9 years, 3 months ago
Stephen i’m going try to learn how to use firebug.
I let you know if there is any progress. Thank you
I’m not familiar with any web inspecting tool.
I’ve tried to force refresh my browser but anything happens.
Are there anyone who can help me. It would be be grateful.
aaal it doesn’t work.
Stephen, yes i’ve entered the exact code that you gave me. My host is caching my site.
Stephen here is the link with the screenshot. Hope it helps.
Stephen that custom CSS that you gave me unfortunately didn’t work. As i said before a can’t post a link to the website.
I’m talking about the page title that appears on each page below the topbar.
Sorry Stephen but the site is not published yet, so i can’t do that.
If you could help me without that, i’ll be grateful.