Forum Replies Created
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [MaxGalleria] Images Not ShowingSent!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [MaxGalleria] Images Not ShowingThe entire message I submitted is linked to the site in question…
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [MaxGalleria] Menu Bar showing over some picturesI did – in the previous message…
Here is a link:
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [MaxGalleria] Option to Add Image to Top of ListI can’t believe that people adding images to a gallery would want the images from 5 years ago to appear first and have to sift through pages and pages to get to the most recent? Or spend all that time dragging and dropping each newly added image from the bottom to the top to reorder? It makes no sense that most recent would not appear first… A UI breakdown as far as I’m concerned… Sorry…
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [MaxGalleria] Menu Bar showing over some picturesI too am having this same issue – and I do know that this is from the theme – where it sets the menu above the page so that it is always omnipresent as you scroll. Is there a way to set the lightbox to overlay over everything as the highest layer?
Here is a link:
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Translate WordPress - Google Language Translator] In MenuI am disappointed in the latest version of this plugin – whereas previously, this worked fine with a “add to menu” option – and now, this has been removed and I cannot figure out how to do this… PLEASE add this back in to the plugin ASAP! Otherwise, it is useless to me…
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Social Media Widget by Acurax] Plugin has stopped working?Hello! I sent you, per your request, both FTP and WP Admin access info and I have not yet heard from you… Please advise!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Social Media Widget by Acurax] Plugin has stopped working?The site I manage indicated that the plugin was corrupted and now, all of my plugins are no longer showing in my admin section – there are none installed – yet they are in the plugins directory on the server. I need to figure out what happened – as the only way I could access the site was to login to the site via FTP and delete your plugin – hough this has had no effect on fixing the rest of the issues I have with the other plugins.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [MaxGalleria] Border colorI tried the above advanced suggestion and asked the plugin to pick off my style sheet from the theme I am using – and had no luck getting the portal hole thumbnails to change colour.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [MaxGalleria] Cannot Select Gallery TypeOk – so when we remove Rome – we can then create galleries to our heart’s content! Ok – we are set to do this on Monday – so I will let you know! Thanks for looking into this!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [MaxGalleria] Cannot Select Gallery TypeI’ve sent an email to you directly as above.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [MaxGalleria] Cannot Select Gallery TypeHere is a screenshot of what I see and that I cannot select anything:
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Posts in Page] Category1 AND Category2I too am having this same issue:
[ic_add_posts category=’sebastien-hugo’ showposts=’1′]
I do have a question, however… The “post” I am trying to brig into a page – is from a plugin for testimonials. So, I wonder if this only looks to actual posts in the “posts” section of the site?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Multi-language Responsive Contact Form] IssuesAlso – all javascript on all pages that do not have the form on it – have stopped working!
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: IP Address and Domain Name Don't Sync with WPHello!
The site I am helping with is shared hosted at one server and the new site will be hosted under VPS with WP driving the new site. I can install WP but when I try to access anything, I am shunted over to the shared server and I cannot figure out a way for WP to temporarily only use the IP to navigate – until such time that the nameservers are in fact changed and we can go live under the actual domain name. We are a group of people scattered around the country that need to work together to develop this new site… Please advise.