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  • JonWicks25


    Is this happening on every theme? Try selecting a different theme and see if the problem persists.



    Can you provide me with a link? I will have a look see if I can help

    Forum: Themes and Templates
    In reply to: nav bar


    first I would suggest using a child theme. See here on how to create a child theme.

    This basically means that if you update your theme you wont lose any changes you have made. also it means that if you make an error and break your site it’s a lot easier to fix / revert back to the original.

    Once you have set up your child theme you will need to make changes using styles.css. This file can be found at
    You can then fill thi stylesheet as much or as little as you like using CSS to change how certain parts / the complete site look



    it means there is a coding error in the file index.php on line 17

    It is a PHP error. You may have accidentally changed / deleted some code causing the problem



    You can achieve this by using wordpress menus.

    Dashboard > Appearance > Menus

    Use the custom links block on the left.

    Label: shop

    If you havent used menus before you should create one by name one in the larger block to the left and adding the pages or other custom links into the menu. You can drag/drop them into the order you would like them to appear and you can also indent them to say it is a child link of the link above (hope that makes sense)

    Simply then click save menu and then under the first block on the left “Theme Locations” Under Primary location select the newly created menu and click save



    Glad I could help, don’t forget to mark this post as resolved



    If you know how to use a FTP, simply connect to your site via your ftp.
    Then navigate to your:

    Where you can upload the functions.php file again just drag it from your computer into the ftp and it will replace the none working functions.php

    if you need to download the theme to get the functions.php theme here is the link so you don’t have to go searching for it

    Once you have done this i HIGHLY suggest you learn about child themes as this will help you learn wordpress and coding without causing Major problems like this one for yourself in the future



    Your welcome. Just double check you have “Allow people to post comments on new articles” turned on in
    Dashboard > Settings > Discussion

    or you will have to select allow posts for every new blog post. Unless you want it that way



    Yes you can enter HTML code but you need to make sure it’s in the correct place. Open the post/page you want to edit. Where you would normally type what you want to say just above and to the right you should see 2 tabs ‘Visual‘ and ‘Text‘ if you select Text then you can enter you html code, you can then click back to Visual editor and continue with your normal typing.

    Basically Visual is a WYSIWYG (what you see is what you get) editor works very similar to something like editing a document in Microsoft Word.

    Text is where you can enter html code, so if you know html and you would prefer to use that then the Visual editor you can do so.

    Hope that helps



    Just to check and point out the obvious. Have you got the settings enabled

    Dashboard > Settings > Discussion

    If not enabled enable them. You may also need yo ‘bulk edit’ current blog posts to allow commenting to do this

    Dashboard > Posts > All Posts >

    Tick/check posts you want to enable commenting on then where ‘Bulk Actions‘ is select edit and click ‘Apply‘ On the new bulk area that has appeared by comments select ‘Allow‘ and update.

    This may already be set correctly just a good starting point to check for the basic settings are enabled



    Hope these help, some have limitations but it they should either screenshot what is currently viewed in a browser, or show a page displaying exactly as specified browser

    I have used the last 2 for free, pretty good coverage if you want to check older browsers etc you have to pay. But i think spoon is completley free. Hope this helps



    Just visited both links and tried to visit /wp-admin on both URLs all seems fine here?



    Sorry yes my fault I Ment styles.css within A child theme not the parent template. My bad



    in your styles.css file you can edit

    .entry-header {
    	margin-bottom: 24px;
    	margin-bottom: 1.714285714rem;

    This is the class the controls the page title.

    Hope that helps? you might be able to put it in your plugin but I’m not sure if what plugin you are using so I can’t say if it will work witht hat specific plugin. The best way to to it is by editing the styles.css file



    FTP is File transfer protocol, a standard for the exchange of program and data files across a network.

    Its basically a programme that you can connect to your server with to upload / download and change files.

    There are different ways to change the permissions FTP is just my preferred method as esmi said is really useful on how to change permissions with different methods.

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