Jon Hardison
Forum Replies Created
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Responsive Lightbox & Gallery] upgrade to 1.7.0 broke gallery lightboxYep! Same here. This is a BIG problem for us. ??
@misskitty9470 – Did you also run the most recent WP update? No telling if that’s what did it. Either way…
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Posts in Page] Stickies to “top” (like WP default) and Filtering on ACF DataOkay, so I got the ACF business working so we can take that off the table.
Everything above was correct. I was just missing:
// show posts based on ACF file value if ( isset( $atts['ACF_status'] ) ) { $this->args['meta_value'] = $atts['ACF_status']; }
So now I can use the shortcode example above and filter the results down to only posts with the status of “dead”.
All that remains of my initial question is the lack of sticky post behavior in the generated rolls which I’d live LOVE some help with.
Thank you again!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Posts in Page] Stickies to “top” (like WP default) and Filtering on ACF DataNot a programmer type, but I looked through your plugin and see that I can specify an ACF meta_value.
protected function set_default_args() { $this->args = array( 'post_type' => 'post', 'post_status' => 'publish', 'orderby' => 'date', 'order' => 'DESC', 'paginate' => false, 'template' => false, 'label_next' => __( 'Next', 'posts-in-page' ), 'label_previous' => __( 'Previous', 'posts-in-page' ), 'meta_value' => '', 'none_found' => '', ); }
If I specify the value I’m looking for I get the results I’m expecting but that turns your awesome plugin into a single use doodad. LOL!
I’d prefer to also do something like,
/ Show specific ACF Post Status if ( isset( $atts['meta_value'] ) ) { $this->args['meta_value'] = $atts['ACF_status']; }
So I can use your shortcode like:
<?php echo do_shortcode( '[ic_add_posts showposts="12" category="A thing I'm working with" ignore_sticky_posts="no" ACF_status="dead"]' ); ?>
But I guess I’m missing something important cuz that’s not close to working. ??
Again, anything you can think of would be appreciated.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Posts in Page] Can’t share featured imagesThis won’t have anything to do with this plugin. This’ll be an OpenGraph issue.
Best thing to do is to use JetPack or an OpenGraph plugin if you don’t want to mess with JetPack (it can be a bit much).Most of them will resolve this out of the box.
Oh! Also make sure you’re specifying a featured image in your posts.If you don’t, your theme can do whatever it wants and gum up the works – which is what it sounds like is happening now.
Good luck!
The old connection flow thing worked.
I was having the same issue as everyone else and wasn’t using a caching plugin.Thank you, @lschuyler!
You lifesaver, you!Hey there!
It’s fixed. I found the previous support request by @treasureseason wherein he described the same situation and tried your solution, which sort of worked.
It’s acting as it should on desktop but iOS is still a mess.
FYI: We’re using Popup Maker to display before & afters via a CodeCanyon plugin called Before and After Slider (not a slider).They’re working in some situations and not others.
Example: The standard class selector seems to work fine.
But a[href$=”#id_name”] doesn’t produce the expected result.Stranger still is that rotating the device (changing the screen size) causes the content of the pop-up to be displayed properly?
Which is the problem I figured we’d already fixed.So confused – I’m disabling these pop-ups on mobile and leaving it at that.
Just wanted you to know what I’d noticed with all this. ??Thank you again for the speedy reply!
Thank you for the speedy reply!
Checked on several browsers and there are no errors. Oddly enough, triggering the pop-up and resizing the window causes the pop-up to become visible?
How weird is that?Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Customer Reviews] Review Form doesn't displayAh ha! Okay. Do you think it was stay this way?
It feels like a stop-gap solution – which is fine. I’m just wondering if this will change in some future update so I know to look out for it.Thank you again. I’m done bugging you and really appreciate all your help!
Jon-Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Customer Reviews] Review Form doesn't displayOh, really? I had no idea! When I used your solution, above, I’d noted that there were two instances of reviews on the page so I removed the shortcode to stop that from happening.
I guess the changes to the plug-in seem a little alien to me as I’ve been using it for some time. What would what you’re recommending look like?
I’ll try to replicate your recommendation and see what happens.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Customer Reviews] Review Form doesn't displayThank you.
That did work. Well, kinda. ??The shortcode was better because we could still control lots of other stuff like the number of reviews displayed per paginated pages, etc.
I can certainly live like this – just thought it warranted consideration.
Thank you for your help gowebsoi!Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Raw HTML] Raw HTML breaks Visual Editor in GravityForms, ITRO Popup pluginI’m actually seeing this exact same error when using the EasyModal Plugin. The content ares is completely disabled as a result.
I was going to open a few ticket but recognized this as the same problem I was having. If you’d still like me to open a few ticket let me know and I will.
Thanx a bunch!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Titan Framework] ACK! Error After upgrade to 1.8LOL! I feel yeah. I’m a light user and haven’t had any problems for about the past 2 years. This was the first time anything has gone sideways for me.
I’m pretty happy with those stats.Seems the’ve come out with another update though. Off to go see what this is about…
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Titan Framework] ACK! Error After upgrade to 1.8I pulled the line and everything is back up so it’s not an emergency or anything, but wanted to make sure everyone was aware and that I implement a proper fix.
The file it’s looking for isn’t there, so…
Thanx for any assistance you can provide.
Crunky: I had one site that didn’t cooperate. I had to do it two or three times for it to work. The odd thing about that one was that it didn’t have the bad values in the plug-in like the rest.
I didn’t see it for exactly the reason mentioned above. ??