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  • Thread Starter JP3


    It’s not at the top of my priority list, but I will come back to this topic when time permits and see what I can do with adding multi-tier, multi-network support. Thanks again!

    Thread Starter JP3


    I thought about how user-friendly it could be if the drop-down changed depending on whether currently administering a blog, a site, or a network, but then it starts to get hairy and could make it overly complicated and defeat the purpose in the first place.

    You currently have it setup like:

    Current Site -> (menu)
    Current Network -> (menu)
    All Sites admin can administer A-Z List (no menu, just listed)

    The simplest way would be to do something like this:

    Current Site -> (menu)
    Current Network -> (menu)
    My Networks -> All Networks admin can administer A-Z list (menu with list)
    All Sites admin can administer A-Z List (no menu, just listed)

    I like this way for a test-network I’ve been using that has almost 100 networks (and growing). A drop-down/slide-out menu with A-Z list like how Sites are listed would be ideal to fit that many networks nicely and neatly.

    100+ networks is an oddity and I think most folks running multinetworks have 3-10 networks or so which would make something like you posted provide a better layout and give a better admin experience for the average intended plugin user. It seems like you get it. Thanks in advance if you do anything with this!

    Thread Starter JP3


    Wow! Amazingly quick turnaround!

    Progress is good, but complicates things. For when you have the time, a way to resolve some of the unwanted complications due to this WP Core change would be to keep your backward compatibility with some checks like:

    if ( function_exists( 'get_sites' ) ) {
         code using the get_sites function
    } else {
         code using the wp_get_sites function

    or if changing wp_get_sites truly was the only change you had to make to your plugin, you could do something like:

    if ( function_exists( 'get_sites' ) ) {
         $get_sites_func_name = 'get_sites';
    } else {
         $get_sites_func_name = 'wp_get_sites';

    and then plug in $get_sites_func_name inplace of where ‘get_sites’ was replaced.

    Your plugin is awesome so I’m sure you’re already thinking about stuff like this. Thank you for your work on it!

    margeomthomas – No problem. I think the plugin will suit your needs fine.

    Michael Beckwith – Look at it this way:

    WP default setup with meta fields and taxonomies is that you can query a single taxonomy to get a massive amount of results which is fast and light on the server load, while querying meta tags from a massive amount of posts to get only a few results is slow and resource intensive. On small sites, this is negligible. On large sites, this can make or break the site. I have a massive amount of data with a massive amount of users heavily using this data on the front-end. The only way to properly pull this off without killing hardware or spending a fortune on unnecessary expensive stuff is to use post types as taxonomies. The added bonus is that your linked/related “taxonomies” (post types that have been “attached” as taxonomies) automatically get built out as new content is added and they are all kept “in-sync” with eachother, because they ARE eachother. It’s very powerful when you wrap your head around it and figure out practical applications for it.

    margeomthomas – You can acheive what you want with this plugin –

    I’m in the process of dissecting it for use with my own purposes which will allow me to use a CPT as Taxonomy more than once per post type. Basically that plugins works and works great for “attaching a post type to any other post type”, however, it will only let you attach the CPT ONCE to each post type that you desire, and the way you attach the CPT to other post types forces them all to use the same verbiage and settings.

    It works great for automatically building out related CPTs while keeping the “taxonomies” automatically “sync’d” between the various post types you attach CPTs to. It works great for that.

    Maybe you’re in the same boat as me too. I want slightly more complex capabilities: To be able to assign a CPT to another post type TWICE or more, with each instance having its’ own values, labels, and so on. For example:

    I have a CPT called “Voting Topic” and it has all kinds of custom fields and taxonomies specifically for voting topics. I have another CPT called “People” with its’ own fields and taxonomies. I want 2 separate “taxonomies” (People CPT) assigned twice to the Voting Topic CPT, once for tracking “people who voted yes” and the other one for “people who voted no”. It pulls from the same list of people, but the reason for selecting the people is different for each.

    I know there are other ways to accomplish what I’m seeking, but I need the specific functionality offered by “merging” CPTs through the use of sortable taxonomies.

    If you just need to dynamically link/sync CPTs through the use of sortable taxonomies, the plugin will be perfect for you out of the box.

    If you’re looking for “odd” functionality like me, then it’s going to take some custom coding. There’s no other options available. I’ve checked. ??

    Michael Beckwith – It’s a way to keep taxonomies always updated when dealing with complex structured data. You can basically use a post type as category, or a filter, or search term, and keep all occurrences of it across all of your related-but-separate post types and post data. It’s actually quite useful and I was surprised to find that this isn’t part of WP’s backend functionality……and maybe not specifically assigning CPTs as taxonomies to other post types (that’s just one way of achieving the end goal), but at least some better data linking method to help bring complex data to life. As useful and powerful as taxonomies are, without natively being able to “merge”/”sync”/”link” data from posttypes-to-taxonomies and from taxonomies-to-posttypes, they fall way short.

    Thread Starter JP3



    Guess a plugin rating has been long overdue…

    Thread Starter JP3


    let me ask you this….

    If you remove that option, will there no longer be an option to auto-opt IMMEDIATELY?

    I thought it was like this

    auto-opt meant that images will be auto-optimized EITHER immediately or by deferment based on whichever you choose.
    Scheduled optimizations meant that you were going to either EXCULSIVELY use scheduled optimization, or IN-ADDITION-TO the auto-opt settings above (immediate or defered).

    Do I have this wrong?

    I do have a site with thousands of members where most of them are over 40 or 50 with VERY LIMITED computer skills. We had it fairly restrictive which hindered usefulness due to “upload restriction” errors. The members did not like this and had no real understanding or interest in “pre-optimizing” images themselves… saving in smaller resolutions or smaller file types and so on. To keep the members happy and the site productive, we’ve allowed some pretty large sizes for image and file uploads for hassle-free media usage (they have frontend upload/management capabilities). To help with bandwidth, we do optimize the images immediately upon upload. No deferment, no scheduling…do it immediately. If you remove the disable auto-opt admin setting, will this capability disappear?

    Thread Starter JP3


    Thank you!

    The folders I’m talking about are for images collected from a “content scraper bot” that goes out and finds certain things based on certain criteria and then saves to the server. Images are saved to specified folders, and each folder serves a specific purpose and it acts as like a storage repo for this auto-gathered content. It’s used by many different WP installs, some on the same server and others on other servers. I realize that I have a kind of oddball setup and this is typically NOT the norm which is why you were going to remove those features, so thank you for keeping them around for odd-balls like me ??

    I’m indifferent about the auto-opt option. The purpose of the plugin is optimize images. I can’t think of a scenario when you would want auto-opt disabled….and if by chance you did, you can just disable the plugin to achieve that result?!?!

    Thread Starter JP3


    The reason I need it is that I specify folders to be optimized. Some of those folders contain images used throughout the site, but don’t get added/tracked through the WP DB which means there’s no way of telling EWWW to add those files to the deferred que and the only way I’ve found to keep those special folders optimized IS to perform the filesystem scan.

    Hope that makes sense.

    If you wanted to get super fancy with it, you could adjust it to set deferred que as the default, and have an admin setting to perform filesystem scans ONLY on specified folders?!?!?

    Thread Starter JP3


    I have a working revised copy I can send you. Little too much to copy/paste into the site here but it should be a good starting point for you to expand on this plugin and keep it alive as I know so many BBP users want this capability.

    PM me with your email or however you want me to send you my code revisions and you can take it from there. ??

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