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Figured this out. Client had sent over a corrupt database file. All is working. Sort of, but that’s another post for a different section
We actually have MySQL running on the Windows server, and Plesk automatically creates an SQL database, much like an automated service like Mojo Marketplace or Fantastico would when installing WordPress. The tutorials I found told me to take the SQL database (it’s literally “filename.sql”) and import it in PHPMyAdmin under the proper database that the site uses. That’s when I get that error.
I can create Databases manually in Plesk, and I’ve tried, but to no avail.
I was given these site files and this database file
How I’m supposed to take them and get their site up and running is what’s leading me to a road block. Did they not give me enough data to do that? Or am I going about this entirely the wrong way?
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Every page, front and back end, are all blankAlso marking this as resolved!
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Every page, front and back end, are all blankIT’S BACK! Thank you so much, you’re the man! Guess I need to upgrade the plugin if they’ve fixed it!
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Every page, front and back end, are all blankWell I’ll be. I’ll give the deletion a go and see what happens!
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Every page, front and back end, are all blankDuly noted, I’ll look into that. Thanks!
My hosting got back to me. I relayed to them all the stuff that’s been talked about in here. They just told me to rename the htaccess file, plugin folder, and theme folder to see if it fixed the issue, which I’ve done all that already, but I humored them and did it again anyways, with no luck.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Every page, front and back end, are all blankGotcha. Well, it brought up 244,000+ results. If I delete this what would that do, exactly? Like I said, super novice at this. Would this potentially fix the problem?
Also, since it’s tied to the galleries, I’m guessing, could the sheer volume of photos they added to their website without resizing them be the cause? They’ve got 21 galleries, most of them averaging 40-50 photos and all of them are in the 350KB-450KB range. So they’re pushing something in the ballpark of 340MB of photos on their site alone, which apparently a lot of people look at.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Every page, front and back end, are all blankRan that test code out, got this response:
#1146 - Table 'theatrf1_wor1.wp_options' doesn't exist
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Every page, front and back end, are all blankI’m a novice with PHP admin stuff…
1) What would that do, exactly?
2) Exactly how does one use that code to do what it needs to do? I have no clue what to do with it.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Every page, front and back end, are all blankSomething tell me that’s not good. For what it’s worth, for the 10’s of thousands of pages that it’s telling me I have, the majority of them look like this:
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Every page, front and back end, are all blankPHP My Admin says it’s showing 30 results per page and has the “Page Number” drop down selection box and the number it has me selecting at the end is 24,494. So it’s giving me 30 records for every page, and it’s telling me I have 24,494 pages with 30 records on each of those (except the last one).
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Every page, front and back end, are all blankI’ve already disabled the plugins by following WordPress’ directions by going into FTP and renaming the folder “plugins.hold” and now I’m in PHP My Admin but I’m not sure how to find what you’re asking me to look for. The wp-options table has like 24,000 pages… is that normal?
Not sure where I put that code you asked me to input in/find.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Every page, front and back end, are all blankI just checked the error logs and the most recent ones over the last few days are saying the following:
Perhaps that will help. It’s still saying the memory is exhausted and it started around the time the site apparently went down. It’s the same problem I had a couple months back. Before it was tied to the All-In-One Event Calendar. This time, however, I disabled the plugins and it still did nothing. It’s saying the most recent php errors are in wp-includes/option.php on line 149… line 149 says
$alloptions[$o->option_name] = $o->option_value;
For what it’s worth. Could this memory thing be an issue again? If so, what’s the cause for something like that? Bandwidth spikes? I’m not completely familiar with why memory usage issues occur or what the causes typically are for WordPress.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: WordPress, you have a problem? "virus"?Yeah, that appears to be what’s affecting my sites. Thanks for the heads up
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: WordPress, you have a problem? "virus"?Hmmmm, one of them was form Elegant Themes and they sent out a notice the other day but I git sidetracked and forgot about it. Looks like they use it. The other one I’m not so sure.
I used the Sucuri WordPress Check and it said everything was a-ok :/