Forum Replies Created
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Twenty Seventeen Move Nav Menu To TopQuestion 24 on this page has a suggested method to move the navbar to the top. I’ve not tried it though.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Predictive Search for WooCommerce] Does Not Work!I did some testing as I thought it was probably a conflict with another plugin and I seem to have found the cause:
With this activated it stops the predictive search from working.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Predictive Search for WooCommerce] Does Not Work!This seems to have stopped working on my site though I’m not quite sure when this happened.
It doesn’t do any predictive search at all and it also no longer even finds any results for any searches either any more.
I’ve checked it’s all set up correctly (nothing has changed) removed and added the widget and tried deactivating and reactivating.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Affiliates] 500 Internal Error on Cart PageJust had a customer email me saying it happened again. I went to check and sure enough it was, disabled the affiliates plugin and it went away.
Is 96MB enough memory, what’s the ideal minimum?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Affiliates] 500 Internal Error on Cart PageI just activated the plugins again and it seems to be working fine now…
Not sure what was causing it then as I’ve not changed anything in the mean time.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Affiliates] 500 Internal Error on Cart PageLooks like it is set to 96 MB
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [reCaptcha by BestWebSoft] new checkbox ?I would also like this please.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Stripe for WooCommerce] Fatal Error class-s4wc-gateway.php on line 804The strange thing was it just started happening without any updates to wordpress or plugins etc. when other people had been ordering without problem.
I’m fairly sure all the people who’d got the error over the last 24 hours are ones who’ve already had an account (one hadn’t purchased before but had iirc signed up for the waiting list on a new product).
Hope this helps.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Stripe for WooCommerce] Fatal Error class-s4wc-gateway.php on line 804It happened every time a customer went to process their payment on the checkout page.
I believe the instances were all with people who had existing accounts but it may not be exclusive to them.
The payment did appear to go through if they reticked the T&C box and submitted payment again.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Stripe for WooCommerce] Fatal Error class-s4wc-gateway.php on line 804I’ve installed another plugin now due to this error ??
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Stripe for WooCommerce] Fatal Error class-s4wc-gateway.php on line 804Had a programmer friend of mine place an order and he also got the same error.
Says he thinks it was due to having spaces in either the card number or the expiry.
Got a patch that fixed the issue, just got to work out how to use tag maanger now…
Sure Thomas,
I’ve sent you an email via the contact form on your website with site details.
After posting I wondered if it was perhaps my settings in GTM. So I logged into my GTM account and deleted the two tags I’d made (for GA and for tracking transactions).
I still got the same error when the plugin was activated and deactivating it meant the subcategory links worked as expected.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Fluid Video Embeds] pass variable to do_shortcode()So I did some fiddling and I think the following code not only lets you use vimeo as well as youtube but is probably more simple for users as well as they can just put the whole url in the box.
<?php // Get the video URL and put it in the $video variable $videoID = get_post_meta($post->ID, 'video_url', true); // Check if there is in fact a video URL if ($videoID) { echo '<div class="videoContainer">'; // Echo the embed code via oEmbed echo do_shortcode('[fve]' . $videoID . '[/fve]' ); echo '</div>'; } ?>
I changed “youtube_url” to “video_url” as the custom field name. You can use pretty much whatever name you want though, as long as it matches your code.