Hi Robert,
Thanks for the quick reply. In my case MAP LDAP Group to wordpress Roles and LDAP Groups override role of existing users are enabled and StartTLS is disabled.
Enable Authentication via LDAP? : enable
Debug AuthLDAP? : enable
Do not authenticate existing WordPress-Users : disable
Map LDAP Groups to wordpress Roles? : enable
LDAP URI: ldap://cn=admin,dc=webd,dc=lan:ldap4ssword@localhost/dc=webd,dc=lan
Filter : uid=%s
User-Read : enable
Name-Attribute : cn
Second Name Attribute : sn
User-ID Attribute : uid
Mail Attribute : mail
Default Role : Contributor
LDAP Groups override role of existing users? : enable
Group-Base : ou=grupos,dc=webd,dc=lan
Group-Attribute : gidNumber
Group-Filter : (&(objectclass=posixAccount)((!(uid=%s)(mail=%s)))
This is all the information I added to the plugin. I can connect but Role for the new user created is comes from Default Role instead from LDAP.