a server or PHP setup problem. Likely not a memory limit problem with such a small (Lastname,Firstname) query but, perhaps something else?
The site is running on ngnx at getflywheel.com host."Post ID ","Post Title","Post's Slug","Post Date","Post Content" 13647,"Auto Draft",,2015/12/08, 13667,"Auto Draft",,2015/12/10, 6506,"Effect of RoHS on the US Medical Device Industry",effect-of-rohs-on-the-us-medical-device-industry-2,2014/04/18, 3881,"FCC signals intent to allow Internet ""fast lanes""",fcc-signals-intent-to-allow-internet-fast-lanes,2014/04/24, 6401,"Highlight of Super Mobility Week in Las Vegas",highlight-of-super-mobility-week-in-las-vegas,2014/09/17, 6525,"Elon Musk’s Next Mission: Internet Satellites",elon-musks-next-mission-internet-satellites,2014/11/12, 6600,"C++ 14 has been finalized",c-14-has-been-finalized,2014/11/21, 6628,"Intelligent Hospitals are Harnessing High Tech Developments",copy-of-intelligent-hospitals-are-harnessing-high-tech-developments,2014/11/24, 6655,"Wave of Server Breakin Attempts from Hong Kong",wave-of-server-breakin-attempts-from-hong-kong,2014/12/09, 6738,"The Top Technology Failures of 2014",the-top-technology-failures-of-2014,2015/01/06, 9918,"Hollywood Hands Engineer an Oscar",hollywood-hands-engineer-an-oscar,2015/02/14, 11128,"For New Consultants: How to get the most out of an IEEE-CNSV meeting",for-new-consultants-how-to-get-the-most-out-of-an-ieee-cnsv-meeting,2015/04/13, 11306,"IEEE Region 6 Recognizes CNSV as Outstanding Chapter",ieee-region-6-recognizes-cnsv-as-outstanding-chapter,2015/04/17, 11367,"Mountain View-Based Google Launches New Wireless Service -- Project Fi",mountain-view-based-google-launches-new-wireless-service-project-fi,2015/04/22, 11373,"White Paper: Marketing Your Engineering Consulting Services Using Craigslist",white-paper-marketing-your-engineering-consulting-services-using-craigslist,2015/04/22, 11606,"Tips for Blogging on the New CNSV Website",tips-for-blogging-on-the-new-cnsv-website,2015/05/11, 11793,"What is different about Big Data?",what-is-different-about-big-data-2,2015/06/01, 11636,"How To Add the New CNSV Logo to Your Site",how-to-add-the-new-cnsv-logo-to-your-site,2015/06/02, 11857,"Google using 60 GHz sensors to control smart devices",google-using-60-ghz-sensors-to-control-smart-devices,2015/06/11, 11863,"Three things I learned about the history of Silicon Valley at the CNSV Dinner",three-things-i-learned-about-the-history-of-silicon-valley-at-the-cnsv-dinner,2015/06/12, 12399,"Disney bringing awesome robots to Disneyland!",disney-bringing-awesome-robots-to-disneyland,2015/07/03, 12535,"Google Drive plugin for Microsoft Office lets you ‘use the apps you’re already comfortable with’",google-drive-plugin-for-microsoft-office-lets-you-use-the-apps-youre-already-comfortable-with,2015/07/21, 12560,"Some Tips For Updating Your LinkedIn and CNSV Profile",some-tips-for-updating-your-linkedin-and-cnsv-profile,2015/07/23, 12551,"Recent video ""Wearable Devices - Just a Fad?"" by member, Walt Maclay",recent-video-wearable-devices-just-a-fad,2015/07/28, 12633,"Electrical Engineering Employment Down 29% from 2006 to 2014",electrical-engineering-employment-down-29-from-2006-to-2014,2015/08/04, 12734,"CNSV's Brian Berg Talks With Flash Memory Inventors at Flash Memory Summit About Bob Norman's Contributions",cnsvs-brian-berg-talks-with-flash-memory-inventors-at-flash-memory-summit-about-bob-normans-contributions,2015/08/19, 12731,"The FFT is Fifty",the-fft-is-fifty,2015/08/24, 13111,"A Mission Controller Reviews “The Martian”",a-mission-controller-reviews-the-martian,2015/10/02, 13183,"IEEE Members Vote Karen Bartleson 2016 IEEE President-Elect",ieee-members-vote-karen-bartleson-2016-ieee-president-elect,2015/10/09, 13283,"FAQ: Some Attorney Recommendations for Consultant",faq-some-attorney-recommendations-for-consultant,2015/10/23, 13614,"Apple's iPhone, iPad Secret Sauce - Semiconductors",apples-iphone-ipad-secret-sauce-semiconductors,2015/1
As you can see, the post_date in the last post is incomplete. It should be 2015/12/07 as it displays appropriately in the formatted on-screen output.
I will try on a different server.
JeffForum: Plugins
In reply to: [Exports and Reports] Tutorial – Exports and Reports@boitetrash You can of course:
1. Create a report (setup).
2. Create a front-end page that imports json.
3. Run the report as an Admin from the WP Admin Dashboard and export it as json. You will need to be sure to choose your own unique file identifier for the json file so it will always be the same.This will allow site users/members to view the latest report that was run by an admin. (Obviously, no guarantee the data will always be up-to-date but, you could use a smidge of PHP to get the date/time of the json file, and display it at the top of your front-end page along with the data.)
Deftly –
I’m not sure why you would want a swipe to open menu but…
If you are familiar with jQuery, you can use it to create your own swipe (right). So, for a crude rectangular button, you need something like:<div id="swipeForMenu"> Swipe right for menu -> </div>
This jQuery should likely be somehwere at the bottom of your page:
jQuery(document).ready(function($) { $("swipeForMenu").on("swiperight",function(){ do_shortcode([responsive_menu]); }); }
CSS for the #swipeForMenu div:
#swipeForMenu { width: 35%; height: 1.0rem; font-size: 1.5rem; color: #444; /* really dark gray */ background-color: lightblue; border: 2px solid #666; /* medium dark gray */ }
Then, for ResponsiveMenu, set the Click Trigger field to #swipeForMenu in the Look and Feel tab.
Note that this doesn’t include an actual “knob” like the swiping doodads on iOS and Android phone app’s. I don’t know of any way to duplicate that except for writing a native mobile app. (You can do that for Apple iOS devices using Apple’s Xcode development environment with WebKit.) This may not be exactly what you are thinking but, it should give you some ideas. In fact, if you are looking for a menu that hides off-screen to the lef or right, but leaves a small knob/handle indicator, there are at least 2 other responsive menu plugins that do that but, they don’t seem to work as nicely as this one (IMHO).
Hope that helps.
JeffHmm, mine is now doing the same thing. I had this problem before while fine-tuning css and then something I did fixed it. All was fine until I upgraded to Pro and selected menu height auto (or whatever it’s called). Although, I didn’t notice it right away. Now, I can’t figure out what is causing it.
URL: https://CaliforniaConsultants.org
I will be working on it over the weekend and will post my findings here. Hopefully soon.