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Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Import Export Suite for CSV and XML Datafeed] Conflict with WP_DEBUGOK but by default the plugin disables debug output when activated. What if I bulk activate it on 100 sites? I’m not going to manually re-enable debug mode in the plugin page > settings > additional features a hundred times.
I think the point of WordPress having WP_DEBUG on is so that debug output is shown, the plugin is interfering with that expected behavior. I suggest you change that.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Import Export Suite for CSV and XML Datafeed] Conflict with WP_DEBUGThose functions shouldn’t be used lightly in plugin releases, it messes up everyone’s debugging. Unfortunately you’re not the only plugin doing it…
So for others who read this consider disabling the ini_set and error_reporting functions completely, at least on production.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Import Export Suite for CSV and XML Datafeed] Conflict with WP_DEBUGI found that your plugin (also) interferes in the opposite way. index.php:49-50 has
error_reporting(0); ini_set('display_errors', 'Off');
which turns off my php errors >:(
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Media Library Assistant] mla_galery thumbnails are too small.Hi David, sorry for the delay.
I implemented the example plugin code in my theme functions.php (with slight modifications) and it works as expected. (I included your copyright/license comment.)
I feel like the mla_viewer_caption param could be native in the shortcode but up to you.
Thanks again!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Media Library Assistant] mla_galery thumbnails are too small.Oh one more Q. Is there a way to include a caption only for the PDF icons? It seems mla_caption will apply to everything. Thanks!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Media Library Assistant] mla_galery thumbnails are too small.OK. I installed dev version 2.01 20150206.
With mla_viewer=true on, PDF icons display only for PDFs, which is nicer than before so thanks.
Let’s see what happens with
also, this article mentions ImageMagik have you considered that? I didn’t look too deeply into it.Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: your host may have disabled the mail() function.I’m having the same problem. Perhaps this is an answer/workaround
I wished the wp support could give a more clear answer since AWS is such a big host/provider.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Media Library Assistant] mla_galery thumbnails are too small.Sounds great. Thanks for going out of your way in mentioning these very interesting alternatives or additions. PDF Embedder sounds ideal, I signed up for their newsletter.
For now we will have to live with the lack of doc thumbnails in mla_gallery . The rest of the plugin is still very much a uniquely useful tool.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Media Library Assistant] mla_galery thumbnails are too small.Yes, when downgrading the broken images will be displayed. I kept the newer version and removed the mla_viewer param, and indeed I get the document titles instead which is a more graceful degradation.
Could the icon size only apply to documents so that we get the PDF logo, for example, but just for PDFs?
Ideally a live thumb of the doc would be great. I will look around to see if I find anything useful we can incorporate here.
Q. For the longer-term, do you think we should worry about Google further changing or discontinuing their doc viewer?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Media Library Assistant] Thumbnails not displayingThere may be an unexpected side-effect to this workaround. Please see Thanks
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WordPress MU Domain Mapping] Bad password reset linkTrue, there’s this which could be added to the theme or an additional plugin.
I suggest that to avoid such complication your plugin adds this filter automatically since it already knows what domain name my site is trying to use ??
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Geolocation IP Detection] Where is the reverse proxies option?Oh thanks that makes sense. I didn’t see it before because I was checking in an environment without reverse proxies but in the one with proxies the checkbox does show up. Thanks
Awesome, thanks for the alternative workaround! You’re very responsive and helpful as usual. Cheers and no worries, we can operate around this issue. As a WP developer myself I understand there are limitations in the system which are pretty hard to overcome.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Acunetix WP Security] Your plugin has known vulnerabilities.Great! I will update right away.
Hey David,
Sorry for the super late reply.
Thanks a lot for the files. I did try this version but didn’t notice any difference. An
tag with a href value in quotes still breaks my HTML. Using single quotes works ok. I don’t mind marking this as resolved (with a workaround, in my case).p.s. Thanks for the recommendation about removing my captontag tag. Did so. Honestly I don’t remember why I had that twice.