Forum Replies Created
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Adding a category__in to a tax_queryMeaning its resolved
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Adding a category__in to a tax_queryNevermind…
I am a fool,
You can just replace the term with the child of that term and it will filter correctly. So if ‘action’ is divided up in ‘funny-action’ and ‘scary-action’, you can actually just use one of the latter two…Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Rich Text Tags] Inserted text is not displayed on taxonomy childrenIs this a common problem? Or am I the only one that gets this empty boxes? Is this a feature that can be fixed in future updates?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP eCommerce] mass edit pricesHey Gmet,
thanks for your response. I forgot to post I found this plugin also. You are right about the styling of this page, I hope it’s ironic. Anyways, this plugin seems to be quite good although not cheap, I have to admit it’s pretty feature rich.
But there is really no competition it seems, this is until so far the ONLY plugin that can do this, which in my perception is strange. Mass price mutation options are something many store owners are in need of.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Outside the loop Category name with linkHey gopalb123,
don’t know if you’ve already solved this problem, since the last reply was 10 months ago. But this is for any other people running into this problem. You’ve made 2 mistakes in your syntax. You forgot an echo before the category_link and you are placing the ID in the category link call between quotes. So if you do it like so:
<a href="<?php echo get_category_link(23); ?>"><?php echo get_the_category_by_id(23); ?></a>
it will work
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Timely All-in-One Events Calendar] Stuck during updateHey Socialboost,
I actually took the by myself dreaded approach after backing up de database. I threw the plugin files off and wordpress was it’s old self again. All the timely tables are still in the database, so I’ll need to figure a way to either re-install a new version (did you manage to re-install afterward?) or forget about it and just get another plugin + get rid of the plugin related tables in the database.
It is really unforntunate that my folder got swiped though. I know you are supposed to back up tour sh*t, but this is quite brutal. Cruel even, I would say
Hey Dimitri,
here’s what you do. Open Leaflet.js. Find
after the ; you can place your code, for instance:var styles=[ {elementType: 'labels.text.fill', stylers: [ { visibility: 'on' }, { weight: 0.1 }, { color: '#000000' } ] } ] ; map.setOptions({styles: styles});
make sure you place this before the next var (which is called var_this=this;this._reposition=google.maps.event)Hope this helps, good luck!
You’re welcome bra’
Thanks for the plugin! It kicks *ss
Hey Robert,
I figured it out. You can write in leaflet.js at the // Google Maps plugin// line 12. You have to slightly change the syntax of the JSON, but it works like a charm. I think it can easily be set to selection options in the admin, even cooler would be a script that corrects the JSON syntax so you can paste whatever the google wizard gives you.
example of the code:
var styles=[{elementType:'geometry.fill', stylers:[{saturation:-100}]},] ; map.setOptions({styles: styles});
PS: with dirty i mean a piece of code I could write into one of the plugin files, instead of coloring the map with colored markers on my screen ??
Will do,
even if it’s only for the fact you have an amazing response time on these forum threads. Quite rare ??
to give you the right thing to go look at:
Just as an idea : you could maybe put this in the Google section of the plugin preferences (as you can probably guess I have been thinking quite extensively about this). It would be great if you would make a link to the above mentioned wizard page (with a blank target) so you can jump back and enter the line of code given to you at ‘show JSON’ somewhere in a designated field. Alternatively you could build your own wizard of course, but maybe it is easiest to just outsource that part ??
For now: can you keep me posted on your findings? Even a more ‘dirty’ solution would be a great help.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: getting taxonomy link without the termOw my god, I jus figured it out thanks to this link
Thank you Mark for just explaining a simple basic which I overlooked. Forgot the word ‘the’. Now this is the final thing:
<?php get_the_terms( $post->ID, 'project', ' ', ', ', ' ' ); foreach ($terms as $term) { echo get_term_link($term->slug, 'project'); };?>
How obvious!!
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: getting taxonomy link without the termstill have no solution, please anyone?
I found this bit of code in the codex and changed it a bit. It outputs ALL the inputs of a taxonomy and with just taking some stuff out it outputs the list of URLs
<?php $terms = get_terms('project'); echo '<ul>'; foreach ($terms as $term) { echo get_term_link($term->slug, 'project'); } echo '</ul>';?>
But it just won’t work to change it in a way that only outputs the taxonomy linked to that specific post, putting it this way
<?php the_terms( $post->ID, 'project', ' ', ', ', ' ' ); echo '<ul>'; foreach ($terms as $term) { echo get_term_link($term->slug, 'project'); } echo '</ul>';?>
only results in outputting the same as the first code, no URL but the full link (name+URL). It basically ignores part 2. Then I would think
echo get_term_link ( $post->ID, 'project', ' ', ', ', ' ' )
could maybe do it, but that just breaks the page…
I hope you can help me, can you help me please?
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: showing single posts from categories revisitedYou are my hero alchymyth,
works like a charm!
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Problems with VSlider, slider not changingHey Redconservatory,
You made my day! It wasn’t the exact same problem since I did not rename the vslider. But by firebugging I realised the timtumb makes a path to any folder in the contents folder. I had a custom folder for uploading images in the root. It just doesn’t link there if you don’t tell it how to…
Wow, how obvious….too obvious to figure it out…
thanks again (: