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Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Fluid Video Embeds] pass variable to do_shortcode()I’m using a custom field to display a video using the shortcode in my single page template:
<?php // Get the video URL and put it in the $video variable $videoID = get_post_meta($post->ID, 'youtube_url', true); // Check if there is in fact a video URL if ($videoID) { echo '<div class="videoContainer">'; // Echo the embed code via oEmbed echo do_shortcode('[fve]' . $videoID . '[/fve]' ); echo '</div>'; } ?>
The “youtube_url” is what I put as the custom field and then I just put the youtube video ID/code (the alphanumeric part of the video url) whatever you want to call it as the variable.
For example I’d just put nGvOMUZrqVM in. You can obviously edit the code as you wish. I’m going to tinker with it in a bit to see if I can just put the whole url in so it should also work with vimeo. Don’t know if you ever worked it out but I was looking for this so thought I’d share if others got stuck.
Had another look into this myself and I’ve got a temp hack. I had to add the following to my CSS file.
.single-product .fve-video-wrapper { padding-bottom: 56.25% !important; } .single-product .fluid-width-video-wrapper iframe { height: 56.25%; }
However this puts the 4:3 video in a 16:9 player, while the same video on a blog post instead of a woocommerce product displays it in a correct 4:3 window. The force 16:9 aspect ratio isn’t ticked in the plugin settings.
At least the videos don’t look broken on the product pages now, though the ratio detection doesn’t seem to work.
Forum: Alpha/Beta/RC
In reply to: Live site automatically updated to an Alpha versionLots of sites that explain how to turn the updates on and off if you google, for example: Alpha/Beta/RC
In reply to: Live site automatically updated to an Alpha versionYeah it’s happened only on my site that I’ve got en_GB set on as well. Not needed to use localization on my other sites so those are just left to wordpress default iirc.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Infinite-Scroll] Does it work in woocommerce shop page??I’d create a new support thread then. I’ve no idea why you can’t see those buttons.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Infinite-Scroll] Does it work in woocommerce shop page??TwentyTwelve has presets already submitted in by others.
For that theme if there isn’t a pre-set already submitted, then you will have to manually work them out and enter them in the four boxes on the infinite scroll options in your wordpress admin.
Please note this thread is for using it with woocommerce. If you are just trying to set it up for posts in another theme, then I suggest creating a new thread. If you can’t work it out yourself then make sure you create a link to an installation using that theme and pershaps someone can take a look and help you work it out.
You could also try emailing the theme author for support.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Infinite-Scroll] Does it work in woocommerce shop page??You do it in the wordpress admin, there is no filepath and filename.
In your wordpress admin, go to the settings on the menu and then click on infinite scroll.
There are four boxes there to put the settings in. There is a screenshot of them on the plugins screenshot page:
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Custom Menu Filter Plugin] Simply not workingI can’t get it to work either in WP 3.8.1.
Again, pretty straight forward to set up following the steps in the FAQ.
Wanted to hide the Edit Account link from logged out users and the lost password link for logged in users. The classes show up correctly on the menu li, though both of the two menu items I wanted to hide are still showing for both logged in and logged out users.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Infinite-Scroll] Does it work in woocommerce shop page??I posted how to get it to work in another thread already using woothemes canvas.
Please note I don’t think these are universal settings and you may need to adapt them to your theme
#content #main ul.products
ul.products li.productUnfortunately it doesn’t work very well with the Ajax Layered Navigation woocommerce plugin, so if you are using inf scroll then you are probably not going to want to use that as well. Much to my annoyance. It does work seem to work fine with the standard in built layered nav widget though.
If you have these settings in, then you can’t also have it working on the blog page as well. (unless someone knows otherwise)
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Infinite-Scroll] Infinite Scroll – Presets for Canvas theme (Woothemes)This thread was for people using the canvas theme, it doesn’t appear that you are.
A quick look at your site though and I think you need to change the content selector to #main #content
If that doesn’t work though, I suggest making a separate thread as this will get confusing if people start posting on this thread asking about lots of different themes.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Infinite-Scroll] Infinite Scroll – Presets for Canvas theme (Woothemes)@1mihkel after looking at your site I’m surprised the above settings don’t work for you:
#content #main ul.products
ul.products li.productare you using those or have you got other settings? Maybe you have another plugin installed that is conflicting with it.
Those are Canvas theme settings nothing to do with woocommerce. Are you trying to get them on your site’s blog posts or the woocommerce products?
You need to check your themes css selectors, the way I did this for woocommerce was to go to one of the categroy pages that you want the finite scrolling on. Then inspect the page either using element inspector in chrome (right click or press f12) or using firebug in firefox.
The first selector should be for the content area of the page.
The second one is the selector on container div of the pagination or prev/next links.
The third one is the selector on the next link itself.
The last one is the selector for the container of a product rather than a post, I think this is standard for woocommerce and would be: ul.products li.productIf you are still stuck after trying various combos (it took me a few tries to get it working, especially the first content selector, then post a link to your site and I’ll see if I can help.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [wpMandrill] ManDrill and WoocommerceThanks Tareq,
It seems to work, though only if you aren’t using a template. I guess the best situation then is to customise the WC templates individually rather than trying to use MailChimp / Mandrill templates.
Then just save using templates for Mailchimp newsletters. Not the ideal set up but at least it works.
Hopefully more implementation documentation and options will get created going forward, the plugin does still suggest it is in beta and I’m liking it so far.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Fluid Video Embeds] youtube HD embedsI just tried adding &vq=hd1080 in line 73 and it seems to have done the trick.
return '<div class="fve-video-wrapper ' . $this->provider_slug . '" style="padding-bottom:' . $padding . ';"><iframe class="youtube-player" type="text/html" width="100%" height="100%" src="' . $this->meta['id'] . '?wmode=transparent&modestbranding=1&autohide=1&showinfo=0&rel=0&vq=hd1080" frameborder="0"></iframe></div>';
I just paste the standard youtube url from the browser address bar into the post.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Fluid Video Embeds] youtube HD embedsI would also like this feature please.