4 years, 2 months ago
It’s enough with Advanced Ads Pro – single? Do I need to configure some parameter after purchase?
Like this in the end:
Hello, With the new version, when the user gives consent, the ads are not shown until the page is reloaded or another is visited. Can this be fixed?
ok. Thanks
the error is with the FAcebook internal browser
they get an wifi/internet error * sorry for the translator
my fanpage:
Hello, what I’m saying is that users of some iPhone models, when they are on my facebook fan page and click on a link on my website, they cannot access, they find that they do not have an internet / wifi connection (picture)
Hello, since we use generate press we are looking for possible solutions. So we ask if they have had any case in this regard.
ok. Thanks. Good support.
Hi. I told him. That’s why I don’t understand why I keep getting 2.1 errors. The 1.1 I understand that they are a matter of the CMP.
my configutation
Hello, my configuration is identical to the page you indicate. The only thing I would need is to eliminate the automatic ads from adsense (I think)