Forum Replies Created
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Unlock Protocol] ShortcodesI get which allows me to create a shortcode from the lock block when saved as a reusable block. Wich works how it should.
Now I’m trying to figure out how is working the login button, How can i display login with the crypto wallet button on other than wp-login page? Can i create a link that will open unlock login page?Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Roadmap - Product Feedback Board] Reset board events numberBrilliant thanks! I’m working on a new project and using again your plugin.
I’m trying to add a link in tasks but looks like HTML does not work any way I can add a link in the task title or description?Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Unlock Protocol] ShortcodesHi again I sort of answered my question about how to integrate the unlock block easily with elementor. will be amazing if you add a Telegram entry! Anyway, I decide to use RafflePress for my project and will add telegram as invent your own entry probably. Is it possible to change the icon and the colour of the invent your own entry with the telegram icon somehow?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WPSmartContracts] Display nfts in galleryHello thanks for the quick replay, my question is mostly for the featured images. When new nft is minted create custom post in wp how I can get the image of nft as featured image without doing it manually from backend. The plugin doesn’t provide many options for nft displaying just showing what is minted in the collection i need to use 3rd party plugins if i want to display different categories, tags and add search option for the custom posts. The problem i came across is there is no actual image in the description or futured image to display as a thumbnail
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WPSmartContracts] Display problem- This reply was modified 3 years, 4 months ago by jordanbg.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WPSmartContracts] Display problemOk the problem with the currency symbol is only when displaying with a shortcode I try on other wp installation same issue only with shorcode
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WPSmartContracts] Display problemI will create a separate WP installation dedicated to the marketplace only. Are there any recommended templates I can use?
I guess you working on shortcodes for nft marketplace will be good if can display NFTs in different categories like trending, new, featured ..I create Crowdfunding on BSC testnet but in a form showing ETH and minimum contribution ETH as well here is a screenshot
Do you plan to make new Token flavours, if you add some contract like safemoon or everrise with options for transaction fees, redistribution fees, buy back for hyper deflationary tokens will be great.