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a SHARE button and no fixing yet it says it all about this plugin
Even worse than the SHARE buttons not working recent listings continue to show on error status ‘We’re sorry, but we ran into a temporary problem while trying to load the real estate data. Please check back soon.’ using the same examples above:
click on all the recent listings here
we are talking months now and no fixing
maybe is about time for realtors using this plugin to join forces with all the realtor boards
deceptive advertising the plugin doesn’t deliver what it promises how come you are going to promise SEO when all new recent published listings are on error status internal server error and listings are not shareable on social media
– Ridiculous –Per wordpress there are 8,000+ active installations of this plugin at $50 a piece per month means just for the month of May (and counting) your company made approximately $400,000 for a service that didn’t work the entire month
Can you share with the community how much longer this devastating bug will last?
This is not about a single site support ticket as you are trying to make it this is an entire network of 8,000+ active installations, all of them showing lists of listings pointing to internal error pages.Hi Lindz,
You wrote this:As with all software, we do experience bugs / issues within the software from time to time. The issue that you are referring to is a known issue that is related specifically to listings that do not have photos. This is a high priority item that we are working to fix as quickly as possible.
This has been going on for a month or longer now and it is critical.
It happens to all new listings with or without photo.
What kind of company is this that hasn’t put out a public statement informing clients that you have a bug and new listings will show an error blank page?
Terrible for websites visitors and terrible for SEO getting those warnings from google that your site has too many errors.
Is Diverse Solutions issuing any type of reimbursement or refund to clients or are you going to keep collecting fees and keep acting like if nothing has happened to the core of the product?
Bugs and software issues happen, but taking longer than a month to figure it out impacting so many clients, imagine if you pay for cable tv and you don’t have tv for a month. Someone needs to look into this situation. Thank youAgree it seems tech support is on a never ending vacation you contacted them 11 days ago and nothing a paid plugin that relies on the plugin external server when that server is at half capacity denying access to recent listings you would expect at a minimum that the plugin owner will issue a public notice warning users that the server is on unstable status and to issue a refund to paid users
This is a network issue that impacts all sites using this plugin recent listings will never show at first i see users keep complaining about the issue and tech support as usual on vacation while the owner keeps charging everybody assuming just a few will complain FRAUD!!!Have fun clicking on the listings same listings same plugin provider and this is only a couple of websites on a network with thousands of Realtors nationwide