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  • Conflicting plugin is the most likely cause, such as a registration plugin like Register Plus.

    Just FTP into your site and delete the /wpstorecart/ plugin folder. If you’re still interested in trying the software, simply deactivate your other plugins and only activate wpStoreCart. Then reactivate each plugin one by one. When you reach a plugin that produces the dreaded white screen of death, you will have found the conflicting plugin. If you do isolate which plugin is conflicting with wpStoreCart, please tell me so I can modify the plugin to remove the incompatibility.

    Plugin Author jquindlen


    Theme is once again available for download and use. You can grab it here:

    Plugin Author jquindlen


    Yes, as jmerrit alluded, your shortcodes stopped functioning correctly because the WYSIWYG editor is stripping out your parameters, such as category id, etc. You need to disable the WYSIWYG editor when working with shortcodes, and anytime you will be saving a POST/PAGE that uses shortcodes.

    Plugin Author jquindlen


    We have multiple themes in development, but currently none are released. At one time we included a default theme, but it has been withdrawn until it is accepted into the WordPress theme repository. Afterwards, it will be available with the wpStoreCart plugin again.

    Plugin Author jquindlen


    juicyjuice, yes that’s what 2.5.1 fixed. There was a typo with the settings name, causing it to create a new set of settings using the typo’d name. The typo and the problem was fixed in 2.5.1.

    Plugin Author jquindlen


    Thank you. I am going to install these one by one and see if I can duplicate the issue.

    Plugin Author jquindlen


    I understand you had a bad experience getting a hold of us, so I definitely understand your frustration. Like I said, I searched through our emails and do not see anything other than your purchase and dispute emails from PayPal. However, from your first post you acknowledged that you expected me to reply here. Therefore I wonder, if you were really interested in working with us to resolve things, and you knew I’d reply here, why didn’t you post here sooner to alert us of your issue?

    Instead, you filed a Not-as-described dispute, and it clearly says at the top of my dispute page that you classified the purchase as an Ebay Purchase: Different Design or Pattern, Substitute, & Missing Parts. I did reply in the dispute process that you should look in the documentation, and I also wrote instructions on how to protect content for membership sites using shortcodes. When I saw that you classified the purchase as Ebay, and when I searched through the email accounts for other emails sent from you and discovered none, my first thought was that you were a scammer, trying to get the PRO software for free, and then filing the dispute afterwards to recover your money.

    We have thousands of satisfied customers, and it would make no sense for me to spend 18 months coding full time in order to rip people off. I’ve poured my heart, soul, and thousands of hours into this. In 2011, I single handedly released 67 versions of wpStoreCart and managed the thousands of customers who supported our work. I find it disheartening and frustrating whenever a miscommunication or dispute arises from any customer, let alone when they go so far as to post defamatory and libelous claims that I am a crook. I’m truly sorry you had trouble reaching us, but that certainly doesn’t make me a crook.

    We can go back and forth, on and on, but what’s the point? Let’s agree to disagree, and here’s what I am going to do on my end. The dispute is not in either of our hands, since it’s now a PayPal claim, they will decide who wins the claim. If I win the claim, I’ll refund your money. If you win the claim, then you obviously have your money back as well. We can both go our separate ways.

    Please, let’s keep personal disputes off the WordPress support forums. You’ve said your piece and warned people, but for the sake of the community please email me any further correspondences to [email protected] and we can work things out together amicably. Thank you.

    Plugin Author jquindlen


    Do you have a blog with a lot of plugins? It sounds to me like a server side or plugin incompatibility issue. I’d like to learn more either way to prevent others from ever having these issues.

    Plugin Author jquindlen


    2.5.1 was an emergency release to fix a serious bug. The coding that fixes the TinyMCE issues and brings wpStoreCart to full WordPress 3.3 compatibility is now in wpStoreCart 2.5.2 instead. Apologies about the confusion.

    Plugin Author jquindlen


    I feel I should address this as well:

    The wpMembership plugin is nothing more than a checkbox within wpStoreCart Pro providing the option to bill the member thru PayPal on a monthly basis. That’s it! Plus – there’s NO documentation for it.

    There is 1 radio button and 2 checkboxes. The radio button changes a product from a standard flat price into a subscription. The two checkboxes enable optional trial periods. All 3 prices (trial price 1, trial price 2, and final recurring price) can be set to any number of days, weeks, months, or years, and like I said, documentation is here:

    Plugin Author jquindlen


    First of all, thank you for your purchase and apologies you experienced difficulties. Regarding the documentation for wpsc Membership PRO, it has been here all along:

    Regarding why I immediately escalated your dispute to a claim is because 1) you provided false information on the dispute and listed the purchase as originating from Ebay, when it was not an Ebay purchase, and 2) this was the first communication I received from you.

    I did a search for your email address from the PayPal purchase/dispute in our email inboxes, and did not find anything other than the PayPal purchase and later the dispute. Is there another email address aside from your PayPal address you may have sent these emails from? Did you send an email to me directly at [email protected] or to the main support email at [email protected] ?

    Plugin Author jquindlen


    Are you on Windows/IIS? If so, that is an unsupported web server for wpStoreCart at this time (we are a Linux only development house, but we are working on bringing IIS compatibility to the product.) If not, what’s your PHP/MySQL/Apache versions?

    Thank you very much for purchasing. I’m Jeff, the owner, programmer, and main support staff for wpStoreCart. I’d like to personally thank you again for purchasing and offer my sincerest apologies for the difficulties you have experienced with our website. I’m here to do whatever I can to help you.

    1. Unable to register on the wpStorecart website – no email sent with password

    I will take care of this immediately. I can create an account for you or reset your password if it’s already registered.

    For the sake of determining whether or not there are registration issues with our website, I investigated the registration process very throughly.

    I used some test email accounts to see if I could register and receive the emails. While I do not doubt you experienced difficulties (which I seek to resolve immediately) the registration worked fine for me each time, and I was able to set my password during the checkout registration screen, and from wp-login.php. The recover lost password page worked in all my tests as well.

    So my first thought then is that you went through checkout using the “Guest Checkout” feature, rather than registering on the site. This is not a method of registering with WordPress, it’s a literally a “Guest” Checkout process, so that is one possible reason you wouldn’t receive a password by email. If, if you did register at a later time, it may have been placed in your spam folder. Also, if you actually registered at the time of checkout, it forces you to pick a password, but it does not email you the password because you chose it. However, the recover lost password page would work in that instance, so I’m leaning towards the Guest checkout. Does that sound right?

    Regardless of that, let me fix this for you. Please just email me at [email protected] and please specify your PayPal transaction ID and a username you’d like to use or have already chosen. I’ll reply with a temporary password and a fully accessible account with access to the Support Ticket system.

    2. My checkout page displays the normal shopping page rather than the checkout information. It does have the correct short code entry on the page, and it did used to work (probably stopped when I tried renaming the checkout page). The checkout widget does work. Any thoughts on how to fix?

    I think you may be right. My guess is that you have the WYSIWYG TinyMCE editor on, or at least had it on when you renamed the checkout page. If so, my advice is to go back and edit the checkout page again, switch to HTML editor mode, and then repaste the shortcode in, which for reference is:
    [wpstorecart display="checkout"]

    The few times I’ve seen this issue, that solution is what fixed it.

    3. Is there any way to reset the wpStoreCart configuration (to resolve the above problem)? I tried removing the plugin but the settings come back as before when re-installed. It really needs a proper uninstall option.

    Consider it done. Proper Uninstall button will be available in the next release. For now, you could drop the wpstorecart_products, wpstorecart_meta, wpstorecart_categories, wpstorecart_orders, wpstorecart_av, wpstorecart_cart, wpstorecart_coupons, and wpstorecart_log tables. Then delete the options by executing this SQL:
    DELETE FROM wp_options WHERE option_name = "wpStoreCartAdminOptions";

    4. The money order checkout does not work – all I get is the pre-defined message, and a blank text entry box. No email is sent out.

    5. How do I add some fields to the money order checkout to collect things like name, phone, etc?

    The Money Order option is a catchall for any specific need you have. It’s intended use is for you to edit the predefined message and tell your customers exactly what information you need from them. Some use it for wire transfers, to accept checks, for service and volunteering. You can edit the custom text at
    wp-admin > wpStoreCart > Settings > Payment > Check/Money Order/COD Payments > Text to Display >

    Regarding adding fields for name, phone, etc, that is done in the process directly before checkout. There is an entire custom fields system located at:
    wp-admin > wpStoreCart > Settings > Customers >

    from there you can specify exactly what optional and required information you need.

    Well, I hope this helps put your mind at ease that I am here to help. Once you get logged in, the support ticket system is what I recommend for fast and friendly help. Thanks again for purchasing, and I’ll be looking for your email. Have a great weekend and let me know how I can help.

    Plugin Author jquindlen


    You could do this with jQuery. Simply add an onclick handler to the .wpsc-addtocart class.

    We will be adding something like this to the official version, but it is a bit down the road, probably late 2011, or even early 2012.

    Plugin Author jquindlen



    Your purchase was delivered immediately to the email address you paid with. This was your hotmail address, which I guess you don’t check much anymore, since your recent interactions with us have been through your gmail address.

    The email we sent you on the day you purchased included your downloads as attachments, and we did not receive a bounce back from that email address, indicating that the email was delivered without failure. In addition, we received no further communication from you until your dispute. At anytime you could have called, emailed, or opened a support ticket in an attempt to resolve your issues, yet you did not.

    Regarding the refund, we do not offer them. From the wpStoreCart FAQ:

    I purchased one of your products but changed my mind, do you offer refunds?

    A. No. Don’t buy anything from us unless you are 100% certain that you want it. If not, then don’t buy from us. We will not refund any purchase, period.

    and from our Refunds legal page:

    Q. Do you offer refunds?

    A. Due to the digital nature of our software, and due to the fact that we do not use restrictive licensing systems, we do not provide refunds for any reason. We ask that you take your time before purchasing anything from us, to ensure that you are 100% committed to the purchase.
    Q. Why don’t your offer refunds?

    A. Because our product is digital in nature, there is nothing to prevent scammers from paying for the software, downloading it, and then requesting a refund. That is the main reason we do not offer refunds.
    Q. But I really want my money back, what can I do?

    A. Sell your license to another user. None of our software or themes will EVER have resell rights, however, you are allowed to sell your license(s) to other users. If you do sell your license, you will need to send us an email to [email protected] and let us know the email address you paid for the license, as well as the name and email address of the new license owner.

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