Forum Replies Created
Mea culpa actually guys.I was not pushing as integer actually. It is working now. Thanks :).
I did send as an array, but I get the following error in the REST api response: post_category[0] is not of type integer.
params: {
title:?Hotel Sleep Nice,
post_category:? [10,2],
- This reply was modified 1 month, 3 weeks ago by jormarques.
Hi @alexrollin,
I did, but it was not working, so was waiting for confirmation, because unfortunately making dynamic API requests with different days takes too much unnecessary coding to remove closed days and write 00:00.
[“Mo 00:00-00:00”],[“UTC”:”+0″,”Timezone”:”UTC”].
For “00:00-00:00”, it seems, it needs a specific “-” and for closed, it’s better to use: [“Mo 00:00-00:00, Tu -“],[“UTC”:”+0″,”Timezone”:”UTC”] than to send empty data since code compilation will be faster.
Thanks for the reply, have a good weekend.Hi,
Any update regarding this? Thank you.
So far it’s working well with 24h format, but there’s still couple of issues, I have users that add the hours as:
“Open 24 hours”, or “Closed”.
What format/values should I convert to before sending the data? Thank you.
Will make some more tests but it seems with the 24hour format is working properly.
Hi @alexrollin ,
Thanks a lot and for the quick reply :), it worked perfectly. Yesterday I tried using the EDIT, but it was not working, in the ADD it works perfectly, I will see what is wrong with my EDIT request, Thank you once again :). Have a great day.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Comment Images Reloaded] Inline block in mobile deviceGreat, worked like a charm! Looking good now the images :). Thank you very much.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Comment Images Reloaded] Request – add comment into media files datavbaseHi,
I up vote also for this, it would be great to have text in the images, when users upload image it would at least show some text like in galleries. this is the best images plugin so far, so gonna follow this one closely, Donations and beers on me :D.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Comment Images Reloaded] Put images aligned next to each otherHi,
Thanks a lot, works like a charm :).
Best, JMForum: Plugins
In reply to: [Comment Images Reloaded] Put images aligned next to each otherThank you very much for this, don′t know if possible, but can I apply border radius to the pictures? Tried:
p.comment-image-reloaded {
display: inline-block;
border-radius: 20px;
}but doesn′t work. Looking forward for new developments here.
Thank you very much.