Forum Replies Created
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Show Fit File] measurementsok. that makes sense. Thanks.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Show Fit File] measurementsthanks so much for the quick response. I actually was asking if you can change the default from metric to imperial. Sorry for the confusion.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Contextual Related Posts] help with getting to workAjay, I’m just a noob on all of this. What I was trying to do was exclude a bunch of tags so the update didn’t look at those tags when it was looking for related posts. I only have posts that I’m looking to have the update work. I have a ton of tags, but there are a bunch that I use for internal use (to create pages for instance) that I don’t want CRP to look at. That’s what the list of numbers is. I didn’t mean to limit it by anything else.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Contextual Related Posts] help with getting to workI did have the cache turned on, and now turned it off and emptied the cache. Everything seems to be working fine either way (with or without the cache) until I put my list of tags to exclude in List Tuning. Then I lose related posts on specific posts where it was before the exclusions were added.
Below are my settings and the query results- General
- Cache posts only – unchecked
- Cache HTML output – unchecked
- Automatically add related posts to – all unchecked
- Display location priority – 999
- Insert after paragraph number – -1
- Disable on mobile devices – unchecked
- Disable on AMP pages – unchecked
- Delete options on uninstall – checked
- Delete FULLTEXT indices on uninstall – checked
- Delete FULLTEXT indices on deactivation – unchecked
- Show metabox – checked
- Limit meta box to Admins only – unchecked
- Link to Contextual Related Posts plugin page – unchecked
- List Tuning
- Number of posts to display – 6
- Related posts should be newer than – 0
- Order posts – Randomly
- Randomize posts – unchecked
- Related posts based on title and content – checked
- Limit content to be compared – 0
- Post types to include – post
- Limit to same post type – unchecked
- Limit to same author – unchecked
- Limit to same primary term – unchecked
- Only from same – Categories, Tags
- Match all taxonomies – unchecked
- Number of common terms – 1
- Related Meta Keys – left blank
- Post/page IDs to exclude – left blank
- Exclude Terms – various terms
- Exclude Term Taxonomy IDs – 31,32,33,34,35,36,37,38,39,40,41,42,43,44,45,46,54,47,55,48,6,3,7,8,16,17,18,19,22,49,50,51,52,53,24,25,26,1,30
- Disable contextual matching – checked
- Disable contextual matching ONLY on attachments and custom post types –unchecked
- Output
- Heading of posts – <h3>Related Photographs</h3>
- Show when no posts are found – Display custom text (this is temp for texting)
- Custon text – No related photographs found
- Show post excerpt – unchecked
- Length of excerpt (in words) – 10
- Show date – unchecked
- Show author – unchecked
- Show primary category/term – unchecked
- Limit post title length (in characters) – 60
- Open links in new window – unchecked
- Add nofollow to links – unchecked
- Exclude display on these posts – blank
- Exclude display on these post types – all unchecked
- Exclude on Terms – blank
- Before the list of posts – <ul>
- After the list of posts – </ul>
- Before each list item – (one space)
- After each list item – (one space)
- Thumbnail
- Location of the post thumbnail – Display only thumbnails, no txt
- Thumbnail size – crp_thumbnail (150×150 cropped)
- Thumbnail width – 150
- Thumbnail height – 150
- Hard crop thumbnails – checked
- Generate thumbnail sizes – checked
- Thumbnail meta field name – post-image
- Get first image – checked
- Use default thumbnail? – checked
- Default thumbnail – /wp-content/plugins/contextual-related-posts/default.png
- Styles
- Related Posts style – Grid
- Feed
- Number of posts to display – 6
- Show post excerpt – unchecked
- Loation of the post thumbnail – Do not display thumbnails, only text
- Thumbnail width – 250
- Thumbnail height — 250
option_name = 'medium_crop'
option_name = 'large_crop'
option_name = 'ald_crp_settings'
DISTINCT t.term_id
wp_terms AS t
JOIN wp_term_taxonomy AS tt
t.term_id = tt.term_id
JOIN wp_term_relationships AS tr
tr.term_taxonomy_id = tt.term_taxonomy_id
tt.taxonomy IN ('post_tag')
tr.object_id IN (2275)
post_id, meta_value
= 'crp_post_meta'crp_exclude_post_ids()
JOIN wp_term_relationships
(wp_posts.ID = wp_term_relationships.object_id)
( wp_posts.post_date <= '2023-10-24 10:18:08' )
wp_posts.ID NOT IN (865,2275)
( wp_posts.ID NOT IN (
term_taxonomy_id IN (31,32,33,34,35,36,37,38,39,40,41,42,43,44,45,46,54,47,55,48,6,3,7,8,16,17,18,19,22,49,50,51,52,53,24,25,26,1,30) )
wp_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id IN (397,658) )
wp_posts.post_type = 'post'
((wp_posts.post_status = 'publish'
wp_posts.post_status = 'inherit'))
BY wp_posts.ID
BY wp_posts.post_date DESC
0, 18
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Contextual Related Posts] help with getting to workI’m sorry…I don’t know what query monitor is. In the meantime, it suddenly seems to be working. As I went through and jotted down all the settings, I made a few changes, and now it definitely seems to be working…until I try to exclude terms. Is there a limit to how many you can exclude? If I do one or two, it works, but when I try to do all the ones I want (39 right now), it stops working again.
At least we’re making progress ??Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Contextual Related Posts] help with getting to workAjay, thanks for the quick response. I have definitely tried this. Any other suggestions would be very welcome. I like how CRP looks on my site, and I really want to make it work the way I was hoping, but right now, it’s still only pulling from the titles, so if there’s no other title with matching words, there are no related posts showing.
I’m happy to share my settings and screenshots if that helps.- This reply was modified 1 year, 5 months ago by Josh.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Exifography] hide data in certain postsIt was simpler than that. I created a shortcode in my functions.php file and placed it in a text widget where the EXIF data is displayed. After trying what you said, I remembered that I did that and saw that I hard-coded that location appear. Once I removed that, it worked just fine.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Exifography] hide data in certain posts@steve92 thanks for the tip. unfortunately it seems that with “location” checked or not, it still shows the location.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: search pageyea…I understand very little…like I said, I’m teaching myself.
Sadly, I have no money to hire anyone. This is a personal blog that I maintain for fun and to teach myself…but I think I was looking in the wrong place…I just looked through the template-parts folder, and I do see a search file there…i think that was the key piece I was missing…I’m going to go tinker a but in that file and see what happens.
I know nothing, and it takes me a 1000 times longer than it should…but it keeps me out of trouble ??
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: search page@corrinarusso Thanks again. I do actually use MMAP…been using it for a number of years. What you say is exactly what I do, and I’ve learned a fair amount over the years. I have no computer training, but i have fun trying and teaching myself ??
So as far as this goes, it’s not so much a matter of figuring out which template or the hierarchy. I basically understand that, and I know which template is being used (the search.php file in the parent theme). The issue I have is that it doesn’t look like the rest of the theme, and I want the search results to look like everything else in the theme. So my issue is figuring out how to show the search results in the same fashion as the rest of the site.
The site is a photoblog, so all the other pages are heavy on graphics and show the pics…if you click on a category for example, the results line up and look just like the main page, with the pics showing up in 3 rows with 4 pics per row. Likewise, if you click on a tag, it looks the same. If you click on “Home” and go to the front page, it shows the same, but with the 12 newest images posted.
However, when you search for something, the results are simply a list of titles and hyperlinks (it also shows the date/time posted and who posted it…I know enough to adjust that part), but it doesn’t show any pictures, and instead of the columns and rows, it’s just a list of hyperlinked words. I want the search results to look like the other pages…so the search results end up wiht 3 rows of 4 columns of thumbnails just like the front page, and the categories pages and the tags pages.
I’m reaching out to the creator, but I don’t think this theme is being supported much. I’ve posted a few questions on the support forum, and never got any responses, so I’m thinking it’s on my to figure it out ??
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: search page@corrinarusso Thanks. I do have a child theme already set, and as I’m tweaking it, I’m trying to get the search results page to look like all the other pages…the current layout looks nothing like the rest of the site. There is a search.php file in the parent theme, so I know which file to edit…I’m just not really sure HOW to edit it. My coding skills are very limited, so I guess I was hoping that someone could tell me if I could take the tag.php file, copy it, change X code to call the search results, and rename it search. php, and that would do the trick.
I really need to take some coding classes ??
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: search pageThanks, I did start there, but nothing on their website, and it’s an older theeme…it seems that it’s not supported anymore.
Honestly, I was hoping it would be something as simple as telling the search template to use the content template to display. It’s never that simple, though, is it?
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: adjusting excerpts starting point@binarywc and anyone else interested in this…
I found it. I knew there had to be a way to tell WordPress to ignore x words before beginning the excerpt. If you’re interested, here’s what I found.
function custom_excerpt() { $text = get_the_excerpt(); //Assigns the excerpt to $text $text = str_replace("Word1_to_replace","", $text); // replacing the word with empty string $text = str_replace("Word2_to_replace","", $text); $text = str_replace("Word3_to_replace","", $text); return $text; } add_filter('the_excerpt', 'custom_excerpt');
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: adjusting excerpts starting pointOK. Thanks. The more tag will only cut off the excerpt at a certain place, not start it as far as I understand.
If you can tell WordPress to count a certain number of words before stopping the excerpt, there’s got to be a way to get it to count a certain number of words before it begins to display the excerpt.
I’ll keep digging. Thanks for your suggestions. I do appreciate it.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: adjusting excerpts starting point@binarywc thanks again. I’m thinking I may not be explaining what I’m looking for right (I get that a lot ?? )
so, let’s say that every post begins with “Good Morning Team, I hope everyone is doing well and you’re all ready for work.” I don’t want every excerpt on the front page to look the same, so I want the excerpt to start with the second sentence so each one will be unique. I could go in and manually copy and paste every entry into the excerpt section, but that would greatly increase the workflow. I was hoping there might be some code I could dump into my theme that basically says “grab the first 55 words of the post starting at work 25 and going through word 80.” Does that make sense?
So the post would be:
Good Morning Team, I hope everyone is doing well and you’re all ready for work. Today’s mission is to increase productivity 10 fold and keep smiles on everyone’s faces.
Instead of the exceprt being
Good Morning Team, I hope everyone is doing well and you’re all ready for work…
It would start with
Today’s mission…
Does that make sense?
Thanks again
- General