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Oh, and despite the errors, it did seem that the posts were actually being created as they appeared on the site and in the admin section however with no images or attachments.
Having re-enabled the plugins, I go back to the error ‘cheating’. coming up on submit and no errors showing in the console (presumably because the form is never getting to ‘submit’).
Hi prof,
OK, have worked through the list above.
I did 1 and 2 as instructed then tested in Firefox and Chrome (latest versions).
When trying to upload a featured image or attachment, I get the issues as previously reported – it uploads to 100% but then no thumbnail appears or attachment. Then, when submitting the form, both browsers now have ‘Please Wait’ just hanging and the Firefox Firebug console flags up an error which reads:
Load denied by X-Frame-Options: https://mysite/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php does not permit cross-origin framing.
Error: Permission denied to access property 'document'
The second error then points to line 11 in file jquery.form.min.js as the code error.
The Chrome browser throws up (on submit):
Refused to display 'https://mysite/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php' in a frame because it set 'X-Frame-Options' to 'SAMEORIGIN'.
As for the other bits, the inline editor won’t upload images and throws an error but you can select existing ones. The attachment and upload featured image as we have said don’t work properly either.
You can upload images in the wordpress media manager in the admin area however so it doesn’t seem to be a WP issue.
I have screen grabs of all the code errors but I wasn’t sure how to save log files from the console.
So, any thoughts?!
Hi prof,
Have updated your dev version 4.3 although support page in admin is still showing version as 4.2 – which I suppose could indicate I haven’t updated correctly. Although remote files show correct 4.3 version.
Anyway, I am getting the same issue as described above. I seem to think all my issues in this thread and the one before where we’ve been discussing are to do with permissions. The behaviour is as if I don’t have permissions to upload images or post. I am using plugin s2member but have tried disabling all plugins and still getting this CHEATING? message and no images will upload or select via the Add Media or the Upload button.
I have the same issue with 3.5.1 and even using professor99’s development fork version, the same problem exists.
If you try to upload a new image via the add media interface, any new image uploaded seems to upload and then an error messages appears in the right hand column saying an error uploading the item.
Equally, for the featured image upload, the percentage ticks up to 100% then the filename disappears and no preview thumbnail appears so I assume this is the same issue.
Prof – re fix one and two above, I can’t find any reference to set_post_thumbnail in wpuf-edit-post.php
All other code changes above that implemented but confused as to why I don’t have that function reference?
One other thing…
For the Featured Image Upload Image button on the WPUF Add Item form, there is a similar behaviour to the ‘upload image’ function via the insert media module.
Is the fix likely to resolve this issue at the same time i.e. are they truly connected?
Hi prof / gpspake,
I’m following all of the discussion above and understand the cause of the issue now. Had a gut feeling it was linked to the new insert media interface and how it behaves so good to now have identified the reason.
I will keep checking progress but thanks for your investigative work so far. I am toggling trying different solutions including changing the editor at least temporarily but would rather tweak the code to adjust the default behaviour and restore the default editor at some point.
Hi gpspake,
I’d be really very grateful if you could let me know if you have any luck with this. I’m not particularly capable with jQuery so any literal code edits would be appreciated if you do succeed.
I have a similar problem. In fact I’m having two issues surrounding uploading images.
1. I have enabled the upload image function for the Add Post form for WPUF and it seems to run through the motions of uploading an image (the status percentage shows ok and ticks up to 100%) but then having reached 100%, the status indicator disappears and there is no file name listed or shown (which I think there used to be with an option to remove). Then, when submitting the final post, the image is not included indicating that the upload maybe failed.
Then, trying to add a featured image a different way leads me onto the second issue (which must be connected).
2. The Add Media button above the post content input opens the media page successfully but then when uploading a new image, it uploads seemingly successfully but then throws up the following error message in the right side bar a second or so after… “Error: An error occurred in the upload. Please try again later.”
It would seem that 1 and 2 are actually the same problem but occurring via 2 different routes. All post publishing in the admin area works correctly including images / attachments etc.
I’m using the core 1.1 with no customisations.